[Scipy-organizers] Late Talk Submission

Jill Cowan jillcowan1 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 20 22:11:27 EDT 2015

FYI-Responded April 16th

On Sat, Apr 11, 2015 at 10:22 PM, Chris Moody <moody at stitchfix.com> wrote:

> Dear Conference committee,
> Unfortunately, I missed yesterday's talk deadline -- my apologies, but
> could you please still consider the following talk submission? I can no
> longer submit this online and so I've copied the text below and included a
> PDF of my talk if it helps!
> Thank you so much for your consideration,
> Chris Moody
> Brief description:
> Standard natural language processing (NLP) is a messy and difficult affair.
> I'll speak about theory behind the word2vec algorithm and how Stitch Fix
> uses this and LDA to digest and action on text. At the end I'll segue into
> wildly creative extensions that carry word2vec from text and into the
> domain of graph theory, translations, and sequence learning.
> Detailed abstract:
> Standard natural language processing (NLP) is a messy and difficult affair.
> It requires teaching a computer about English-specific word ambiguities as
> well as the hierarchical sparse nature of words in sentences. At Stitch
> Fix, word vectors help computers learn from the raw text in customer notes.
> Our systems need to identify a medical professional when she writes that
> she "used to wear scrubs to work" and distill "taking a trip" into a Fix
> for vacation clothing. Applied appropriately, word vectors are dramatically
> more meaningful and more flexible than current techniques and let computers
> peer into text in a fundamentally new way. I'll speak about word2vec and
> related techniques and will try to convince you that word vectors give us a
> simple and flexible platform for understanding text.
> See this interactive blog post for more material:
> http://technology.stitchfix.com/blog/2015/03/11/word-is-worth-a-thousand-vectors/
> You can also see a preview of my talk here:
> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/206140/temp/Word%20Vectors.pdf
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