[Scipy-organizers] Women Who Code

Andy Ray Terrel andy.terrel at gmail.com
Mon May 19 14:09:39 EDT 2014

Hello Paula,

Sorry you missed the deadlines for sponsorship.  The discount codes
will go out as soon as everything is finalized. Right now they are set
to be about 15% of the general session code (so better than the early
bird discount of 10%). In the past the discount codes went out after
the end of early bird and weren't available to be used in combination.

-- Andy

On Sun, May 18, 2014 at 10:18 PM, Paula A <prpca1999 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear organizers,
> I'm a geologist with some python skills. I would love to participate of
> Scipy for the first time, but I will have to completely fund myself (it
> seems now too late to try to apply for sponsorships). I organize meetups
> for the pyladies in SF, and I'm also a member of Women Who Code. I have
> contacted both organizations about possible registration discounts, and WWC
> replied by saying there will be a discount, but they don't have yet the
> information. I urge this information be released before the end of the
> early bird registration, please! Would this be possible? I'd love to go
> ahead and firm up plans. A discount will make a difference for me.
> Best,
> Paula Regina Alves.
> --
> Sent from Gmail Mobile
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