[SciPy-Dev] Adding Poisson Mean Test to SciPy

Mahendri Dwicahyo mahendri.md at gmail.com
Wed Jul 10 09:50:43 EDT 2019

Hello scipy-dev community,
I am Mahendri, an undergraduate student majoring in Computational
Statistics. I notice that as of now, SciPy does not have two sample mean
difference test from poisson distribution data. So I search for poisson
mean test and I am interested in E-test written by Krishnamoorthy and
Thomson because it has more power than its predecessor (C-test) and provide
the code. The paper also quite popular with 126 citations. The code is
written in Fortran but I am able to port that into python. The python
implementation have dependencies for numpy and scipy.stats.poisson, the
loop is removed and odd behavior found at original code is solved. Do you
think it is possible to incorporate the test into SciPy?

Thank you

Mahendri Dwicahyo
Computational Statistics, Polytechnic of Statistics STIS-BPS
15.8727 at stis.ac.id | mahendri.md at gmail.com
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