[SciPy-Dev] More efficient spherical Voronoi algorithm

Malte Ziebarth malte.ziebarth at fmvkb.de
Tue Jul 25 06:56:33 EDT 2017

Dear Scipy developers,

during a project, I worked with spherical Voronoi tesselations. At the 
time I started, no python
implementation of the spherical Voronoi tesselations existed, so I 
started to implement one.

The algorithm I implemented is an existing Fortune's sphere variant 
which runs in O(N log N).
I figured this may be interesting to the Scipy library since the 
existing method is at least O(N^2).

You can find the code here:

In that compilation, there's also methods to calculate the Delaunay 
triangulation, convex hull,
and alpha shape of a point set on a sphere.

Now to my question: Are you interested in the Voronoi tesselation 
algorithm and possibly
some of the others as well? If so, I would start porting the code to 
scipy. In that case,
some style guidance from one of the more involved developers would be 

Malte Ziebarth

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