[Scipy-svn] r3918 - in trunk/scipy/ndimage: . tests

scipy-svn at scipy.org scipy-svn at scipy.org
Mon Feb 11 20:51:23 EST 2008

Author: chris.burns
Date: 2008-02-11 19:51:18 -0600 (Mon, 11 Feb 2008)
New Revision: 3918

Make segmenter.py private. Issue warning on import.

Copied: trunk/scipy/ndimage/_segmenter.py (from rev 3917, trunk/scipy/ndimage/segmenter.py)
--- trunk/scipy/ndimage/segmenter.py	2008-02-12 01:25:33 UTC (rev 3917)
+++ trunk/scipy/ndimage/_segmenter.py	2008-02-12 01:51:18 UTC (rev 3918)
@@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
+import math
+import numpy as N
+import scipy.ndimage._segment as S
+# Issue warning regarding heavy development status of this module
+import warnings
+_msg = "The segmenter code is under heavy development and therefore public \
+API will change in the future.  The NIPY group is actively working on this \
+code, and has every intention of generalizing this for the Scipy community.\
+Use this module minimally, if at all, until it this warning is removed."
+warnings.warn(_msg, UserWarning)
+# WARNING: _objstruct data structure mirrors a corresponding data structure
+# in ndImage_Segmenter_structs.h that is built into the _segment.so library.
+# These structs must match!  
+_objstruct = N.dtype([('L', 'i'),
+                    ('R', 'i'),
+                    ('T', 'i'),
+                    ('B', 'i'),
+                    ('Label', 'i'),
+                    ('Area', 'i'),
+                    ('cX', 'f'),
+                    ('cY', 'f'),
+                    ('curveClose', 'i'),
+                    ('cXB', 'f'),
+                    ('cYB', 'f'),
+                    ('bLength', 'f'),
+                    ('minRadius', 'f'),
+                    ('maxRadius', 'f'),
+                    ('aveRadius', 'f'),
+                    ('ratio', 'f'),
+                    ('compactness', 'f'),
+                    ('voxelMean', 'f'),
+                    ('voxelVar', 'f'),
+                    ('TEM', 'f', 20)]
+                   )
+def shen_castan(image, IIRFilter=0.8, scLow=0.3, window=7, lowThreshold=220+2048,
+                highThreshold=600+2048, dust=16):
+    """
+        labeledEdges, ROIList = shen_castan(image, [default])
+        implements Shen-Castan edge finding
+        Inputs - image, IIR filter, shen_castan_low, window, low_threshold, high_threshold, dust 
+        - image is the numarray 2D image
+        - IIR filter is filter parameter for exponential filter
+        - shen_castan_low is edge threshold is range (0.0, 1.0]
+        - window is search window for edge detection
+        - low_ and high_ threshold are density values 
+        - dust is blob filter. blob area (length x width of bounding box) under this
+          size threshold are filtered (referred to as dust and blown away)
+        Outputs - labeledEdges, ROIList[>dust] 
+        - labeledEdges is boundary (edges) of segmented 'blobs', 
+          numerically labeled by blob number
+        - ROIList[>dust] is a blob feature list. Only values
+          with bounding box area greater than dust threshold are returned
+    """
+    labeledEdges, numberObjects = S.shen_castan_edges(scLow, IIRFilter, window, 
+                                                      lowThreshold, highThreshold, image)
+    # allocated struct array for edge object measures. for now just the rect bounding box
+    ROIList = N.zeros(numberObjects, dtype=_objstruct)
+    # return the bounding box for each connected edge
+    S.get_object_stats(labeledEdges, ROIList)
+    return labeledEdges, ROIList[ROIList['Area']>dust]
+def sobel(image, sLow=0.3, tMode=1, lowThreshold=220+2048, highThreshold=600+2048, BPHigh=10.0, 
+          apearture=21, dust=16):
+    """
+        labeledEdges, ROIList = sobel(image, [default])
+        implements sobel magnitude edge finding
+        Inputs - image, sobel_low, tMode, low_threshold, high_threshold, 
+                        high_filter_cutoff, filter_aperature, dust
+        - image is the numarray 2D image
+        - sobel_low is edge threshold is range (0.0, 1.0]
+        - tMode is threshold mode: 1 for ave, 2 for mode (histogram peak)
+        - low_ and high_ threshold are density values 
+        - high_filter_cutoff is digital high frequency cutoff in range (0.0, 180.0]
+        - aperature is odd filter kernel length
+        - dust is blob filter. blob area (length x width of bounding box) under this
+          size threshold are filtered (referred to as dust and blown away)
+        Outputs - labeledEdges, ROIList[>dust] 
+        - labeledEdges is boundary (edges) of segmented 'blobs', 
+          numerically labeled by blob number
+        - ROIList[>dust] is a blob feature list. Only values
+          with bounding box area greater than dust threshold are returned
+    """
+    # get sobel edge points. return edges that are labeled (1..numberObjects)
+    labeledEdges, numberObjects = S.sobel_edges(sLow, tMode, lowThreshold, 
+                                                highThreshold, BPHigh, apearture, image)
+    # allocated struct array for edge object measures. for now just the rect bounding box
+    ROIList = N.zeros(numberObjects, dtype=_objstruct)
+    # return the bounding box for each connected edge
+    S.get_object_stats(labeledEdges, ROIList)
+    # thin (medial axis transform) of the sobel edges as the sobel produces a 'band edge'
+    S.morpho_thin_filt(labeledEdges, ROIList)
+    return labeledEdges, ROIList[ROIList['Area']>dust]
+def canny(image, cSigma=1.0, cLow=0.5, cHigh=0.8, tMode=1, lowThreshold=220+2048, 
+          highThreshold=600+2048, BPHigh=10.0, apearture=21, dust=16):
+    """
+        labeledEdges, ROIList = canny(image, [default])
+        implements canny edge finding
+        Inputs - image, DG_sigma, canny_low, canny_high, tMode, low_threshold,
+                 high_threshold, high_filter_cutoff, filter_aperature, dust
+        - image is the numarray 2D image
+        - DG_sigma is Gaussain sigma for the derivative-of-gaussian filter
+        - clow is low edge threshold is range (0.0, 1.0]
+        - chigh is high edge threshold is range (0.0, 1.0]
+        - tMode is threshold mode: 1 for ave, 2 for mode (histogram peak)
+        - low_ and high_ threshold are density values 
+        - high_filter_cutoff is digital high frequency cutoff in range (0.0, 180.0]
+        - high_filter_cutoff is digital high frequency cutoff in range (0.0, 180.0]
+        - aperature is odd filter kernel length
+        - dust is blob filter. blob area (length x width of bounding box) under this
+          size threshold are filtered (referred to as dust and blown away)
+        Outputs - labeledEdges, ROIList[>dust] 
+        - labeledEdges is boundary (edges) of segmented 'blobs', 
+          numerically labeled by blob number
+        - ROIList[>dust] is a blob feature list. Only values
+          with bounding box area greater than dust threshold are returned
+    """
+    # get canny edge points. return edges that are labeled (1..numberObjects)
+    labeledEdges, numberObjects = S.canny_edges(cSigma, cLow, cHigh, tMode, lowThreshold, highThreshold, 
+                                               BPHigh, apearture, image)
+    # allocated struct array for edge object measures. for now just the rect bounding box
+    ROIList = N.zeros(numberObjects, dtype=_objstruct)
+    # return the bounding box for each connected edge
+    S.get_object_stats(labeledEdges, ROIList)
+    return labeledEdges, ROIList[ROIList['Area']>dust]
+def get_shape_mask(labeledEdges, ROIList):
+    """
+        get_shape_mask(labeledEdges, ROIList)
+        takes labeled edge image plus ROIList (blob descriptors) and generates
+        boundary shape features and builds labeled blob masks. 'labeledEdges' 
+        is over-written by 'labeledMask'. Adds features to ROIList structure
+        Inputs - labeledEdges, ROIList
+        - labeledEdges is boundary (edges) of segmented 'blobs', 
+          numerically labeled by blob number
+        - ROIList is a blob feature list. 
+        Output - no return. edge image input is over-written with mask image.
+                            ROIList added to.
+    """
+    # pass in Sobel morph-thinned labeled edge image (LEI) and ROIList
+    # GetShapeMask will augment the ROI list
+    # labeledEdges is the original edge image and overwritten as mask image
+    # maskImage is the mask that is used for blob texture / pixel features
+    S.build_boundary(labeledEdges, ROIList)
+    return 
+def get_voxel_measures(rawImage, labeledEdges, ROIList):
+    """
+        get_voxel_measures(rawImage, labeledEdges, ROIList)
+        takes raw 2D image, labeled blob mask and ROIList. computes voxel features
+        (moments, histogram) for each blob. Adds features to ROIList structure.
+        Inputs - rawImage, labeledEdges, ROIList
+        - rawImage is the original source 2D image
+        - labeledEdges is boundary (edges) of segmented 'blobs', 
+          numerically labeled by blob number
+        - ROIList is a blob feature list. 
+        Output - no return. ROIList added to.
+    """
+    #
+    # pass raw image, labeled mask and the partially filled ROIList
+    # VoxelMeasures will fill the voxel features in the list
+    #
+    S.voxel_measures(rawImage, labeledEdges, ROIList)
+    return 
+def get_texture_measures(rawImage, labeledEdges, ROIList):
+    """
+        get_texture_measures(rawImage, labeledEdges, ROIList)
+        takes raw 2D image, labeled blob mask and ROIList. computes 2D 
+        texture features using 7x7 Law's texture filters applied 
+        to segmented blobs. TEM (texture energy metric) is computed 
+        for each Law's filter image and stored in TEM part of ROIList.
+        Inputs - rawImage, labeledEdges, ROIList
+        - rawImage is the original source 2D image
+        - labeledEdges is boundary (edges) of segmented 'blobs', 
+          numerically labeled by blob number
+        - ROIList is a blob feature list. 
+        Output - no return. ROIList added to.
+    """
+    #
+    # pass raw image, labeled mask and the partially filled ROIList
+    # VoxelMeasures will fill the texture (Law's, sub-edges, co-occurence, Gabor) features in the list
+    #
+    S.texture_measures(rawImage, labeledEdges, ROIList)
+    return 
+def segment_regions(filename):
+    """
+        sourceImage, labeledMask, ROIList = segment_regions()
+        Inputs - No Input
+        Outputs - sourceImage, labeledMask, ROIList
+        - sourceImage is raw 2D image (default cardiac CT slice for demo
+        - labeledMask is mask of segmented 'blobs', 
+          numerically labeled by blob number
+        - ROIList is numerical Python structure of intensity, shape and 
+          texture features for each blob
+        High level script calls Python functions:
+            get_slice()            - a cardiac CT slice demo file
+            sobel()                - sobel magnitude edge finder,
+                                     returns connected edges
+            get_shape_mask()       - gets segmented blob boundary and mask 
+                                     and shape features
+            get_voxel_measures()   - uses masks get object voxel moment 
+                                     and histogram features 
+            get_texture_measures() - uses masks get object 2D texture features 
+    """
+    # get slice from the CT volume
+    image = get_slice(filename)
+    # need a copy of original image as filtering will occur on the extracted slice
+    sourceImage = image.copy()
+    # Sobel is the first level segmenter. Sobel magnitude and MAT (medial axis transform)
+    # followed by connected component analysis. What is returned is labeled edges and the object list
+    labeledMask, ROIList = sobel(image)
+    # From the labeled edges and the object list get the labeled mask for each blob object
+    get_shape_mask(labeledMask, ROIList)
+    # Use the labeled mask and source image (raw) to get voxel features 
+    get_voxel_measures(sourceImage, labeledMask, ROIList)
+    # Use the labeled mask and source image (raw) to get texture features 
+    get_texture_measures(sourceImage, labeledMask, ROIList)
+    return sourceImage, labeledMask, ROIList
+def grow_regions(filename):
+    """
+        regionMask, numberRegions = region_grow()
+        Inputs - No Input
+        Outputs - regionMask, numberRegions 
+        - regionMask is the labeled segment masks from 2D image
+        - numberRegions is the number of segmented blobs
+        High level script calls Python functions:
+            get_slice()      - a cardiac CT slice demo file
+            region_grow()    - "grows" connected blobs. default threshold 
+                                and morphological filter structuring element
+    """
+    # get slice from the CT volume
+    image = get_slice(filename)
+    regionMask, numberRegions = region_grow(image)
+    return regionMask, numberRegions 
+def region_grow(image, lowThreshold=220+2048, highThreshold=600+2048, open=7, close=7):
+    """
+        regionMask, numberRegions = region_grow(image, [defaults])
+        Inputs - image, low_threshold, high_threshold, open, close
+        - image is the numarray 2D image
+        - low_ and high_ threshold are density values 
+        - open is open morphology structuring element
+          odd size. 0 to turn off. max is 11
+        - close is close morphology structuring element
+          odd size. 0 to turn off. max is 11
+        Outputs - regionMask, numberRegions 
+        - regionMask is the labeled segment masks from 2D image
+        - numberRegions is the number of segmented blobs
+    """
+    # morphology filters need to be clipped to 11 max and be odd
+    regionMask, numberRegions = S.region_grow(lowThreshold, highThreshold, close, open, image)
+    return regionMask, numberRegions
+def get_slice(imageName='slice112.raw', bytes=2, rows=512, columns=512):
+    # get a slice alrady extracted from the CT volume
+    #image = open(imageName, 'rb')
+    #slice = image.read(rows*columns*bytes)
+    #values = struct.unpack('h'*rows*columns, slice)
+    #ImageSlice = N.array(values, dtype=float).reshape(rows, columns)
+    ImageSlice = N.fromfile(imageName, dtype=N.uint16).reshape(rows, columns);
+    # clip the ends for this test CT image file as the spine runs off the end of the image
+    ImageSlice[505:512, :] = 0
+    return (ImageSlice).astype(float)
+def get_slice2(image_name='slice112.raw', bytes=2, shape=(512,512)):
+    import mmap
+    file = open(image_name, 'rb')
+    mm = mmap.mmap(file.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ)
+    slice = N.frombuffer(mm, dtype='u%d' % bytes).reshape(shape) 
+    slice = slice.astype(float)
+    # this is for the test CT as spine runs off back of image
+    slice[505:512,:] = 0
+    return slice
+def save_slice(mySlice, filename='junk.raw', bytes=4):
+    # just save the slice to a fixed file
+    slice = mySlice.astype('u%d' % bytes)
+    slice.tofile(filename)
+def build_d_gauss_kernel(gWidth=21, sigma=1.0):
+    """
+    build the derivative of Gaussian kernel for Canny edge filter
+    DGFilter = build_d_gauss_kernel(gWidth, sigma)
+    Inputs:
+        gWdith is width of derivative of Gaussian kernel
+        sigma is sigma term of derivative of Gaussian kernel
+    Output:
+        DGFilter (a struct). Use in Canny filter call
+    """
+    kernel  = N.zeros((1+2*(gWidth-1)), dtype=float)
+    indices = range(1, gWidth)  
+    i = 0
+    kernel[gWidth-1]  = math.exp(((-i*i)/(2.0 * sigma * sigma)))
+    kernel[gWidth-1] *= -(i / (sigma * sigma))
+    for i in indices:
+        kernel[gWidth-1+i]  = math.exp(((-i*i)/(2.0 * sigma * sigma)))
+        kernel[gWidth-1+i] *= -(i / (sigma * sigma))
+        kernel[gWidth-1-i]  = -kernel[gWidth-1+i]
+    DGFilter= {'kernelSize' : gWidth, 'coefficients': kernel} 
+    return DGFilter
+def build_2d_kernel(aperature=21, hiFilterCutoff=10.0):
+    """
+    build flat FIR filter with sinc kernel
+    this is bandpass, but low cutoff is 0.0
+    Use in Sobel and Canny filter edge find as image pre-process
+    FIRFilter = build_2d_kernel(aperature, hiFilterCutoff)
+    Inputs:
+        aperature is number of FIR taps in sinc kernel 
+        hiFilterCutoff is digital frequency cutoff in range (0.0, 180.0)
+    Output:
+        FIRFilter (a struct)
+    """
+    rad = math.pi / 180.0
+    HalfFilterTaps = (aperature-1) / 2
+    kernel = N.zeros((aperature), dtype=N.float32)
+    LC = 0.0
+    HC = hiFilterCutoff * rad 
+    t2 = 2.0 * math.pi
+    t1 = 2.0 * HalfFilterTaps + 1.0
+    indices = range(-HalfFilterTaps, HalfFilterTaps+1, 1)  
+    j = 0
+    for i in indices:
+        if i == 0:
+            tLOW  = LC
+            tHIGH = HC
+        else:
+            tLOW  = math.sin(i*LC)/i
+            tHIGH = math.sin(i*HC)/i
+        # Hamming window
+        t3 = 0.54 + 0.46*(math.cos(i*t2/t1))
+        t4 = t3*(tHIGH-tLOW)
+        kernel[j] = t4
+        j += 1
+    # normalize the kernel
+    sum = kernel.sum()
+    kernel /= sum
+    FIRFilter= {'kernelSize' : aperature, 'coefficients': kernel} 
+    return FIRFilter
+def build_laws_kernel():
+    """
+    build 6 length-7 Law's texture filter masks
+    mask names are: 'L', 'S', 'E', 'W', 'R', 'O'
+    LAWSFilter = build_laws_kernel()
+    Inputs:
+        None
+    Output:
+        LAWSFilter (a struct)
+    """
+    aperature = (6, 7)
+    coefficients = N.zeros((aperature), dtype=N.float32)
+    names = ('L', 'E', 'S', 'W', 'R', 'O' )
+    coefficients[0, :] =  ( 1.0,  6.0,  15.0, 20.0,  15.0,  6.0,  1.0 )
+    coefficients[1, :] =  (-1.0, -4.0,  -5.0,  0.0,   5.0,  4.0,  1.0 )
+    coefficients[2, :] =  (-1.0, -2.0,   1.0,  4.0,   1.0, -2.0, -1.0 )
+    coefficients[3, :] =  (-1.0,  0.0,   3.0,  0.0,  -3.0,  0.0,  1.0 )
+    coefficients[4, :] =  ( 1.0, -2.0,  -1.0,  4.0,  -1.0, -2.0,  1.0 )
+    coefficients[5, :] =  (-1.0,  6.0, -15.0, 20.0, -15.0,  6.0, -1.0 )
+    LAWSFilter= {'numKernels' : 6, 'kernelSize' : 7, 'coefficients': coefficients, 'names': names} 
+    return LAWSFilter
+def build_morpho_thin_masks():
+    """
+    build 2 sets (J and K) of 8 3x3 morphology masks (structuring elements)
+    to implement thinning (medial axis transformation - MAT)
+    MATFilter = build_morpho_thin_masks()
+    Inputs:
+        None
+    Output:
+        MATFilter (a struct)
+    """
+    # (layers, rows, cols)
+    shape  = (8, 3, 3)
+    J_mask = N.zeros((shape), dtype=N.ushort)
+    K_mask = N.zeros((shape), dtype=N.ushort)
+    # load the 8 J masks for medial axis transformation
+    J_mask[0][0][0] = 1;
+    J_mask[0][0][1] = 1;
+    J_mask[0][0][2] = 1;
+    J_mask[0][1][1] = 1;
+    J_mask[1][0][1] = 1;
+    J_mask[1][1][1] = 1;
+    J_mask[1][1][2] = 1;
+    J_mask[2][0][0] = 1;
+    J_mask[2][1][0] = 1;
+    J_mask[2][2][0] = 1;
+    J_mask[2][1][1] = 1;
+    J_mask[3][0][1] = 1;
+    J_mask[3][1][0] = 1;
+    J_mask[3][1][1] = 1;
+    J_mask[4][0][2] = 1;
+    J_mask[4][1][1] = 1;
+    J_mask[4][1][2] = 1;
+    J_mask[4][2][2] = 1;
+    J_mask[5][1][0] = 1;
+    J_mask[5][1][1] = 1;
+    J_mask[5][2][1] = 1;
+    J_mask[6][1][1] = 1;
+    J_mask[6][2][0] = 1;
+    J_mask[6][2][1] = 1;
+    J_mask[6][2][2] = 1;
+    J_mask[7][1][1] = 1;
+    J_mask[7][1][2] = 1;
+    J_mask[7][2][1] = 1;
+    # load the 8 K masks for medial axis transformation
+    K_mask[0][2][0] = 1;
+    K_mask[0][2][1] = 1;
+    K_mask[0][2][2] = 1;
+    K_mask[1][1][0] = 1;
+    K_mask[1][2][0] = 1;
+    K_mask[1][2][1] = 1;
+    K_mask[2][0][2] = 1;
+    K_mask[2][1][2] = 1;
+    K_mask[2][2][2] = 1;
+    K_mask[3][1][2] = 1;
+    K_mask[3][2][1] = 1;
+    K_mask[3][2][2] = 1;
+    K_mask[4][0][0] = 1;
+    K_mask[4][1][0] = 1;
+    K_mask[4][2][0] = 1;
+    K_mask[5][0][1] = 1;
+    K_mask[5][0][2] = 1;
+    K_mask[5][1][2] = 1;
+    K_mask[6][0][0] = 1;
+    K_mask[6][0][1] = 1;
+    K_mask[6][0][2] = 1;
+    K_mask[7][0][0] = 1;
+    K_mask[7][0][1] = 1;
+    K_mask[7][1][0] = 1;
+    MATFilter = {'number3x3Masks' : 8, 'jmask' : J_mask, 'kmask' : K_mask} 
+    return MATFilter 

Deleted: trunk/scipy/ndimage/segmenter.py
--- trunk/scipy/ndimage/segmenter.py	2008-02-12 01:25:33 UTC (rev 3917)
+++ trunk/scipy/ndimage/segmenter.py	2008-02-12 01:51:18 UTC (rev 3918)
@@ -1,512 +0,0 @@
-import math
-import numpy as N
-import scipy.ndimage._segment as S
-# WARNING: _objstruct data structure mirrors a corresponding data structure
-# in ndImage_Segmenter_structs.h that is built into the _segment.so library.
-# These structs must match!  
-_objstruct = N.dtype([('L', 'i'),
-                    ('R', 'i'),
-                    ('T', 'i'),
-                    ('B', 'i'),
-                    ('Label', 'i'),
-                    ('Area', 'i'),
-                    ('cX', 'f'),
-                    ('cY', 'f'),
-                    ('curveClose', 'i'),
-                    ('cXB', 'f'),
-                    ('cYB', 'f'),
-                    ('bLength', 'f'),
-                    ('minRadius', 'f'),
-                    ('maxRadius', 'f'),
-                    ('aveRadius', 'f'),
-                    ('ratio', 'f'),
-                    ('compactness', 'f'),
-                    ('voxelMean', 'f'),
-                    ('voxelVar', 'f'),
-                    ('TEM', 'f', 20)]
-                   )
-def shen_castan(image, IIRFilter=0.8, scLow=0.3, window=7, lowThreshold=220+2048,
-                highThreshold=600+2048, dust=16):
-    """
-        labeledEdges, ROIList = shen_castan(image, [default])
-        implements Shen-Castan edge finding
-        Inputs - image, IIR filter, shen_castan_low, window, low_threshold, high_threshold, dust 
-        - image is the numarray 2D image
-        - IIR filter is filter parameter for exponential filter
-        - shen_castan_low is edge threshold is range (0.0, 1.0]
-        - window is search window for edge detection
-        - low_ and high_ threshold are density values 
-        - dust is blob filter. blob area (length x width of bounding box) under this
-          size threshold are filtered (referred to as dust and blown away)
-        Outputs - labeledEdges, ROIList[>dust] 
-        - labeledEdges is boundary (edges) of segmented 'blobs', 
-          numerically labeled by blob number
-        - ROIList[>dust] is a blob feature list. Only values
-          with bounding box area greater than dust threshold are returned
-    """
-    labeledEdges, numberObjects = S.shen_castan_edges(scLow, IIRFilter, window, 
-                                                      lowThreshold, highThreshold, image)
-    # allocated struct array for edge object measures. for now just the rect bounding box
-    ROIList = N.zeros(numberObjects, dtype=_objstruct)
-    # return the bounding box for each connected edge
-    S.get_object_stats(labeledEdges, ROIList)
-    return labeledEdges, ROIList[ROIList['Area']>dust]
-def sobel(image, sLow=0.3, tMode=1, lowThreshold=220+2048, highThreshold=600+2048, BPHigh=10.0, 
-          apearture=21, dust=16):
-    """
-        labeledEdges, ROIList = sobel(image, [default])
-        implements sobel magnitude edge finding
-        Inputs - image, sobel_low, tMode, low_threshold, high_threshold, 
-                        high_filter_cutoff, filter_aperature, dust
-        - image is the numarray 2D image
-        - sobel_low is edge threshold is range (0.0, 1.0]
-        - tMode is threshold mode: 1 for ave, 2 for mode (histogram peak)
-        - low_ and high_ threshold are density values 
-        - high_filter_cutoff is digital high frequency cutoff in range (0.0, 180.0]
-        - aperature is odd filter kernel length
-        - dust is blob filter. blob area (length x width of bounding box) under this
-          size threshold are filtered (referred to as dust and blown away)
-        Outputs - labeledEdges, ROIList[>dust] 
-        - labeledEdges is boundary (edges) of segmented 'blobs', 
-          numerically labeled by blob number
-        - ROIList[>dust] is a blob feature list. Only values
-          with bounding box area greater than dust threshold are returned
-    """
-    # get sobel edge points. return edges that are labeled (1..numberObjects)
-    labeledEdges, numberObjects = S.sobel_edges(sLow, tMode, lowThreshold, 
-                                                highThreshold, BPHigh, apearture, image)
-    # allocated struct array for edge object measures. for now just the rect bounding box
-    ROIList = N.zeros(numberObjects, dtype=_objstruct)
-    # return the bounding box for each connected edge
-    S.get_object_stats(labeledEdges, ROIList)
-    # thin (medial axis transform) of the sobel edges as the sobel produces a 'band edge'
-    S.morpho_thin_filt(labeledEdges, ROIList)
-    return labeledEdges, ROIList[ROIList['Area']>dust]
-def canny(image, cSigma=1.0, cLow=0.5, cHigh=0.8, tMode=1, lowThreshold=220+2048, 
-          highThreshold=600+2048, BPHigh=10.0, apearture=21, dust=16):
-    """
-        labeledEdges, ROIList = canny(image, [default])
-        implements canny edge finding
-        Inputs - image, DG_sigma, canny_low, canny_high, tMode, low_threshold,
-                 high_threshold, high_filter_cutoff, filter_aperature, dust
-        - image is the numarray 2D image
-        - DG_sigma is Gaussain sigma for the derivative-of-gaussian filter
-        - clow is low edge threshold is range (0.0, 1.0]
-        - chigh is high edge threshold is range (0.0, 1.0]
-        - tMode is threshold mode: 1 for ave, 2 for mode (histogram peak)
-        - low_ and high_ threshold are density values 
-        - high_filter_cutoff is digital high frequency cutoff in range (0.0, 180.0]
-        - high_filter_cutoff is digital high frequency cutoff in range (0.0, 180.0]
-        - aperature is odd filter kernel length
-        - dust is blob filter. blob area (length x width of bounding box) under this
-          size threshold are filtered (referred to as dust and blown away)
-        Outputs - labeledEdges, ROIList[>dust] 
-        - labeledEdges is boundary (edges) of segmented 'blobs', 
-          numerically labeled by blob number
-        - ROIList[>dust] is a blob feature list. Only values
-          with bounding box area greater than dust threshold are returned
-    """
-    # get canny edge points. return edges that are labeled (1..numberObjects)
-    labeledEdges, numberObjects = S.canny_edges(cSigma, cLow, cHigh, tMode, lowThreshold, highThreshold, 
-                                               BPHigh, apearture, image)
-    # allocated struct array for edge object measures. for now just the rect bounding box
-    ROIList = N.zeros(numberObjects, dtype=_objstruct)
-    # return the bounding box for each connected edge
-    S.get_object_stats(labeledEdges, ROIList)
-    return labeledEdges, ROIList[ROIList['Area']>dust]
-def get_shape_mask(labeledEdges, ROIList):
-    """
-        get_shape_mask(labeledEdges, ROIList)
-        takes labeled edge image plus ROIList (blob descriptors) and generates
-        boundary shape features and builds labeled blob masks. 'labeledEdges' 
-        is over-written by 'labeledMask'. Adds features to ROIList structure
-        Inputs - labeledEdges, ROIList
-        - labeledEdges is boundary (edges) of segmented 'blobs', 
-          numerically labeled by blob number
-        - ROIList is a blob feature list. 
-        Output - no return. edge image input is over-written with mask image.
-                            ROIList added to.
-    """
-    # pass in Sobel morph-thinned labeled edge image (LEI) and ROIList
-    # GetShapeMask will augment the ROI list
-    # labeledEdges is the original edge image and overwritten as mask image
-    # maskImage is the mask that is used for blob texture / pixel features
-    S.build_boundary(labeledEdges, ROIList)
-    return 
-def get_voxel_measures(rawImage, labeledEdges, ROIList):
-    """
-        get_voxel_measures(rawImage, labeledEdges, ROIList)
-        takes raw 2D image, labeled blob mask and ROIList. computes voxel features
-        (moments, histogram) for each blob. Adds features to ROIList structure.
-        Inputs - rawImage, labeledEdges, ROIList
-        - rawImage is the original source 2D image
-        - labeledEdges is boundary (edges) of segmented 'blobs', 
-          numerically labeled by blob number
-        - ROIList is a blob feature list. 
-        Output - no return. ROIList added to.
-    """
-    #
-    # pass raw image, labeled mask and the partially filled ROIList
-    # VoxelMeasures will fill the voxel features in the list
-    #
-    S.voxel_measures(rawImage, labeledEdges, ROIList)
-    return 
-def get_texture_measures(rawImage, labeledEdges, ROIList):
-    """
-        get_texture_measures(rawImage, labeledEdges, ROIList)
-        takes raw 2D image, labeled blob mask and ROIList. computes 2D 
-        texture features using 7x7 Law's texture filters applied 
-        to segmented blobs. TEM (texture energy metric) is computed 
-        for each Law's filter image and stored in TEM part of ROIList.
-        Inputs - rawImage, labeledEdges, ROIList
-        - rawImage is the original source 2D image
-        - labeledEdges is boundary (edges) of segmented 'blobs', 
-          numerically labeled by blob number
-        - ROIList is a blob feature list. 
-        Output - no return. ROIList added to.
-    """
-    #
-    # pass raw image, labeled mask and the partially filled ROIList
-    # VoxelMeasures will fill the texture (Law's, sub-edges, co-occurence, Gabor) features in the list
-    #
-    S.texture_measures(rawImage, labeledEdges, ROIList)
-    return 
-def segment_regions(filename):
-    """
-        sourceImage, labeledMask, ROIList = segment_regions()
-        Inputs - No Input
-        Outputs - sourceImage, labeledMask, ROIList
-        - sourceImage is raw 2D image (default cardiac CT slice for demo
-        - labeledMask is mask of segmented 'blobs', 
-          numerically labeled by blob number
-        - ROIList is numerical Python structure of intensity, shape and 
-          texture features for each blob
-        High level script calls Python functions:
-            get_slice()            - a cardiac CT slice demo file
-            sobel()                - sobel magnitude edge finder,
-                                     returns connected edges
-            get_shape_mask()       - gets segmented blob boundary and mask 
-                                     and shape features
-            get_voxel_measures()   - uses masks get object voxel moment 
-                                     and histogram features 
-            get_texture_measures() - uses masks get object 2D texture features 
-    """
-    # get slice from the CT volume
-    image = get_slice(filename)
-    # need a copy of original image as filtering will occur on the extracted slice
-    sourceImage = image.copy()
-    # Sobel is the first level segmenter. Sobel magnitude and MAT (medial axis transform)
-    # followed by connected component analysis. What is returned is labeled edges and the object list
-    labeledMask, ROIList = sobel(image)
-    # From the labeled edges and the object list get the labeled mask for each blob object
-    get_shape_mask(labeledMask, ROIList)
-    # Use the labeled mask and source image (raw) to get voxel features 
-    get_voxel_measures(sourceImage, labeledMask, ROIList)
-    # Use the labeled mask and source image (raw) to get texture features 
-    get_texture_measures(sourceImage, labeledMask, ROIList)
-    return sourceImage, labeledMask, ROIList
-def grow_regions(filename):
-    """
-        regionMask, numberRegions = region_grow()
-        Inputs - No Input
-        Outputs - regionMask, numberRegions 
-        - regionMask is the labeled segment masks from 2D image
-        - numberRegions is the number of segmented blobs
-        High level script calls Python functions:
-            get_slice()      - a cardiac CT slice demo file
-            region_grow()    - "grows" connected blobs. default threshold 
-                                and morphological filter structuring element
-    """
-    # get slice from the CT volume
-    image = get_slice(filename)
-    regionMask, numberRegions = region_grow(image)
-    return regionMask, numberRegions 
-def region_grow(image, lowThreshold=220+2048, highThreshold=600+2048, open=7, close=7):
-    """
-        regionMask, numberRegions = region_grow(image, [defaults])
-        Inputs - image, low_threshold, high_threshold, open, close
-        - image is the numarray 2D image
-        - low_ and high_ threshold are density values 
-        - open is open morphology structuring element
-          odd size. 0 to turn off. max is 11
-        - close is close morphology structuring element
-          odd size. 0 to turn off. max is 11
-        Outputs - regionMask, numberRegions 
-        - regionMask is the labeled segment masks from 2D image
-        - numberRegions is the number of segmented blobs
-    """
-    # morphology filters need to be clipped to 11 max and be odd
-    regionMask, numberRegions = S.region_grow(lowThreshold, highThreshold, close, open, image)
-    return regionMask, numberRegions
-def get_slice(imageName='slice112.raw', bytes=2, rows=512, columns=512):
-    # get a slice alrady extracted from the CT volume
-    #image = open(imageName, 'rb')
-    #slice = image.read(rows*columns*bytes)
-    #values = struct.unpack('h'*rows*columns, slice)
-    #ImageSlice = N.array(values, dtype=float).reshape(rows, columns)
-    ImageSlice = N.fromfile(imageName, dtype=N.uint16).reshape(rows, columns);
-    # clip the ends for this test CT image file as the spine runs off the end of the image
-    ImageSlice[505:512, :] = 0
-    return (ImageSlice).astype(float)
-def get_slice2(image_name='slice112.raw', bytes=2, shape=(512,512)):
-    import mmap
-    file = open(image_name, 'rb')
-    mm = mmap.mmap(file.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ)
-    slice = N.frombuffer(mm, dtype='u%d' % bytes).reshape(shape) 
-    slice = slice.astype(float)
-    # this is for the test CT as spine runs off back of image
-    slice[505:512,:] = 0
-    return slice
-def save_slice(mySlice, filename='junk.raw', bytes=4):
-    # just save the slice to a fixed file
-    slice = mySlice.astype('u%d' % bytes)
-    slice.tofile(filename)
-def build_d_gauss_kernel(gWidth=21, sigma=1.0):
-    """
-    build the derivative of Gaussian kernel for Canny edge filter
-    DGFilter = build_d_gauss_kernel(gWidth, sigma)
-    Inputs:
-        gWdith is width of derivative of Gaussian kernel
-        sigma is sigma term of derivative of Gaussian kernel
-    Output:
-        DGFilter (a struct). Use in Canny filter call
-    """
-    kernel  = N.zeros((1+2*(gWidth-1)), dtype=float)
-    indices = range(1, gWidth)  
-    i = 0
-    kernel[gWidth-1]  = math.exp(((-i*i)/(2.0 * sigma * sigma)))
-    kernel[gWidth-1] *= -(i / (sigma * sigma))
-    for i in indices:
-        kernel[gWidth-1+i]  = math.exp(((-i*i)/(2.0 * sigma * sigma)))
-        kernel[gWidth-1+i] *= -(i / (sigma * sigma))
-        kernel[gWidth-1-i]  = -kernel[gWidth-1+i]
-    DGFilter= {'kernelSize' : gWidth, 'coefficients': kernel} 
-    return DGFilter
-def build_2d_kernel(aperature=21, hiFilterCutoff=10.0):
-    """
-    build flat FIR filter with sinc kernel
-    this is bandpass, but low cutoff is 0.0
-    Use in Sobel and Canny filter edge find as image pre-process
-    FIRFilter = build_2d_kernel(aperature, hiFilterCutoff)
-    Inputs:
-        aperature is number of FIR taps in sinc kernel 
-        hiFilterCutoff is digital frequency cutoff in range (0.0, 180.0)
-    Output:
-        FIRFilter (a struct)
-    """
-    rad = math.pi / 180.0
-    HalfFilterTaps = (aperature-1) / 2
-    kernel = N.zeros((aperature), dtype=N.float32)
-    LC = 0.0
-    HC = hiFilterCutoff * rad 
-    t2 = 2.0 * math.pi
-    t1 = 2.0 * HalfFilterTaps + 1.0
-    indices = range(-HalfFilterTaps, HalfFilterTaps+1, 1)  
-    j = 0
-    for i in indices:
-        if i == 0:
-            tLOW  = LC
-            tHIGH = HC
-        else:
-            tLOW  = math.sin(i*LC)/i
-            tHIGH = math.sin(i*HC)/i
-        # Hamming window
-        t3 = 0.54 + 0.46*(math.cos(i*t2/t1))
-        t4 = t3*(tHIGH-tLOW)
-        kernel[j] = t4
-        j += 1
-    # normalize the kernel
-    sum = kernel.sum()
-    kernel /= sum
-    FIRFilter= {'kernelSize' : aperature, 'coefficients': kernel} 
-    return FIRFilter
-def build_laws_kernel():
-    """
-    build 6 length-7 Law's texture filter masks
-    mask names are: 'L', 'S', 'E', 'W', 'R', 'O'
-    LAWSFilter = build_laws_kernel()
-    Inputs:
-        None
-    Output:
-        LAWSFilter (a struct)
-    """
-    aperature = (6, 7)
-    coefficients = N.zeros((aperature), dtype=N.float32)
-    names = ('L', 'E', 'S', 'W', 'R', 'O' )
-    coefficients[0, :] =  ( 1.0,  6.0,  15.0, 20.0,  15.0,  6.0,  1.0 )
-    coefficients[1, :] =  (-1.0, -4.0,  -5.0,  0.0,   5.0,  4.0,  1.0 )
-    coefficients[2, :] =  (-1.0, -2.0,   1.0,  4.0,   1.0, -2.0, -1.0 )
-    coefficients[3, :] =  (-1.0,  0.0,   3.0,  0.0,  -3.0,  0.0,  1.0 )
-    coefficients[4, :] =  ( 1.0, -2.0,  -1.0,  4.0,  -1.0, -2.0,  1.0 )
-    coefficients[5, :] =  (-1.0,  6.0, -15.0, 20.0, -15.0,  6.0, -1.0 )
-    LAWSFilter= {'numKernels' : 6, 'kernelSize' : 7, 'coefficients': coefficients, 'names': names} 
-    return LAWSFilter
-def build_morpho_thin_masks():
-    """
-    build 2 sets (J and K) of 8 3x3 morphology masks (structuring elements)
-    to implement thinning (medial axis transformation - MAT)
-    MATFilter = build_morpho_thin_masks()
-    Inputs:
-        None
-    Output:
-        MATFilter (a struct)
-    """
-    # (layers, rows, cols)
-    shape  = (8, 3, 3)
-    J_mask = N.zeros((shape), dtype=N.ushort)
-    K_mask = N.zeros((shape), dtype=N.ushort)
-    # load the 8 J masks for medial axis transformation
-    J_mask[0][0][0] = 1;
-    J_mask[0][0][1] = 1;
-    J_mask[0][0][2] = 1;
-    J_mask[0][1][1] = 1;
-    J_mask[1][0][1] = 1;
-    J_mask[1][1][1] = 1;
-    J_mask[1][1][2] = 1;
-    J_mask[2][0][0] = 1;
-    J_mask[2][1][0] = 1;
-    J_mask[2][2][0] = 1;
-    J_mask[2][1][1] = 1;
-    J_mask[3][0][1] = 1;
-    J_mask[3][1][0] = 1;
-    J_mask[3][1][1] = 1;
-    J_mask[4][0][2] = 1;
-    J_mask[4][1][1] = 1;
-    J_mask[4][1][2] = 1;
-    J_mask[4][2][2] = 1;
-    J_mask[5][1][0] = 1;
-    J_mask[5][1][1] = 1;
-    J_mask[5][2][1] = 1;
-    J_mask[6][1][1] = 1;
-    J_mask[6][2][0] = 1;
-    J_mask[6][2][1] = 1;
-    J_mask[6][2][2] = 1;
-    J_mask[7][1][1] = 1;
-    J_mask[7][1][2] = 1;
-    J_mask[7][2][1] = 1;
-    # load the 8 K masks for medial axis transformation
-    K_mask[0][2][0] = 1;
-    K_mask[0][2][1] = 1;
-    K_mask[0][2][2] = 1;
-    K_mask[1][1][0] = 1;
-    K_mask[1][2][0] = 1;
-    K_mask[1][2][1] = 1;
-    K_mask[2][0][2] = 1;
-    K_mask[2][1][2] = 1;
-    K_mask[2][2][2] = 1;
-    K_mask[3][1][2] = 1;
-    K_mask[3][2][1] = 1;
-    K_mask[3][2][2] = 1;
-    K_mask[4][0][0] = 1;
-    K_mask[4][1][0] = 1;
-    K_mask[4][2][0] = 1;
-    K_mask[5][0][1] = 1;
-    K_mask[5][0][2] = 1;
-    K_mask[5][1][2] = 1;
-    K_mask[6][0][0] = 1;
-    K_mask[6][0][1] = 1;
-    K_mask[6][0][2] = 1;
-    K_mask[7][0][0] = 1;
-    K_mask[7][0][1] = 1;
-    K_mask[7][1][0] = 1;
-    MATFilter = {'number3x3Masks' : 8, 'jmask' : J_mask, 'kmask' : K_mask} 
-    return MATFilter 

Modified: trunk/scipy/ndimage/tests/test_segment.py
--- trunk/scipy/ndimage/tests/test_segment.py	2008-02-12 01:25:33 UTC (rev 3917)
+++ trunk/scipy/ndimage/tests/test_segment.py	2008-02-12 01:51:18 UTC (rev 3918)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 from scipy.testing import *
-from scipy.ndimage.segmenter import *
+from scipy.ndimage._segmenter import *
 inputname = 'slice112.raw'

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