[SciPy-Dev] Two sample one sided ks test pull request

marvin thielk marvintdeals at gmail.com
Tue Jul 4 10:58:05 EDT 2017


Happy 4th of July if you're in the US and happy day to the rest of you.

My name is Marvin and I am a computational neuroscience student at UCSD and
I implemented the two sample one sided ks test.

I was trying to use sp.stats.ks_2samp and needed a one sided version of the
test but the scipy version only implemented the two sided test.

I've implemented it and updated the existing ks_2samp in the style of the
existing ks_2samp and sp.stats.kstest.

It's backwards compatible and I've updated the documentation but not the
examples or unit tests.

I've implemented it to match the matlab implementation kstest2.

My pull request is located at: https://github.com/scipy/scipy/pull/7559

I was hoping I could get a quick code review of my pull request and figure
out what I need to do in terms of unit tests etc. in order to get this
hopefully straightforward pull request accepted.


P.S. This is my first pull request to a large open source project so
forgive any mistakes in protocol. I do know how to squash and rebase my
commits and can do that when I've finished with the all the required
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