[Scipy-svn] r4602 - trunk/scipy/stats/models

scipy-svn at scipy.org scipy-svn at scipy.org
Tue Aug 5 18:56:24 EDT 2008

Author: tom.waite
Date: 2008-08-05 17:56:21 -0500 (Tue, 05 Aug 2008)
New Revision: 4602

rename bspline to make private. part of weave to extension conversion.

Copied: trunk/scipy/stats/models/_bspline.py (from rev 4600, trunk/scipy/stats/models/bspline.py)
--- trunk/scipy/stats/models/bspline.py	2008-08-04 20:27:24 UTC (rev 4600)
+++ trunk/scipy/stats/models/_bspline.py	2008-08-05 22:56:21 UTC (rev 4602)
@@ -0,0 +1,657 @@
+Bspines and smoothing splines.
+General references:
+    Craven, P. and Wahba, G. (1978) "Smoothing noisy data with spline functions.
+    Estimating the correct degree of smoothing by
+    the method of generalized cross-validation."
+    Numerische Mathematik, 31(4), 377-403.
+    Hastie, Tibshirani and Friedman (2001). "The Elements of Statistical
+    Learning." Springer-Verlag. 536 pages.
+    Hutchison, M. and Hoog, F. "Smoothing noisy data with spline functions."
+    Numerische Mathematik, 47(1), 99-106.
+import numpy as N
+import numpy.linalg as L
+from scipy.linalg import solveh_banded
+from scipy.optimize import golden
+from scipy.stats.models import _bspline
+# Issue warning regarding heavy development status of this module
+import warnings
+_msg = "The bspline code is technology preview and requires significant work\
+on the public API and documentation. The API will likely change in the future"
+warnings.warn(_msg, UserWarning)
+def _band2array(a, lower=0, symmetric=False, hermitian=False):
+    """
+    Take an upper or lower triangular banded matrix and return a
+    numpy array.
+    INPUTS:
+       a         -- a matrix in upper or lower triangular banded matrix
+       lower     -- is the matrix upper or lower triangular?
+       symmetric -- if True, return the original result plus its transpose
+       hermitian -- if True (and symmetric False), return the original
+                    result plus its conjugate transposed
+    """
+    n = a.shape[1]
+    r = a.shape[0]
+    _a = 0
+    if not lower:
+        for j in range(r):
+            _b = N.diag(a[r-1-j],k=j)[j:(n+j),j:(n+j)]
+            _a += _b
+            if symmetric and j > 0: _a += _b.T
+            elif hermitian and j > 0: _a += _b.conjugate().T
+    else:
+        for j in range(r):
+            _b = N.diag(a[j],k=j)[0:n,0:n]
+            _a += _b
+            if symmetric and j > 0: _a += _b.T
+            elif hermitian and j > 0: _a += _b.conjugate().T
+        _a = _a.T
+    return _a
+def _upper2lower(ub):
+    """
+    Convert upper triangular banded matrix to lower banded form.
+    INPUTS:
+       ub  -- an upper triangular banded matrix
+    OUTPUTS: lb
+       lb  -- a lower triangular banded matrix with same entries
+              as ub
+    """
+    lb = N.zeros(ub.shape, ub.dtype)
+    nrow, ncol = ub.shape
+    for i in range(ub.shape[0]):
+        lb[i,0:(ncol-i)] = ub[nrow-1-i,i:ncol]
+        lb[i,(ncol-i):] = ub[nrow-1-i,0:i]
+    return lb
+def _lower2upper(lb):
+    """
+    Convert lower triangular banded matrix to upper banded form.
+    INPUTS:
+       lb  -- a lower triangular banded matrix
+    OUTPUTS: ub
+       ub  -- an upper triangular banded matrix with same entries
+              as lb
+    """
+    ub = N.zeros(lb.shape, lb.dtype)
+    nrow, ncol = lb.shape
+    for i in range(lb.shape[0]):
+        ub[nrow-1-i,i:ncol] = lb[i,0:(ncol-i)]
+        ub[nrow-1-i,0:i] = lb[i,(ncol-i):]
+    return ub
+def _triangle2unit(tb, lower=0):
+    """
+    Take a banded triangular matrix and return its diagonal and the
+    unit matrix: the banded triangular matrix with 1's on the diagonal,
+    i.e. each row is divided by the corresponding entry on the diagonal.
+    INPUTS:
+       tb    -- a lower triangular banded matrix
+       lower -- if True, then tb is assumed to be lower triangular banded,
+                in which case return value is also lower triangular banded.
+    OUTPUTS: d, b
+       d     -- diagonal entries of tb
+       b     -- unit matrix: if lower is False, b is upper triangular
+                banded and its rows of have been divided by d,
+                else lower is True, b is lower triangular banded
+                and its columns have been divieed by d.
+    """
+    if lower: d = tb[0].copy()
+    else: d = tb[-1].copy()
+    if lower: return d, (tb / d)
+    else:
+        l = _upper2lower(tb)
+        return d, _lower2upper(l / d)
+def _trace_symbanded(a, b, lower=0):
+    """
+    Compute the trace(ab) for two upper or banded real symmetric matrices
+    stored either in either upper or lower form.
+    INPUTS:
+       a, b    -- two banded real symmetric matrices (either lower or upper)
+       lower   -- if True, a and b are assumed to be the lower half
+    OUTPUTS: trace
+       trace   -- trace(ab)
+    """
+    if lower:
+        t = _zero_triband(a * b, lower=1)
+        return t[0].sum() + 2 * t[1:].sum()
+    else:
+        t = _zero_triband(a * b, lower=0)
+        return t[-1].sum() + 2 * t[:-1].sum()
+def _zero_triband(a, lower=0):
+    """
+    Explicitly zero out unused elements of a real symmetric banded matrix.
+    INPUTS:
+       a   -- a real symmetric banded matrix (either upper or lower hald)
+       lower   -- if True, a is assumed to be the lower half
+    """
+    nrow, ncol = a.shape
+    if lower:
+        for i in range(nrow): a[i,(ncol-i):] = 0.
+    else:
+        for i in range(nrow): a[i,0:i] = 0.
+    return a
+class BSpline(object):
+    '''
+    Bsplines of a given order and specified knots.
+    Implementation is based on description in Chapter 5 of
+    Hastie, Tibshirani and Friedman (2001). "The Elements of Statistical
+    Learning." Springer-Verlag. 536 pages.
+    INPUTS:
+       knots  -- a sorted array of knots with knots[0] the lower boundary,
+                 knots[1] the upper boundary and knots[1:-1] the internal
+                 knots.
+       order  -- order of the Bspline, default is 4 which yields cubic
+                 splines
+       M      -- number of additional boundary knots, if None it defaults
+                 to order
+       coef   -- an optional array of real-valued coefficients for the Bspline
+                 of shape (knots.shape + 2 * (M - 1) - order,).
+       x      -- an optional set of x values at which to evaluate the
+                 Bspline to avoid extra evaluation in the __call__ method
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, knots, order=4, M=None, coef=None, x=None):
+        knots = N.squeeze(N.unique(N.asarray(knots)))
+        if knots.ndim != 1:
+            raise ValueError, 'expecting 1d array for knots'
+        self.m = order
+        if M is None:
+            M = self.m
+        self.M = M
+        self.tau = N.hstack([[knots[0]]*(self.M-1), knots, [knots[-1]]*(self.M-1)])
+        self.K = knots.shape[0] - 2
+        if coef is None:
+            self.coef = N.zeros((self.K + 2 * self.M - self.m), N.float64)
+        else:
+            self.coef = N.squeeze(coef)
+            if self.coef.shape != (self.K + 2 * self.M - self.m):
+                raise ValueError, 'coefficients of Bspline have incorrect shape'
+        if x is not None:
+            self.x = x
+    def _setx(self, x):
+        self._x = x
+        self._basisx = self.basis(self._x)
+    def _getx(self):
+        return self._x
+    x = property(_getx, _setx)
+    def __call__(self, *args):
+        """
+        Evaluate the BSpline at a given point, yielding
+        a matrix B and return
+        B * self.coef
+        INPUTS:
+           args -- optional arguments. If None, it returns self._basisx,
+                   the BSpline evaluated at the x values passed in __init__.
+                   Otherwise, return the BSpline evaluated at the
+                   first argument args[0].
+        OUTPUTS: y
+           y    -- value of Bspline at specified x values
+        BUGS:
+           If self has no attribute x, an exception will be raised
+           because self has no attribute _basisx.
+        """
+        if not args:
+            b = self._basisx.T
+        else:
+            x = args[0]
+            b = N.asarray(self.basis(x)).T
+        return N.squeeze(N.dot(b, self.coef))
+    def basis_element(self, x, i, d=0):
+        """
+        Evaluate a particular basis element of the BSpline,
+        or its derivative.
+        INPUTS:
+           x  -- x values at which to evaluate the basis element
+           i  -- which element of the BSpline to return
+           d  -- the order of derivative
+        OUTPUTS: y
+           y  -- value of d-th derivative of the i-th basis element
+                 of the BSpline at specified x values
+        """
+        x = N.asarray(x, N.float64)
+        _shape = x.shape
+        if _shape == ():
+            x.shape = (1,)
+        x.shape = (N.product(_shape,axis=0),)
+        if i < self.tau.shape[0] - 1:
+           ## TODO: OWNDATA flags...
+            v = _bspline.evaluate(x, self.tau, self.m, d, i, i+1)
+        else:
+            return N.zeros(x.shape, N.float64)
+        if (i == self.tau.shape[0] - self.m):
+            v = N.where(N.equal(x, self.tau[-1]), 1, v)
+        v.shape = _shape
+        return v
+    def basis(self, x, d=0, lower=None, upper=None):
+        """
+        Evaluate the basis of the BSpline or its derivative.
+        If lower or upper is specified, then only
+        the [lower:upper] elements of the basis are returned.
+        INPUTS:
+           x     -- x values at which to evaluate the basis element
+           i     -- which element of the BSpline to return
+           d     -- the order of derivative
+           lower -- optional lower limit of the set of basis
+                    elements
+           upper -- optional upper limit of the set of basis
+                    elements
+        OUTPUTS: y
+           y  -- value of d-th derivative of the basis elements
+                 of the BSpline at specified x values
+        """
+        x = N.asarray(x)
+        _shape = x.shape
+        if _shape == ():
+            x.shape = (1,)
+        x.shape = (N.product(_shape,axis=0),)
+        if upper is None:
+            upper = self.tau.shape[0] - self.m
+        if lower is None:
+            lower = 0
+        upper = min(upper, self.tau.shape[0] - self.m)
+        lower = max(0, lower)
+        d = N.asarray(d)
+        if d.shape == ():
+            v = _bspline.evaluate(x, self.tau, self.m, int(d), lower, upper)
+        else:
+            if d.shape[0] != 2:
+                raise ValueError, "if d is not an integer, expecting a jx2 \
+                   array with first row indicating order \
+                   of derivative, second row coefficient in front."
+            v = 0
+            for i in range(d.shape[1]):
+                v += d[1,i] * _bspline.evaluate(x, self.tau, self.m, d[0,i], lower, upper)
+        v.shape = (upper-lower,) + _shape
+        if upper == self.tau.shape[0] - self.m:
+            v[-1] = N.where(N.equal(x, self.tau[-1]), 1, v[-1])
+        return v
+    def gram(self, d=0):
+        """
+        Compute Gram inner product matrix, storing it in lower
+        triangular banded form.
+        The (i,j) entry is
+        G_ij = integral b_i^(d) b_j^(d)
+        where b_i are the basis elements of the BSpline and (d) is the
+        d-th derivative.
+        If d is a matrix then, it is assumed to specify a differential
+        operator as follows: the first row represents the order of derivative
+        with the second row the coefficient corresponding to that order.
+        For instance:
+        [[2, 3],
+         [3, 1]]
+        represents 3 * f^(2) + 1 * f^(3).
+        INPUTS:
+           d    -- which derivative to apply to each basis element,
+                   if d is a matrix, it is assumed to specify
+                   a differential operator as above
+        OUTPUTS: gram
+           gram -- the matrix of inner products of (derivatives)
+                   of the BSpline elements
+        """
+        d = N.squeeze(d)
+        if N.asarray(d).shape == ():
+            self.g = _bspline.gram(self.tau, self.m, int(d), int(d))
+        else:
+            d = N.asarray(d)
+            if d.shape[0] != 2:
+                raise ValueError, "if d is not an integer, expecting a jx2 \
+                   array with first row indicating order \
+                   of derivative, second row coefficient in front."
+            if d.shape == (2,):
+                d.shape = (2,1)
+            self.g = 0
+            for i in range(d.shape[1]):
+                for j in range(d.shape[1]):
+                    self.g += d[1,i]* d[1,j] * _bspline.gram(self.tau, self.m, int(d[0,i]), int(d[0,j]))
+        self.g = self.g.T
+        self.d = d
+        return N.nan_to_num(self.g)
+class SmoothingSpline(BSpline):
+    penmax = 30.
+    method = "target_df"
+    target_df = 5
+    default_pen = 1.0e-03
+    optimize = True
+    '''
+    A smoothing spline, which can be used to smooth scatterplots, i.e.
+    a list of (x,y) tuples.
+    See fit method for more information.
+    '''
+    def fit(self, y, x=None, weights=None, pen=0.):
+        """
+        Fit the smoothing spline to a set of (x,y) pairs.
+        INPUTS:
+           y       -- response variable
+           x       -- if None, uses self.x
+           weights -- optional array of weights
+           pen     -- constant in front of Gram matrix
+        OUTPUTS: None
+           The smoothing spline is determined by self.coef,
+           subsequent calls of __call__ will be the smoothing spline.
+        ALGORITHM:
+           Formally, this solves a minimization:
+           fhat = ARGMIN_f SUM_i=1^n (y_i-f(x_i))^2 + pen * int f^(2)^2
+           See Chapter 5 of
+           Hastie, Tibshirani and Friedman (2001). "The Elements of Statistical
+           Learning." Springer-Verlag. 536 pages.
+           for more details.
+        TODO:
+           Should add arbitrary derivative penalty instead of just
+           second derivative.
+        """
+        banded = True
+        if x is None:
+            x = self._x
+            bt = self._basisx.copy()
+        else:
+            bt = self.basis(x)
+        if pen == 0.: # can't use cholesky for singular matrices
+            banded = False
+        if x.shape != y.shape:
+            raise ValueError, 'x and y shape do not agree, by default x are \
+               the Bspline\'s internal knots'
+        if pen >= self.penmax:
+            pen = self.penmax
+        if weights is not None:
+            self.weights = weights
+        else:
+            self.weights = 1.
+        _w = N.sqrt(self.weights)
+        bt *= _w
+        # throw out rows with zeros (this happens at boundary points!)
+        mask = N.flatnonzero(1 - N.alltrue(N.equal(bt, 0), axis=0))
+        bt = bt[:,mask]
+        y = y[mask]
+        self.df_total = y.shape[0]
+        bty = N.squeeze(N.dot(bt, _w * y))
+        self.N = y.shape[0]
+        if not banded:
+            self.btb = N.dot(bt, bt.T)
+            _g = _band2array(self.g, lower=1, symmetric=True)
+            self.coef, _, self.rank = L.lstsq(self.btb + pen*_g, bty)[0:3]
+            self.rank = min(self.rank, self.btb.shape[0])
+            del(_g)
+        else:
+            self.btb = N.zeros(self.g.shape, N.float64)
+            nband, nbasis = self.g.shape
+            for i in range(nbasis):
+                for k in range(min(nband, nbasis-i)):
+                    self.btb[k,i] = (bt[i] * bt[i+k]).sum()
+            bty.shape = (1,bty.shape[0])
+            self.pen = pen
+            self.chol, self.coef = solveh_banded(self.btb +
+                                                 pen*self.g,
+                                                 bty, lower=1)
+        self.coef = N.squeeze(self.coef)
+        self.resid = y * self.weights - N.dot(self.coef, bt)
+        self.pen = pen
+        del(bty); del(mask); del(bt)
+    def smooth(self, y, x=None, weights=None):
+        if self.method == "target_df":
+            if hasattr(self, 'pen'):
+                self.fit(y, x=x, weights=weights, pen=self.pen)
+            else:
+                self.fit_target_df(y, x=x, weights=weights, df=self.target_df)
+        elif self.method == "optimize_gcv":
+            self.fit_optimize_gcv(y, x=x, weights=weights)
+    def gcv(self):
+        """
+        Generalized cross-validation score of current fit.
+        Craven, P. and Wahba, G.  "Smoothing noisy data with spline functions.
+        Estimating the correct degree of smoothing by
+        the method of generalized cross-validation."
+        Numerische Mathematik, 31(4), 377-403.
+        """
+        norm_resid = (self.resid**2).sum()
+        return norm_resid / (self.df_total - self.trace())
+    def df_resid(self):
+        """
+        Residual degrees of freedom in the fit.
+        self.N - self.trace()
+        where self.N is the number of observations of last fit.
+        """
+        return self.N - self.trace()
+    def df_fit(self):
+        """
+        How many degrees of freedom used in the fit?
+        self.trace()
+        """
+        return self.trace()
+    def trace(self):
+        """
+        Trace of the smoothing matrix S(pen)
+        TODO: addin a reference to Wahba, and whoever else I used.
+        """
+        if self.pen > 0:
+            _invband = _bspline.invband(self.chol.copy())
+            tr = _trace_symbanded(_invband, self.btb, lower=1)
+            return tr
+        else:
+            return self.rank
+    def fit_target_df(self, y, x=None, df=None, weights=None, tol=1.0e-03,
+                      apen=0, bpen=1.0e-03):
+        """
+        Fit smoothing spline with approximately df degrees of freedom
+        used in the fit, i.e. so that self.trace() is approximately df.
+        Uses binary search strategy.
+        In general, df must be greater than the dimension of the null space
+        of the Gram inner product. For cubic smoothing splines, this means
+        that df > 2.
+        INPUTS:
+           y       -- response variable
+           x       -- if None, uses self.x
+           df      -- target degrees of freedom
+           weights -- optional array of weights
+           tol     -- (relative) tolerance for convergence
+           apen    -- lower bound of penalty for binary search
+           bpen    -- upper bound of penalty for binary search
+        OUTPUTS: None
+           The smoothing spline is determined by self.coef,
+           subsequent calls of __call__ will be the smoothing spline.
+        """
+        df = df or self.target_df
+        olddf = y.shape[0] - self.m
+        if hasattr(self, "pen"):
+            self.fit(y, x=x, weights=weights, pen=self.pen)
+            curdf = self.trace()
+            if N.fabs(curdf - df) / df < tol:
+                return
+            if curdf > df:
+                apen, bpen = self.pen, 2 * self.pen
+            else:
+                apen, bpen = 0., self.pen
+        while True:
+            curpen = 0.5 * (apen + bpen)
+            self.fit(y, x=x, weights=weights, pen=curpen)
+            curdf = self.trace()
+            if curdf > df:
+                apen, bpen = curpen, 2 * curpen
+            else:
+                apen, bpen = apen, curpen
+            if apen >= self.penmax:
+                raise ValueError, "penalty too large, try setting penmax \
+                   higher or decreasing df"
+            if N.fabs(curdf - df) / df < tol:
+                break
+    def fit_optimize_gcv(self, y, x=None, weights=None, tol=1.0e-03,
+                         brack=(-100,20)):
+        """
+        Fit smoothing spline trying to optimize GCV.
+        Try to find a bracketing interval for scipy.optimize.golden
+        based on bracket.
+        It is probably best to use target_df instead, as it is
+        sometimes difficult to find a bracketing interval.
+        INPUTS:
+           y       -- response variable
+           x       -- if None, uses self.x
+           df      -- target degrees of freedom
+           weights -- optional array of weights
+           tol     -- (relative) tolerance for convergence
+           brack   -- an initial guess at the bracketing interval
+        OUTPUTS: None
+           The smoothing spline is determined by self.coef,
+           subsequent calls of __call__ will be the smoothing spline.
+        """
+        def _gcv(pen, y, x):
+            self.fit(y, x=x, pen=N.exp(pen))
+            a = self.gcv()
+            return a
+        a = golden(_gcv, args=(y,x), brack=bracket, tol=tol)

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