[Scipy-organizers] Mini symposia

Kristen Thyng kthyng at gmail.com
Fri Feb 14 13:52:20 EST 2014

Thanks for the explanation, Katy. I see what you mean, and that makes
sense. I agree that this sort of community (ocean/atmos/etc) is getting a
lot of time at the conference, which, of course, I think is great :)


On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 12:32 PM, Katy Huff <katyhuff at gmail.com> wrote:

> Sounds great!
> Katy
> On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 10:31 AM, Jonathan Rocher <jrocher at enthought.com>wrote:
>> Sorry Katy, my email was probably not worded correctly. I am not
>> complaining and was just asking what conclusion was reached. What you are
>> describing sounds excellent. And like you say, now we will need to make
>> abstracts rain in. I will drum up all the people I know. Agreed with Andy
>> too that a bof could serve as a catalyst for getting them all in the same
>> room.
>> Peace and love :)
>> Jonathan
>> On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 12:19 PM, Katy Huff <katyhuff at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> There was a lot of discussion. Much of it was between Serge and myself,
>>> but some was on the list and some was on the associated github issue.
>>> Indeed, Kristen helped us arrive at a main theme name that would do more to
>>> include things like Atmospherics and Meteorology and Oceanography and
>>> whatnot. We decided this:
>>> This year we have two special main themes:
>>>    - "Geospatial Data and Science" and
>>>    - "Scientific Computing Education."
>>> Additionally, there are six domain-specific mini-symposia:
>>>    - "Geophysics,"
>>>    - "Astronomy and Astrophysics,"
>>>    - "Bioinformatics",
>>>    - "Imaging, Vision, and Visualization,"
>>>    - "Digital Social Science,"
>>>    - and "Engineering".
>>> Much of the logic came from the survey you sent from last years
>>> conference, Jonathan. We didn't want to have too many of the same symposia
>>> twice in a row and the AOS/Meteorology symposium seemed popular enough that
>>> it should be considered as a main theme.  Finally, GIS people felt left out
>>> last year, so we thought the main Geospatial Data and Science theme would
>>> actually *highlight* people in Atmospherics and Oceanography. We also
>>> thought that geophysics would help to completely cover people in
>>> atmospherics and whatnot who don't think of themselves as a geospatial
>>> science. So... your field seems really heavily covered by the themes (all
>>> told your field will probably have to come up with ~50 abstract
>>> submissions). I'm a little surprised you guys want a domain symposium
>>> too...? You can't have the whole conference!
>>> I don't know... there is also the "general" track if that kind of work
>>> doesn't qualify as "Geospatial Science"?
>>> Katy
>>> On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 10:04 AM, Jonathan Rocher <jrocher at enthought.com
>>> > wrote:
>>>> I did hope for a Atmospheric and Oceanic science symposia as well (and
>>>> just advertized for SciPy at the Python symposium as AMS<http://annual.ametsoc.org/2014/index.cfm/programs-and-events/conferences-and-symposia/fourth-symposium-on-advances-in-modeling-and-analysis-using-python/>).
>>>> I must have missed the discussion, I am sorry. What has been decided for
>>>> the mini-symposia? Did we do a poll again this year?
>>>> I will post something on pyAOS.org to encourage people to submit to
>>>> these alternate tracks.
>>>> Sorry for following this better!
>>>> Jonathan
>>>> On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 11:45 AM, Katy Huff <katyhuff at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Honestly, I do think it's too late. We did hope, just as you're
>>>>> suggesting,
>>>>> that the Geospatial Data in Science one would provide a home for a lot
>>>>> of
>>>>> oceanography and atmospherics stuff. Maybe some atmospherics will end
>>>>> up
>>>>> geophysics too, as you suggest. Sorry!
>>>>> On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 8:30 AM, Kristen Thyng <kthyng at gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> > Hey folks,
>>>>> >
>>>>> > I imagine it is too late to ask this, but is there room in the
>>>>> schedule for
>>>>> > an atmospherics/oceanography mini symposium? I think it was
>>>>> well-attended
>>>>> > last year and that there would still be interest. If not, we'll
>>>>> probably
>>>>> > choose one of the others to be a part of (geophysics, or generally
>>>>> in the
>>>>> > geospatial theme).
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Kristen
>>>>> >
>>>>> > --
>>>>> > Kristen M. Thyng
>>>>> > Postdoctoral Research Associate
>>>>> > Department of Oceanography
>>>>> > Texas A&M University
>>>>> > http://kristenthyng.com
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>>>>> > Scipy-organizers at scipy.org
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>>>>> --
>>>>> http://katyhuff.github.com
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> Scipy-organizers mailing list
>>>>> Scipy-organizers at scipy.org
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>>>> --
>>>> Jonathan Rocher, PhD
>>>> Scientific software developer
>>>> Enthought, Inc.
>>>> jrocher at enthought.com
>>>> 1-512-536-1057
>>>> http://www.enthought.com
>>> --
>>> http://katyhuff.github.com
>> --
>> Jonathan Rocher, PhD
>> Scientific software developer
>> Enthought, Inc.
>> jrocher at enthought.com
>> 1-512-536-1057
>> http://www.enthought.com
> --
> http://katyhuff.github.com

Kristen M. Thyng
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Department of Oceanography
Texas A&M University

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