[Scipy-svn] r2589 - in trunk/Lib: io sandbox/xplt

scipy-svn at scipy.org scipy-svn at scipy.org
Mon Jan 22 20:09:10 EST 2007

Author: matthew.brett at gmail.com
Date: 2007-01-22 19:08:11 -0600 (Mon, 22 Jan 2007)
New Revision: 2589

Added back fopen class pending discussion, modified xplt to use ndarray constructor instead of fopen, eliminating use of fopen in scipy distribution

Modified: trunk/Lib/io/__init__.py
--- trunk/Lib/io/__init__.py	2007-01-22 21:29:50 UTC (rev 2588)
+++ trunk/Lib/io/__init__.py	2007-01-23 01:08:11 UTC (rev 2589)
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 from numpyio import packbits, unpackbits, bswap, fread, fwrite, \
 from mio import *
+from fopen import *
 from recaster import sctype_attributes, Recaster
 from array_import import *
 from data_store import *

Added: trunk/Lib/io/fopen.py
--- trunk/Lib/io/fopen.py	2007-01-22 21:29:50 UTC (rev 2588)
+++ trunk/Lib/io/fopen.py	2007-01-23 01:08:11 UTC (rev 2589)
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+## Automatically adapted for scipy Oct 05, 2005 by convertcode.py
+# Author: Travis Oliphant
+import struct, os, sys
+import types
+from numpy import *
+import numpyio
+LittleEndian = (sys.byteorder == 'little')
+_unit_imag = {'f': array(1j,'F'), 'd': 1j}
+__all__ = ['fopen']
+def getsize_type(mtype):
+    if mtype in ['B','uchar','byte','unsigned char','integer*1', 'int8']:
+        mtype = 'B'
+    elif mtype in ['S1', 'char', 'char*1']:
+        mtype = 'B'
+    elif mtype in ['b', 'schar', 'signed char']:
+        mtype = 'b'
+    elif mtype in ['h','short','int16','integer*2']:
+        mtype = 'h'
+    elif mtype in ['H','ushort','uint16','unsigned short']:
+        mtype = 'H'
+    elif mtype in ['i','int']:
+        mtype = 'i'
+    elif mtype in ['I','uint','uint32','unsigned int']:
+        mtype = 'I'
+    elif mtype in ['u4','int32','integer*4']:
+        mtype = 'u4'
+    elif mtype in ['f','float','float32','real*4', 'real']:
+        mtype = 'f'
+    elif mtype in ['d','double','float64','real*8', 'double precision']:
+        mtype = 'd'
+    elif mtype in ['F','complex float','complex*8','complex64']:
+        mtype = 'F'
+    elif mtype in ['D','complex*16','complex128','complex','complex double']:
+        mtype = 'D'
+    else:
+        mtype = obj2sctype(mtype)
+    newarr = empty((1,),mtype)
+    return newarr.itemsize, newarr.dtype.char
+class fopen(object):
+    """Class for reading and writing binary files into numpy arrays.
+    Inputs:
+      file_name -- The complete path name to the file to open.
+      permission -- Open the file with given permissions: ('r', 'H', 'a')
+                    for reading, writing, or appending.  This is the same
+                    as the mode argument in the builtin open command.
+      format -- The byte-ordering of the file:
+                (['native', 'n'], ['ieee-le', 'l'], ['ieee-be', 'B']) for
+                native, little-endian, or big-endian respectively.
+    Attributes (Read only):
+      bs -- non-zero if byte-swapping is performed on read and write.
+      format -- 'native', 'ieee-le', or 'ieee-be'
+      closed -- non-zero if the file is closed.
+      mode -- permissions with which this file was opened
+      name -- name of the file
+    """
+#    Methods:
+#      read -- read data from file and return numpy array
+#      write -- write to file from numpy array
+#      fort_read -- read Fortran-formatted binary data from the file.
+#      fort_write -- write Fortran-formatted binary data to the file.
+#      rewind -- rewind to beginning of file
+#      size -- get size of file
+#      seek -- seek to some position in the file
+#      tell -- return current position in file
+#      close -- close the file
+    def __init__(self,file_name,permission='rb',format='n'):
+        if 'b' not in permission: permission += 'b'
+        if isinstance(file_name, basestring):
+            self.file = file(file_name, permission)
+        elif isinstance(file_name, file) and not file_name.closed:
+            # first argument is an open file
+            self.file = file_name
+        else:
+            raise TypeError, 'Need filename or open file as input'
+        self.setformat(format)
+    def __del__(self):
+        try:
+            self.file.close()
+        except:
+            pass
+    def close(self):
+        self.file.close()
+    def seek(self, *args):
+        self.file.seek(*args)
+    def tell(self):
+        return self.file.tell()
+    def raw_read(self, size=-1):
+        """Read raw bytes from file as string."""
+        return self.file.read(size)
+    def raw_write(self, str):
+        """Write string to file as raw bytes."""
+        return self.file.write(str)
+    def setformat(self, format):
+        """Set the byte-order of the file."""
+        if format in ['native','n','default']:
+            self.bs = False
+            self.format = 'native'
+        elif format in ['ieee-le','l','little-endian','le']:
+            self.bs = not LittleEndian
+            self.format = 'ieee-le'
+        elif format in ['ieee-be','B','big-endian','be']:
+            self.bs = LittleEndian
+            self.format = 'ieee-be'
+        else:
+            raise ValueError, "Unrecognized format: " + format
+        return
+    def write(self,data,mtype=None,bs=None):
+        """Write to open file object the flattened numpy array data.
+        Inputs:
+          data -- the numpy array to write.
+          mtype -- a string indicating the binary type to write.
+                   The default is the type of data. If necessary a cast is made.
+                   unsigned byte  : 'B', 'uchar', 'byte' 'unsigned char', 'int8',
+                                    'integer*1'
+                   character      : 'S1', 'char', 'char*1'
+                   signed char    : 'b', 'schar', 'signed char'
+                   short          : 'h', 'short', 'int16', 'integer*2'
+                   unsigned short : 'H', 'ushort','uint16','unsigned short'
+                   int            : 'i', 'int'
+                   unsigned int   : 'I', 'uint32','uint','unsigned int'
+                   int32           : 'u4', 'int32', 'integer*4'
+                   float          : 'f', 'float', 'float32', 'real*4'
+                   double         : 'd', 'double', 'float64', 'real*8'
+                   complex float  : 'F', 'complex float', 'complex*8', 'complex64'
+                   complex double : 'D', 'complex', 'complex double', 'complex*16',
+                                    'complex128'
+        """
+        if bs is None:
+            bs = self.bs
+        else:
+            bs = (bs == 1)
+        if isinstance(data, str):
+            N, buf = len(data), buffer(data)
+            data = ndarray(shape=(N,),dtype='B',buffer=buf)
+        else:
+            data = asarray(data)
+        if mtype is None:
+            mtype = data.dtype.char
+        howmany,mtype = getsize_type(mtype)
+        count = product(data.shape,axis=0)
+        numpyio.fwrite(self.file,count,data,mtype,bs)
+        return
+    fwrite = write
+    def read(self,count,stype,rtype=None,bs=None,c_is_b=0):
+        """Read data from file and return it in a numpy array.
+        Inputs:
+          count -- an integer specifying the number of elements of type
+                   stype to read or a tuple indicating the shape of
+                   the output array.
+          stype -- The data type of the stored data (see fwrite method).
+          rtype -- The type of the output array.  Same as stype if None.
+          bs -- Whether or not to byteswap (or use self.bs if None)
+          c_is_b --- If non-zero then the count is an integer
+                   specifying the total number of bytes to read
+                   (must be a multiple of the size of stype).
+        Outputs: (output,)
+          output -- a numpy array of type rtype.
+        """
+        if bs is None:
+            bs = self.bs
+        else:
+            bs = (bs == 1)
+        howmany,stype = getsize_type(stype)
+        shape = None
+        if c_is_b:
+            if count % howmany != 0:
+                raise ValueError, "When c_is_b is non-zero then " \
+                      "count is bytes\nand must be multiple of basic size."
+            count = count / howmany
+        elif type(count) in [types.TupleType, types.ListType]:
+            shape = list(count)
+            # allow -1 to specify unknown dimension size as in reshape
+            minus_ones = shape.count(-1)
+            if minus_ones == 0:
+                count = product(shape,axis=0)
+            elif minus_ones == 1:
+                now = self.tell()
+                self.seek(0,2)
+                end = self.tell()
+                self.seek(now)
+                remaining_bytes = end - now
+                know_dimensions_size = -product(count,axis=0) * getsize_type(stype)[0]
+                unknown_dimension_size, illegal = divmod(remaining_bytes,
+                                                         know_dimensions_size)
+                if illegal:
+                    raise ValueError("unknown dimension doesn't match filesize")
+                shape[shape.index(-1)] = unknown_dimension_size
+                count = product(shape,axis=0)
+            else:
+                raise ValueError(
+                    "illegal count; can only specify one unknown dimension")
+            shape = tuple(shape)
+        if rtype is None:
+            rtype = stype
+        else:
+            howmany,rtype = getsize_type(rtype)
+        if count == 0:
+            return zeros(0,rtype)
+        retval = numpyio.fread(self.file, count, stype, rtype, bs)
+        if shape is not None:
+            retval = resize(retval, shape)
+        return retval
+    fread = read
+    def rewind(self,howmany=None):
+        """Rewind a file to its beginning or by a specified amount.
+        """
+        if howmany is None:
+            self.seek(0)
+        else:
+            self.seek(-howmany,1)
+    def size(self):
+        """Return the size of the file.
+        """
+        try:
+            sz = self.thesize
+        except AttributeError:
+            curpos = self.tell()
+            self.seek(0,2)
+            sz = self.tell()
+            self.seek(curpos)
+            self.thesize = sz
+        return sz
+    def fort_write(self,fmt,*args):
+        """Write a Fortran binary record.
+        Inputs:
+          fmt -- If a string then it represents the same format string as
+                 used by struct.pack.  The remaining arguments are passed
+                 to struct.pack.
+                 If fmt is an array, then this array will be written as
+                 a Fortran record using the output type args[0].
+          *args -- Arguments representing data to write.
+        """
+        if self.format == 'ieee-le':
+            nfmt = "<i"
+        elif self.format == 'ieee-be':
+            nfmt = ">i"
+        else:
+            nfmt = "i"
+        if isinstance(fmt, basestring):
+            if self.format == 'ieee-le':
+                fmt = "<"+fmt
+            elif self.format == 'ieee-be':
+                fmt = ">"+fmt
+            str = apply(struct.pack,(fmt,)+args)
+            strlen = struct.pack(nfmt,len(str))
+            self.write(strlen)
+            self.write(str)
+            self.write(strlen)
+        elif type(fmt) == type(array([0])):
+            if len(args) > 0:
+                sz,mtype = getsize_type(args[0])
+            else:
+                sz,mtype = getsize_type(fmt.dtype.char)
+            count = product(fmt.shape,axis=0)
+            strlen = struct.pack(nfmt,count*sz)
+            self.write(strlen)
+            numpyio.fwrite(self.file,count,fmt,mtype,self.bs)
+            self.write(strlen)
+        else:
+            raise TypeError, "Unknown type in first argument"
+    def fort_read(self,fmt,dtype=None):
+        """Read a Fortran binary record.
+        Inputs:
+          fmt -- If dtype is not given this represents a struct.pack
+                 format string to interpret the next record.  Otherwise this
+                 argument is ignored.
+          dtype -- If dtype is not None, then read in the next record as
+                   an array of type dtype.
+        Outputs: (data,)
+          data -- If dtype is None, then data is a tuple containing the output
+                  of struct.unpack on the next Fortan record.
+                  If dtype is a datatype string, then the next record is
+                  read in as a 1-D array of type datatype.
+        """
+        lookup_dict = {'ieee-le':"<",'ieee-be':">",'native':''}
+        if dtype is None:
+            fmt = lookup_dict[self.format] + fmt
+            numbytes = struct.calcsize(fmt)
+            nn = struct.calcsize("i");
+            if (self.raw_read(nn) == ''):
+                raise ValueError, "Unexpected end of file..."
+            strdata = self.raw_read(numbytes)
+            if strdata == '':
+                raise ValueError, "Unexpected end of file..."
+            data = struct.unpack(fmt,strdata)
+            if (self.raw_read(nn) == ''):
+                raise ValueError, "Unexpected end of file..."
+            return data
+        else:  # Ignore format string and read in next record as an array.
+            fmt = lookup_dict[self.format] + "i"
+            nn = struct.calcsize(fmt)
+            nbytestr = self.raw_read(nn)
+            if nbytestr == '':
+                raise ValueError, "Unexpected end of file..."
+            nbytes = struct.unpack(fmt,nbytestr)[0]
+            howmany, dtype = getsize_type(dtype)
+            ncount = nbytes / howmany
+            if ncount*howmany != nbytes:
+                self.rewind(4)
+                raise ValueError, "A mismatch between the type requested and the data stored."
+            if ncount < 0:
+                raise ValueError, "Negative number of bytes to read:\n    file is probably not opened with correct endian-ness."
+            if ncount == 0:
+                raise ValueError, "End of file?  Zero-bytes to read."
+            retval = numpyio.fread(self.file, ncount, dtype, dtype, self.bs)
+            if len(retval) == 1:
+                retval = retval[0]
+            if (self.raw_read(nn) == ''):
+                raise ValueError, "Unexpected end of file..."
+            return retval

Modified: trunk/Lib/sandbox/xplt/Graphics.py
--- trunk/Lib/sandbox/xplt/Graphics.py	2007-01-22 21:29:50 UTC (rev 2588)
+++ trunk/Lib/sandbox/xplt/Graphics.py	2007-01-23 01:08:11 UTC (rev 2589)
@@ -1,22 +1,29 @@
+import os
+import types
 #import Tkinter
 #from Tkinter import *
 #from Scientific.TkWidgets.TkPlotCanvas import *
 from scipy import *
 from numpy.core.umath import *
 #from _Graphics import *
 #import PIL.ImageTk,PIL.Image
 #ImageTk = PIL.ImageTk
 #Image = PIL.Image
-import gist, types, string, os
+# Local imports
+import gist
 import Mplot
-import scipy.io as io
 def read_act(filename):
-    fid = io.fopen('%s.act'%filename)
-    p = fid.fread(256*3,'byte')
+    fid = open('%s.act'%filename, 'rb')
+    p = ndarray(shape=(256,3),
+                dtype='u1',
+                buffer=fid.read(256*3),
+                ).copy()
-    p.shape = (256,3)
     return p
 Palette = {}

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