[Scipy-svn] r4655 - branches/fast_vectorize/mkufunc

scipy-svn at scipy.org scipy-svn at scipy.org
Tue Aug 19 18:26:18 EDT 2008

Author: ilan
Date: 2008-08-19 17:26:16 -0500 (Tue, 19 Aug 2008)
New Revision: 4655

Did some cleanup, got rid of driver.py and interactive.py.

Deleted: branches/fast_vectorize/mkufunc/driver.py
--- branches/fast_vectorize/mkufunc/driver.py	2008-08-19 19:12:18 UTC (rev 4654)
+++ branches/fast_vectorize/mkufunc/driver.py	2008-08-19 22:26:16 UTC (rev 4655)
@@ -1,732 +0,0 @@
-This file is essentially the file pypy-dist/pypy/translator/driver.py
-with some modifications to get the c_source_filename.
-import sys, os
-from pypy.translator.translator import TranslationContext, graphof
-from pypy.translator.tool.taskengine import SimpleTaskEngine
-from pypy.translator.goal import query
-from pypy.translator.goal.timing import Timer
-from pypy.annotation import model as annmodel
-from pypy.annotation.listdef import s_list_of_strings
-from pypy.annotation import policy as annpolicy
-from py.compat import optparse
-from pypy.tool.udir import udir
-import py
-from pypy.tool.ansi_print import ansi_log
-log = py.log.Producer("translation")
-py.log.setconsumer("translation", ansi_log)
-  'translation.gc': 'ref',
-  'translation.cc': None,
-  'translation.profopt': None,
-  'translation.thread': False, # influences GC policy
-  'translation.stackless': False,
-  'translation.debug': True,
-  'translation.insist': False,
-  'translation.backend': 'c',
-  'translation.fork_before': None,
-  'translation.backendopt.raisingop2direct_call' : False,
-  'translation.backendopt.merge_if_blocks': True,
-def taskdef(taskfunc, deps, title, new_state=None, expected_states=[],
-            idemp=False, earlycheck=None):
-    taskfunc.task_deps = deps
-    taskfunc.task_title = title
-    taskfunc.task_newstate = None
-    taskfunc.task_expected_states = expected_states
-    taskfunc.task_idempotent = idemp
-    taskfunc.task_earlycheck = earlycheck
-    return taskfunc
-# TODO:
-# sanity-checks using states
-    'c': 'lltype',
-    'llvm': 'lltype'
-def backend_to_typesystem(backend):
-    return _BACKEND_TO_TYPESYSTEM.get(backend, 'ootype')
-# set of translation steps to profile
-PROFILE = set([])
-class Instrument(Exception):
-    pass
-class ProfInstrument(object):
-    name = "profinstrument"
-    def __init__(self, datafile, compiler):
-        self.datafile = datafile
-        self.compiler = compiler
-    def first(self):
-        self.compiler._build()
-    def probe(self, exe, args):
-        from py.compat import subprocess
-        env = os.environ.copy()
-        env['_INSTRUMENT_COUNTERS'] = str(self.datafile)
-        subprocess.call("'%s' %s" % (exe, args), env=env, shell=True)
-    def after(self):
-        # xxx
-        os._exit(0)
-class TranslationDriver(SimpleTaskEngine):
-    def __init__(self, setopts=None, default_goal=None,
-                 disable=[],
-                 exe_name=None, extmod_name=None,
-                 config=None, overrides=None):
-        self.timer = Timer()
-        SimpleTaskEngine.__init__(self)
-        self.log = log
-        if config is None:
-            from pypy.config.pypyoption import get_pypy_config
-            config = get_pypy_config(DEFAULTS, translating=True)
-        self.config = config
-        if overrides is not None:
-            self.config.override(overrides)
-        if setopts is not None:
-            self.config.set(**setopts)
-        self.exe_name = exe_name
-        self.extmod_name = extmod_name
-        self.done = {}
-        self.disable(disable)
-        if default_goal:
-            default_goal, = self.backend_select_goals([default_goal])
-            if default_goal in self._maybe_skip():
-                default_goal = None
-        self.default_goal = default_goal
-        self.extra_goals = []
-        self.exposed = []
-        # expose tasks
-        def expose_task(task, backend_goal=None):
-            if backend_goal is None:
-                backend_goal = task
-            def proc():
-                return self.proceed(backend_goal)
-            self.exposed.append(task)
-            setattr(self, task, proc)
-        backend, ts = self.get_backend_and_type_system()
-        for task in self.tasks:
-            explicit_task = task
-            parts = task.split('_')
-            if len(parts) == 1:
-                if task in ('annotate',):
-                    expose_task(task)
-            else:
-                task, postfix = parts
-                if task in ('rtype', 'backendopt', 'llinterpret',
-                            'prehannotatebackendopt', 'hintannotate',
-                            'timeshift'):
-                    if ts:
-                        if ts == postfix:
-                            expose_task(task, explicit_task)
-                    else:
-                        expose_task(explicit_task)
-                elif task in ('source', 'compile', 'run'):
-                    if backend:
-                        if backend == postfix:
-                            expose_task(task, explicit_task)
-                    elif ts:
-                        if ts == backend_to_typesystem(postfix):
-                            expose_task(explicit_task)
-                    else:
-                        expose_task(explicit_task)
-    def set_extra_goals(self, goals):
-        self.extra_goals = goals
-    def get_info(self): # XXX more?
-        d = {'backend': self.config.translation.backend}
-        return d
-    def get_backend_and_type_system(self):
-        type_system = self.config.translation.type_system
-        backend = self.config.translation.backend
-        return backend, type_system
-    def backend_select_goals(self, goals):
-        backend, ts = self.get_backend_and_type_system()
-        postfixes = [''] + ['_'+p for p in (backend, ts) if p]
-        l = []
-        for goal in goals:
-            for postfix in postfixes:
-                cand = "%s%s" % (goal, postfix)
-                if cand in self.tasks:
-                    new_goal = cand
-                    break
-            else:
-                raise Exception, "cannot infer complete goal from: %r" % goal
-            l.append(new_goal)
-        return l
-    def disable(self, to_disable):
-        self._disabled = to_disable
-    def _maybe_skip(self):
-        maybe_skip = []
-        if self._disabled:
-            for goal in self.backend_select_goals(self._disabled):
-                maybe_skip.extend(self._depending_on_closure(goal))
-        return dict.fromkeys(maybe_skip).keys()
-    def setup(self, entry_point, inputtypes, policy=None, extra={}, empty_translator=None):
-        standalone = inputtypes is None
-        self.standalone = standalone
-        if standalone:
-            inputtypes = [s_list_of_strings]
-        self.inputtypes = inputtypes
-        if policy is None:
-            policy = annpolicy.AnnotatorPolicy()
-        if standalone:
-            policy.allow_someobjects = False
-        self.policy = policy
-        self.extra = extra
-        if empty_translator:
-            translator = empty_translator
-        else:
-            translator = TranslationContext(config=self.config)
-        self.entry_point = entry_point
-        self.translator = translator
-        self.libdef = None
-        self.translator.driver_instrument_result = self.instrument_result
-    def setup_library(self, libdef, policy=None, extra={}, empty_translator=None):
-        self.setup(None, None, policy, extra, empty_translator)
-        self.libdef = libdef
-    def instrument_result(self, args):
-        backend, ts = self.get_backend_and_type_system()
-        if backend != 'c' or sys.platform == 'win32':
-            raise Exception("instrumentation requires the c backend"
-                            " and unix for now")
-        from pypy.tool.udir import udir
-        datafile = udir.join('_instrument_counters')
-        makeProfInstrument = lambda compiler: ProfInstrument(datafile, compiler)
-        pid = os.fork()
-        if pid == 0:
-            # child compiling and running with instrumentation
-            self.config.translation.instrument = True
-            self.config.translation.instrumentctl = (makeProfInstrument,
-                                                     args)
-            raise Instrument
-        else:
-            pid, status = os.waitpid(pid, 0)
-            if os.WIFEXITED(status):
-                status = os.WEXITSTATUS(status)
-                if status != 0:
-                    raise Exception, "instrumentation child failed: %d" % status
-            else:
-                raise Exception, "instrumentation child aborted"
-            import array, struct
-            n = datafile.size()//struct.calcsize('L')
-            datafile = datafile.open('rb')
-            counters = array.array('L')
-            counters.fromfile(datafile, n)
-            datafile.close()
-            return counters
-    def info(self, msg):
-        log.info(msg)
-    def _profile(self, goal, func):
-        from cProfile import Profile
-        from pypy.tool.lsprofcalltree import KCacheGrind
-        d = {'func':func}
-        prof = Profile()
-        prof.runctx("res = func()", globals(), d)
-        KCacheGrind(prof).output(open(goal + ".out", "w"))
-        return d['res']
-    def _do(self, goal, func, *args, **kwds):
-        title = func.task_title
-        if goal in self.done:
-            self.log.info("already done: %s" % title)
-            return
-        else:
-            self.log.info("%s..." % title)
-        self.timer.start_event(goal)
-        try:
-            instrument = False
-            try:
-                if goal in PROFILE:
-                    res = self._profile(goal, func)
-                else:
-                    res = func()
-            except Instrument:
-                instrument = True
-            if not func.task_idempotent:
-                self.done[goal] = True
-            if instrument:
-                self.proceed('compile')
-                assert False, 'we should not get here'
-        finally:
-            self.timer.end_event(goal)
-        return res
-    def task_annotate(self):
-        # includes annotation and annotatation simplifications
-        translator = self.translator
-        policy = self.policy
-        self.log.info('with policy: %s.%s' %
-                      (policy.__class__.__module__, policy.__class__.__name__))
-        annmodel.DEBUG = self.config.translation.debug
-        annotator = translator.buildannotator(policy=policy)
-        if self.entry_point:
-            s = annotator.build_types(self.entry_point, self.inputtypes)
-            self.sanity_check_annotation()
-            if self.standalone and s.knowntype != int:
-                raise Exception("stand-alone program entry point must return an "
-                                "int (and not, e.g., None or always raise an "
-                                "exception).")
-            annotator.simplify()
-            return s
-        else:
-            assert self.libdef is not None
-            for func, inputtypes in self.libdef.functions:
-                annotator.build_types(func, inputtypes)
-            self.sanity_check_annotation()
-            annotator.simplify()
-    #
-    task_annotate = taskdef(task_annotate, [], "Annotating&simplifying")
-    def sanity_check_annotation(self):
-        translator = self.translator
-        irreg = query.qoutput(query.check_exceptblocks_qgen(translator))
-        if irreg:
-            self.log.info("Some exceptblocks seem insane")
-        lost = query.qoutput(query.check_methods_qgen(translator))
-        assert not lost, "lost methods, something gone wrong with the annotation of method defs"
-        so = query.qoutput(query.polluted_qgen(translator))
-        tot = len(translator.graphs)
-        percent = int(tot and (100.0*so / tot) or 0)
-        # if there are a few SomeObjects even if the policy doesn't allow
-        # them, it means that they were put there in a controlled way
-        # and then it's not a warning.
-        if not translator.annotator.policy.allow_someobjects:
-            pr = self.log.info
-        elif percent == 0:
-            pr = self.log.info
-        else:
-            pr = log.WARNING
-        pr("-- someobjectness %2d%% (%d of %d functions polluted by SomeObjects)" % (percent, so, tot))
-    def task_rtype_lltype(self):
-        rtyper = self.translator.buildrtyper(type_system='lltype')
-        insist = not self.config.translation.insist
-        rtyper.specialize(dont_simplify_again=True,
-                          crash_on_first_typeerror=insist)
-    #
-    task_rtype_lltype = taskdef(task_rtype_lltype, ['annotate'], "RTyping")
-    RTYPE = 'rtype_lltype'
-    def task_rtype_ootype(self):
-        # Maybe type_system should simply be an option used in task_rtype
-        insist = not self.config.translation.insist
-        rtyper = self.translator.buildrtyper(type_system="ootype")
-        rtyper.specialize(dont_simplify_again=True,
-                          crash_on_first_typeerror=insist)
-    #
-    task_rtype_ootype = taskdef(task_rtype_ootype, ['annotate'], "ootyping")
-    OOTYPE = 'rtype_ootype'
-    def task_prehannotatebackendopt_lltype(self):
-        from pypy.translator.backendopt.all import backend_optimizations
-        backend_optimizations(self.translator,
-                              inline_threshold=0,
-                              merge_if_blocks=True,
-                              constfold=True,
-                              raisingop2direct_call=False,
-                              remove_asserts=True)
-    #
-    task_prehannotatebackendopt_lltype = taskdef(
-        task_prehannotatebackendopt_lltype,
-        [RTYPE],
-        "Backendopt before Hint-annotate")
-    def task_hintannotate_lltype(self):
-        from pypy.jit.hintannotator.annotator import HintAnnotator
-        from pypy.jit.hintannotator.model import OriginFlags
-        from pypy.jit.hintannotator.model import SomeLLAbstractConstant
-        get_portal = self.extra['portal']
-        PORTAL, POLICY = get_portal(self)
-        t = self.translator
-        self.portal_graph = graphof(t, PORTAL)
-        hannotator = HintAnnotator(base_translator=t, policy=POLICY)
-        self.hint_translator = hannotator.translator
-        hs = hannotator.build_types(self.portal_graph,
-                                    [SomeLLAbstractConstant(v.concretetype,
-                                                            {OriginFlags(): True})
-                                     for v in self.portal_graph.getargs()])
-        count = hannotator.bookkeeper.nonstuboriggraphcount
-        stubcount = hannotator.bookkeeper.stuboriggraphcount
-        self.log.info("The hint-annotator saw %d graphs"
-                      " (and made stubs for %d graphs)." % (count, stubcount))
-        n = len(list(hannotator.translator.graphs[0].iterblocks()))
-        self.log.info("portal has %d blocks" % n)
-        self.hannotator = hannotator
-    #
-    task_hintannotate_lltype = taskdef(task_hintannotate_lltype,
-                                       ['prehannotatebackendopt_lltype'],
-                                       "Hint-annotate")
-    def task_timeshift_lltype(self):
-        from pypy.jit.timeshifter.hrtyper import HintRTyper
-        from pypy.jit.codegen import detect_cpu
-        cpu = detect_cpu.autodetect()
-        if cpu == 'i386':
-            from pypy.jit.codegen.i386.rgenop import RI386GenOp as RGenOp
-            RGenOp.MC_SIZE = 32 * 1024 * 1024
-        elif cpu == 'ppc':
-            from pypy.jit.codegen.ppc.rgenop import RPPCGenOp as RGenOp
-            RGenOp.MC_SIZE = 32 * 1024 * 1024
-        else:
-            raise Exception('Unsuported cpu %r'%cpu)
-        del self.hint_translator
-        ha = self.hannotator
-        t = self.translator
-        # make the timeshifted graphs
-        hrtyper = HintRTyper(ha, t.rtyper, RGenOp)
-        hrtyper.specialize(origportalgraph=self.portal_graph, view=False)
-    #
-    task_timeshift_lltype = taskdef(task_timeshift_lltype,
-                             ["hintannotate_lltype"],
-                             "Timeshift")
-    def task_backendopt_lltype(self):
-        from pypy.translator.backendopt.all import backend_optimizations
-        backend_optimizations(self.translator)
-    #
-    task_backendopt_lltype = taskdef(task_backendopt_lltype,
-                                     [RTYPE,
-                                      '??timeshift_lltype'],
-                                     "lltype back-end optimisations")
-    BACKENDOPT = 'backendopt_lltype'
-    def task_backendopt_ootype(self):
-        from pypy.translator.backendopt.all import backend_optimizations
-        backend_optimizations(self.translator)
-    #
-    task_backendopt_ootype = taskdef(task_backendopt_ootype,
-                                        [OOTYPE], "ootype back-end optimisations")
-    OOBACKENDOPT = 'backendopt_ootype'
-    def task_stackcheckinsertion_lltype(self):
-        from pypy.translator.transform import insert_ll_stackcheck
-        count = insert_ll_stackcheck(self.translator)
-        self.log.info("inserted %d stack checks." % (count,))
-    task_stackcheckinsertion_lltype = taskdef(
-        task_stackcheckinsertion_lltype,
-        ['?'+BACKENDOPT, RTYPE, 'annotate'],
-        "inserting stack checks")
-    STACKCHECKINSERTION = 'stackcheckinsertion_lltype'
-    def possibly_check_for_boehm(self):
-        if self.config.translation.gc == "boehm":
-            from pypy.translator.tool.cbuild import check_boehm_presence
-            from pypy.translator.tool.cbuild import CompilationError
-            try:
-                check_boehm_presence(noerr=False)
-            except CompilationError, e:
-                i = 'Boehm GC not installed.  Try e.g. "translate.py --gc=hybrid"'
-                raise CompilationError('%s\n--------------------\n%s' % (e, i))
-    def task_database_c(self):
-        translator = self.translator
-        if translator.annotator is not None:
-            translator.frozen = True
-        standalone = self.standalone
-        if standalone:
-            from pypy.translator.c.genc import CStandaloneBuilder as CBuilder
-        else:
-            from pypy.translator.c.genc import CExtModuleBuilder as CBuilder
-        cbuilder = CBuilder(self.translator, self.entry_point,
-                            config=self.config)
-        cbuilder.stackless = self.config.translation.stackless
-        if not standalone:     # xxx more messy
-            cbuilder.modulename = self.extmod_name
-        database = cbuilder.build_database()
-        self.log.info("database for generating C source was created")
-        self.cbuilder = cbuilder
-        self.database = database
-    #
-    task_database_c = taskdef(task_database_c,
-                            [STACKCHECKINSERTION, '?'+BACKENDOPT, RTYPE, '?annotate'],
-                            "Creating database for generating c source",
-                            earlycheck = possibly_check_for_boehm)
-    def task_source_c(self):  # xxx messy
-        translator = self.translator
-        cbuilder = self.cbuilder
-        database = self.database
-        c_source_filename = cbuilder.generate_source(database)
-        self.log.info("written: %s" % (c_source_filename,))
-        self.c_source_filename = str(c_source_filename)
-    #
-    task_source_c = taskdef(task_source_c, ['database_c'], "Generating c source")
-    def task_compile_c(self): # xxx messy
-        cbuilder = self.cbuilder
-        cbuilder.compile()
-        if self.standalone:
-            self.c_entryp = cbuilder.executable_name
-            self.create_exe()
-        else:
-            self.c_entryp = cbuilder.get_entry_point()
-    #
-    task_compile_c = taskdef(task_compile_c, ['source_c'], "Compiling c source")
-    def task_run_c(self):
-        self.backend_run('c')
-    #
-    task_run_c = taskdef(task_run_c, ['compile_c'],
-                         "Running compiled c source",
-                         idemp=True)
-    def task_llinterpret_lltype(self):
-        from pypy.rpython.llinterp import LLInterpreter
-        py.log.setconsumer("llinterp operation", None)
-        translator = self.translator
-        interp = LLInterpreter(translator.rtyper)
-        bk = translator.annotator.bookkeeper
-        graph = bk.getdesc(self.entry_point).getuniquegraph()
-        v = interp.eval_graph(graph,
-                              self.extra.get('get_llinterp_args',
-                                             lambda: [])())
-        log.llinterpret.event("result -> %s" % v)
-    #
-    task_llinterpret_lltype = taskdef(task_llinterpret_lltype,
-                                      [STACKCHECKINSERTION, '?'+BACKENDOPT, RTYPE],
-                                      "LLInterpreting")
-    def task_source_llvm(self):
-        translator = self.translator
-        if translator.annotator is None:
-            raise ValueError, "llvm requires annotation."
-        from pypy.translator.llvm import genllvm
-        self.llvmgen = genllvm.GenLLVM(translator, self.standalone)
-        llvm_filename = self.llvmgen.gen_source(self.entry_point)
-        self.log.info("written: %s" % (llvm_filename,))
-    #
-    task_source_llvm = taskdef(task_source_llvm,
-                               [STACKCHECKINSERTION, BACKENDOPT, RTYPE],
-                               "Generating llvm source")
-    def task_compile_llvm(self):
-        gen = self.llvmgen
-        if self.standalone:
-            exe_name = (self.exe_name or 'testing') % self.get_info()
-            self.c_entryp = gen.compile_standalone(exe_name)
-            self.create_exe()
-        else:
-            self.c_module, self.c_entryp = gen.compile_module()
-    #
-    task_compile_llvm = taskdef(task_compile_llvm,
-                                ['source_llvm'],
-                                "Compiling llvm source")
-    def task_run_llvm(self):
-        self.backend_run('llvm')
-    #
-    task_run_llvm = taskdef(task_run_llvm, ['compile_llvm'],
-                            "Running compiled llvm source",
-                            idemp=True)
-    def task_source_js(self):
-        from pypy.translator.js.js import JS
-        self.gen = JS(self.translator, functions=[self.entry_point],
-                      stackless=self.config.translation.stackless)
-        filename = self.gen.write_source()
-        self.log.info("Wrote %s" % (filename,))
-    task_source_js = taskdef(task_source_js,
-                        [OOTYPE],
-                        'Generating Javascript source')
-    def task_compile_js(self):
-        pass
-    task_compile_js = taskdef(task_compile_js, ['source_js'],
-                              'Skipping Javascript compilation')
-    def task_run_js(self):
-        pass
-    task_run_js = taskdef(task_run_js, ['compile_js'],
-                              'Please manually run the generated code')
-    def task_source_cli(self):
-        from pypy.translator.cli.gencli import GenCli
-        from pypy.translator.cli.entrypoint import get_entrypoint
-        if self.entry_point is not None: # executable mode
-            entry_point_graph = self.translator.graphs[0]
-            entry_point = get_entrypoint(entry_point_graph)
-        else:
-            # library mode
-            assert self.libdef is not None
-            bk = self.translator.annotator.bookkeeper
-            entry_point = self.libdef.get_entrypoint(bk)
-        self.gen = GenCli(udir, self.translator, entry_point, config=self.config)
-        filename = self.gen.generate_source()
-        self.log.info("Wrote %s" % (filename,))
-    task_source_cli = taskdef(task_source_cli, ["?" + OOBACKENDOPT, OOTYPE],
-                             'Generating CLI source')
-    def task_compile_cli(self):
-        from pypy.translator.oosupport.support import unpatch_os
-        from pypy.translator.cli.test.runtest import CliFunctionWrapper
-        filename = self.gen.build_exe()
-        self.c_entryp = CliFunctionWrapper(filename)
-        # restore original os values
-        if hasattr(self, 'old_cli_defs'):
-            unpatch_os(self.old_cli_defs)
-        self.log.info("Compiled %s" % filename)
-        if self.standalone and self.exe_name:
-            self.copy_cli_exe()
-    task_compile_cli = taskdef(task_compile_cli, ['source_cli'],
-                              'Compiling CLI source')
-    def task_run_cli(self):
-        pass
-    task_run_cli = taskdef(task_run_cli, ['compile_cli'],
-                              'XXX')
-    def task_source_jvm(self):
-        from pypy.translator.jvm.genjvm import GenJvm
-        from pypy.translator.jvm.node import EntryPoint
-        entry_point_graph = self.translator.graphs[0]
-        is_func = not self.standalone
-        entry_point = EntryPoint(entry_point_graph, is_func, is_func)
-        self.gen = GenJvm(udir, self.translator, entry_point)
-        self.jvmsource = self.gen.generate_source()
-        self.log.info("Wrote JVM code")
-    task_source_jvm = taskdef(task_source_jvm, ["?" + OOBACKENDOPT, OOTYPE],
-                             'Generating JVM source')
-    def task_compile_jvm(self):
-        from pypy.translator.oosupport.support import unpatch_os
-        from pypy.translator.jvm.test.runtest import JvmGeneratedSourceWrapper
-        self.jvmsource.compile()
-        self.c_entryp = JvmGeneratedSourceWrapper(self.jvmsource)
-        # restore original os values
-        if hasattr(self, 'old_cli_defs'):
-            unpatch_os(self.old_cli_defs)
-        self.log.info("Compiled JVM source")
-        if self.standalone and self.exe_name:
-            self.copy_jvm_jar()
-    task_compile_jvm = taskdef(task_compile_jvm, ['source_jvm'],
-                              'Compiling JVM source')
-    def task_run_jvm(self):
-        pass
-    task_run_jvm = taskdef(task_run_jvm, ['compile_jvm'],
-                           'XXX')
-    def proceed(self, goals):
-        if not goals:
-            if self.default_goal:
-                goals = [self.default_goal]
-            else:
-                self.log.info("nothing to do")
-                return
-        elif isinstance(goals, str):
-            goals = [goals]
-        goals.extend(self.extra_goals)
-        goals = self.backend_select_goals(goals)
-        return self._execute(goals, task_skip = self._maybe_skip())
-    def from_targetspec(targetspec_dic, config=None, args=None,
-                        empty_translator=None,
-                        disable=[],
-                        default_goal=None):
-        if args is None:
-            args = []
-        driver = TranslationDriver(config=config, default_goal=default_goal,
-                                   disable=disable)
-        # patch some attributes of the os module to make sure they
-        # have the same value on every platform.
-        backend, ts = driver.get_backend_and_type_system()
-        if backend in ('cli', 'jvm'):
-            from pypy.translator.oosupport.support import patch_os
-            driver.old_cli_defs = patch_os()
-        target = targetspec_dic['target']
-        spec = target(driver, args)
-        try:
-            entry_point, inputtypes, policy = spec
-        except ValueError:
-            entry_point, inputtypes = spec
-            policy = None
-        driver.setup(entry_point, inputtypes,
-                     policy=policy,
-                     extra=targetspec_dic,
-                     empty_translator=empty_translator)
-        return driver
-    from_targetspec = staticmethod(from_targetspec)
-    def prereq_checkpt_rtype(self):
-        assert 'pypy.rpython.rmodel' not in sys.modules, (
-            "cannot fork because the rtyper has already been imported")
-    prereq_checkpt_rtype_lltype = prereq_checkpt_rtype
-    prereq_checkpt_rtype_ootype = prereq_checkpt_rtype

Modified: branches/fast_vectorize/mkufunc/fast_vectorize.py
--- branches/fast_vectorize/mkufunc/fast_vectorize.py	2008-08-19 19:12:18 UTC (rev 4654)
+++ branches/fast_vectorize/mkufunc/fast_vectorize.py	2008-08-19 22:26:16 UTC (rev 4655)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-"""fast_vectorize: creates a U function from python source code
+"""fast_vectorize: creates U functions from python source code
 Author: Ilan Schnell
 Thanks: Travis Oliphant and Eric Jones
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
 import re
 import os
 import cStringIO
-import md5
 from types import FunctionType
 import numpy
@@ -21,45 +20,56 @@
 _showc = 0
 _force = 0
-def c_source_filename(f, argtypes):
+def get_C_source_filename(f, argtypes):
+    """
+    Return the filename of pypy's C output for a given function
+    and argument types.
+    """
         import pypy
     except ImportError:
         raise ImportError("""
-weave.fast_vectorize requires pypy to be installed.
+scipy.weave.fast_vectorize requires pypy, see
+  http://codespeak.net/pypy/dist/pypy/doc/home.html
+to be installed.
-You can download...
+Use SVN to download the pypy source:
+svn co http://codespeak.net/svn/pypy/dist pypy-dist
+Make sure pypy can be imported, e.g. set your PYTHONPATH:
+export PYTHONPATH=<path-to-pypy-dist>
+    from pypy.translator.interactive import Translation
-    from interactive import Translation
     t = Translation(f, backend='c')
-    return t.driver.c_source_filename
+    return str(t.driver.cbuilder.c_source_filename)
-def translate(f, argtypes):
-    """ Return pypy's C output for a given function and argument types.
-        The cache files are in weave's directory.
+def translate_cached(f, argtypes):
+    Return pypy's C output for a given function and argument types
+    as a string.  This function caches the pypy's C output file in
+    weave's cache directory.
+    """
     if _force:
-        filename = c_source_filename(f, argtypes)
-        return open(filename).read()
+        return open(get_C_source_filename(f, argtypes)).read()
     cache_file_name = os.path.join(weave.catalog.default_dir(),
                                    'pypy_%s.c' % func_hash(f, salt=argtypes))
-    try:
+    if os.access(cache_file_name, os.R_OK):
         return open(cache_file_name).read()
-    except IOError:
-        os.rename(c_source_filename(f, argtypes), cache_file_name)
+    os.rename(get_C_source_filename(f, argtypes), cache_file_name)
+    return translate_cached(f, argtypes)
-        return translate(f, argtypes)
 class Ctype:
     def __init__(self, npy, c):
         self.npy = npy
@@ -72,7 +82,8 @@
 class Cfunc(object):
-    """ C compiled python functions
+    """
+    C compiled python functions
     >>> def sqr(x):
     ...     return x * x
@@ -112,7 +123,7 @@
         self.nout = len(self.sig) - self.nin
         assert self.nout == 1                  # for now
-        src = translate(f, signature[:self.nin])
+        src = translate_cached(f, signature[:self.nin])
         self._prefix = 'f%i_' % self.n
         self._allCsrc = src.replace('pypy_', self._prefix + 'pypy_')
@@ -209,8 +220,9 @@
 def support_code(cfuncs):
-    """ Given a list of Cfunc instances, return the support code for weave.
+    Given a list of Cfunc instances, return the support code for weave.
+    """
     acc = cStringIO.StringIO()
     acc.write('/********************* start pypy.h  **************/\n\n')
@@ -252,8 +264,9 @@
 def code(f, signatures):
-    """ Return the code for weave.
+    Return C code which is input for weave.
+    """
     nin = f.func_code.co_argcount
     ntypes = len(signatures)
     fname = f.__name__
@@ -290,8 +303,9 @@
 def genufunc(f, signatures):
-    """ Return the Ufunc Python object for given function and signatures.
+    Return the Ufunc Python object for given function and signatures.
+    """
     if len(signatures) == 0:
         raise ValueError("At least one signature needed")
@@ -311,8 +325,9 @@
 def fast_vectorize(arg0=[float], showc=0, force=0, verbose=0):
-    """ Python decorator which returns compiled UFunc of the function given.
+    """
+    Python decorator which returns compiled UFunc of the function given.
     >>> from numpy import arange
     >>> @fast_vectorize
     ... def foo(x):

Modified: branches/fast_vectorize/mkufunc/func_hash.py
--- branches/fast_vectorize/mkufunc/func_hash.py	2008-08-19 19:12:18 UTC (rev 4654)
+++ branches/fast_vectorize/mkufunc/func_hash.py	2008-08-19 22:26:16 UTC (rev 4655)
@@ -1,18 +1,7 @@
-Author: Ilan Schnell
 import md5
-import re
 from types import CodeType, FunctionType
-def md5sum(s):
-    return md5.md5(s).hexdigest()
-pat_hex = re.compile(r'0x[0-9a-f]{4,}', re.I)
 def func_hash(f, salt=None):
     """ Return a MD5 hash for a function or code object as string.
@@ -37,4 +26,4 @@
             res.append(repr(getattr(co, name)))
-    return md5sum(''.join(res) + repr(salt))
+    return md5.md5(''.join(res) + repr(salt)).hexdigest()

Deleted: branches/fast_vectorize/mkufunc/interactive.py
--- branches/fast_vectorize/mkufunc/interactive.py	2008-08-19 19:12:18 UTC (rev 4654)
+++ branches/fast_vectorize/mkufunc/interactive.py	2008-08-19 22:26:16 UTC (rev 4655)
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-This file is essentially the file pypy-dist/pypy/translator/interactive.py
-with some modifications to get the c_source_filename.
-import driver
-from pypy.translator.translator import TranslationContext
-  'translation.backend': None,
-  'translation.type_system': None,
-  'translation.verbose': False,
-class Translation(object):
-    def __init__(self, entry_point, argtypes=None, **kwds):
-        self.driver = driver.TranslationDriver(overrides=DEFAULTS)
-        self.config = self.driver.config
-        self.entry_point = entry_point
-        self.context = TranslationContext(config=self.config)
-        # hook into driver events
-        driver_own_event = self.driver._event
-        def _event(kind, goal, func):
-            self.driver_event(kind, goal, func)
-            driver_own_event(kind, goal, func)
-        self.driver._event = _event
-        self.driver_setup = False
-        self.update_options(argtypes, kwds)
-        # for t.view() to work just after construction
-        graph = self.context.buildflowgraph(entry_point)
-        self.context._prebuilt_graphs[entry_point] = graph
-    def driver_event(self, kind, goal, func):
-        if kind == 'pre':
-            self.ensure_setup()
-    def ensure_setup(self, argtypes=None, policy=None, standalone=False):
-        if not self.driver_setup:
-            if standalone:
-                assert argtypes is None
-            else:
-                if argtypes is None:
-                    argtypes = []
-            self.driver.setup(self.entry_point, argtypes, policy,
-                              empty_translator=self.context)
-            self.ann_argtypes = argtypes
-            self.ann_policy = policy
-            self.driver_setup = True
-        else:
-            # check consistency
-            if standalone:
-                assert argtypes is None
-                assert self.ann_argtypes is None
-            elif argtypes is not None and argtypes != self.ann_argtypes:
-                raise Exception("inconsistent argtype supplied")
-            if policy is not None and policy != self.ann_policy:
-                raise Exception("inconsistent annotation polish supplied")
-    def update_options(self, argtypes, kwds):
-        if argtypes or kwds.get('policy') or kwds.get('standalone'):
-            self.ensure_setup(argtypes, kwds.get('policy'),
-                                        kwds.get('standalone'))
-        kwds.pop('policy', None)
-        kwds.pop('standalone', None)
-        self.config.translation.set(**kwds)
-    def ensure_opt(self, name, value=None, fallback=None):
-        if value is not None:
-            self.update_options(None, {name: value})
-            return value
-        val = getattr(self.config.translation, name, None)
-        if fallback is not None and val is None:
-            self.update_options(None, {name: fallback})
-            return fallback
-        if val is not None:
-            return val
-        raise Exception(
-              "the %r option should have been specified at this point" %name)
-    def ensure_type_system(self, type_system=None):
-        if self.config.translation.backend is not None:
-            return self.ensure_opt('type_system')
-        return self.ensure_opt('type_system', type_system, 'lltype')
-    def ensure_backend(self, backend=None):
-        backend = self.ensure_opt('backend', backend)
-        self.ensure_type_system()
-        return backend
-    # backend independent
-    def annotate(self, argtypes=None, **kwds):
-        self.update_options(argtypes, kwds)
-        return self.driver.annotate()
-    # type system dependent
-    def rtype(self, argtypes=None, **kwds):
-        self.update_options(argtypes, kwds)
-        ts = self.ensure_type_system()
-        return getattr(self.driver, 'rtype_'+ts)()
-    # backend depedent
-    def source(self, argtypes=None, **kwds):
-        self.update_options(argtypes, kwds)
-        backend = self.ensure_backend()
-        self.driver.source_c()
-    def compile(self, argtypes=None, **kwds):
-        self.update_options(argtypes, kwds)
-        backend = self.ensure_backend()
-        self.driver.compile_c()
-        return self.driver.c_entryp

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