[SciPy-Dev] SciPy 1.0 paper writing proposal

Stefan van der Walt stefanv at berkeley.edu
Fri Jan 26 02:44:29 EST 2018

On Sun, 21 Jan 2018 10:03:25 +1300, Ralf Gommers wrote:
>TL;DR, let's write the long journal paper on SciPy that we've wanted for a
>while, let's form a small committee to coordinate, and get it out the door
>in 2-3 months.

I'd love to see this realized.  Count me in for planning the overall
paper structure, organizing, and writing (perhaps the section on
ndimage, in collaboration with Jaime, Juan, and others?).

FWIW, when we wrote the scikit-image paper we borrowed the build tools
from the SciPy Conference Proceedings, which allowed us to write in ReST
(nice-looking GitHub diffs), and finally converting to LaTeX for the
journal.  At work, we've also been using Overleaf (online LaTeX editor)
with good success (the Git commit log may not be as pretty, but it's
very practical if you're willing to skip individual commit reviews).

Best regards,

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