[SciPy-Dev] stats.hypsecant2

Andrew Nelson andyfaff at gmail.com
Thu Feb 1 23:15:38 EST 2018

Does anyone have any objections to adding a secant-squared distribution to
The CDF of this distribution (hyperbolic tangent) is frequently used for
modelling scattering data (see appendix A in
https://doi.org/10.1107/S1600576717013632, eqns 25 and 26).

CDF = 0.5 * {1 + tanh(pi * (x - loc) / 2 / sqrt(3) / scale)}
PDF = (pi / 4 / sqrt(3) / scale) * (cosh(pi * (x - loc) / 2 / sqrt(3) /

I'm guessing the name should be hypsecant2

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