[SciPy-Dev] Numba as a dependency for SciPy?

Pauli Virtanen pav at iki.fi
Thu Mar 8 04:38:51 EST 2018

Ralf Gommers kirjoitti 08.03.2018 klo 08:04:
> Also, I don't think performance will necessarily be unacceptable. There are
> a bunch of places in the existing code base where we can throw in @jit and
> get speedups basically for free. Performance in the noop case will then be
> what it is today - not great, but apparently also not enough of a problem
> that someone has attempted to go to Cython.

I guess you agree that Numba would regardless be declared a dependency 
in setup.py? People on unsupported arches can edit it away manually.

For computational tight loops operating on arrays when Numba is used as 
an alternative to Cython/C/Fortran, there probably will be a performance 
hit in the ballpark of 100x.

If we are planning to use numba features more fully, e.g. numba.cfunc 
e.g. to write callback functions, that would also require Numba as a 
hard dependency.


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