[Scipy-svn] r4509 - trunk/scipy/sandbox/mkufunc

scipy-svn at scipy.org scipy-svn at scipy.org
Mon Jun 30 20:36:02 EDT 2008

Author: ilan
Date: 2008-06-30 19:36:02 -0500 (Mon, 30 Jun 2008)
New Revision: 4509

Moved into mkufunc/

Deleted: trunk/scipy/sandbox/mkufunc/mkufunc.py
--- trunk/scipy/sandbox/mkufunc/mkufunc.py	2008-07-01 00:35:15 UTC (rev 4508)
+++ trunk/scipy/sandbox/mkufunc/mkufunc.py	2008-07-01 00:36:02 UTC (rev 4509)
@@ -1,337 +0,0 @@
-""" mkufunc (make U function)
-Author: Ilan Schnell (with help from Travis Oliphant and Eric Jones)
-import sys
-import re
-import os, os.path
-import cStringIO
-import hashlib
-from types import FunctionType
-import numpy
-from scipy import weave
-verbose = 0
-def func_hash(f, salt=None):
-    """ Return a MD5 hash for a function object as string.
-    """
-    co = f.func_code
-    return hashlib.md5(co.co_code + repr(co.co_names) + repr(salt)
-                       ).hexdigest()
-def translate(f, argtypes):
-    """ Return pypy's C output for a given function and argument types.
-    The cache files are in weave's directory.
-    """
-    cache_file_name = os.path.join(weave.catalog.default_dir(),
-                                   'pypy_%s.c' % func_hash(f, salt=argtypes))
-    try:
-        return open(cache_file_name).read()
-    except IOError:
-        from interactive import Translation
-        t = Translation(f, backend='c')
-        t.annotate(argtypes)
-        t.source()
-        os.rename(t.driver.c_source_filename, cache_file_name)
-        return translate(f, argtypes)
-class Ctype:
-    def __init__(self, npy, c):
-        self.npy = npy
-        self.c = c
-typedict = {
-    int:    Ctype('NPY_LONG',   'long'  ),
-    float:  Ctype('NPY_DOUBLE', 'double'),
-class Cfunc(object):
-    """ C compiled python functions
-    >>> def sqr(x):
-    ...     return x * x
-    >>> signature = [int, int] # only the input arguments are used here
-    compilation is done upon initialization
-    >>> x = Cfunc(sqr, signature, 123)
-    >>> x.nin # number of input arguments
-    1
-    >>> x.nout # number of output arguments (must be 1 for now)
-    1
-    >>> x.sig
-    [<type 'int'>, <type 'int'>]
-    Attributes:
-        f           -- the Python function object
-        n           -- id number
-        sig         -- signature
-        nin         -- number of input arguments
-        nout        -- number of output arguments
-        cname       -- name of the C function
-    Methods:
-        decl()      -- returns the C declaration for the function
-        cfunc()     -- returns the C function (as string)
-        ufunc_support_code()
-                    -- generate the C support code to make this
-                       function part work with PyUFuncGenericFunction
-    """
-    def __init__(self, f, signature, n):
-        self.f = f
-        self.n = n
-        self.sig = signature
-        self.nin = f.func_code.co_argcount
-        self.nout = len(self.sig) - self.nin
-        assert self.nout == 1                  # for now
-        src = translate(f, signature[:self.nin])
-        self._prefix = 'f%i_' % self.n
-        self._allCsrc = src.replace('pypy_', self._prefix + 'pypy_')
-        self.cname = self._prefix + 'pypy_g_' + f.__name__
-    def cfunc(self):
-        p = re.compile(r'^\w+[*\s\w]+' + self.cname +
-                       r'\s*\([^)]*\)\s*\{.*?[\n\r]\}[\n\r]',
-                       re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE | re.VERBOSE)
-        found = p.findall(self._allCsrc)
-        assert len(found) == 1
-        res = found[0]
-        res = res.replace(self._prefix + 'pypy_g_ll_math_ll_math_', '')
-        return 'inline ' + res + '\n'
-    def ufunc_support_code(self):
-        # Unfortunately the code in here is very hard to read.
-        # In order to make the code clearer, one would need a real template
-        # engine link Cheetah (http://cheetahtemplate.org/).
-        # However, somehting like that would be too much overhead for scipy.
-        n = self.n
-        nin = self.nin
-        cname = self.cname
-        def varname(i):
-            return chr(i + ord('a'))
-        declargs = ', '.join('%s %s' % (typedict[self.sig[i]].c, varname(i))
-                             for i in xrange(self.nin))
-        args = ', '.join(varname(i) for i in xrange(self.nin))
-        isn_steps = '\n\t'.join('npy_intp is%i = steps[%i];' % (i, i)
-                                for i in xrange(self.nin))
-        ipn_args = '\n\t'.join('char *ip%i = args[%i];' % (i, i)
-                               for i in xrange(self.nin))
-        body1d_in = '\n\t\t'.join('%s *in%i = (%s *)ip%i;' %
-                                  (2*(typedict[self.sig[i]].c, i))
-                                  for i in xrange(self.nin))
-        body1d_add = '\n\t\t'.join('ip%i += is%i;' % (i, i)
-                                   for i in xrange(self.nin))
-        ptrargs = ', '.join('*in%i' % i for i in xrange(self.nin))
-        rettype = typedict[self.sig[-1]].c
-        return '''
-static %(rettype)s wrap_%(cname)s(%(declargs)s)
-	return %(cname)s(%(args)s);
-typedef %(rettype)s Func_%(n)i(%(declargs)s);
-static void
-PyUFunc_%(n)i(char **args, npy_intp *dimensions, npy_intp *steps, void *func)
-	npy_intp i, n;
-        %(isn_steps)s
-	npy_intp os = steps[%(nin)s];
-        %(ipn_args)s
-	char *op = args[%(nin)s];
-	Func_%(n)i *f = (Func_%(n)i *) func;
-	n = dimensions[0];
-	for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
-		%(body1d_in)s
-		%(rettype)s *out = (%(rettype)s *)op;
-		*out = (%(rettype)s) f(%(ptrargs)s);
-                %(body1d_add)s
-                op += os;
-	}
-''' % locals()
-def support_code(cfuncs):
-    """ Given a list of Cfunc instances, return the support code for weave.
-    """
-    acc = cStringIO.StringIO()
-    acc.write('/********************* start pypy_head.h  **************/\n\n')
-    acc.write(open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
-                                'pypy_head.h')).read())
-    acc.write('/********************** end pypy_head.h ****************/\n\n')
-    for cf in cfuncs:
-        acc.write(cf.cfunc())
-        acc.write(cf.ufunc_support_code())
-    fname = cfuncs[0].f.__name__
-    pyufuncs = ''.join('\tPyUFunc_%i,\n' % cf.n for cf in cfuncs)
-    data = ''.join('\t(void *) wrap_%s,\n' % cf.cname for cf in cfuncs)
-    types = ''.join('\t%s  /* %i */\n' %
-                    (''.join(typedict[t].npy + ', ' for t in cf.sig), cf.n)
-                    for cf in cfuncs)
-    acc.write('''
-static PyUFuncGenericFunction %(fname)s_functions[] = {
-static void *%(fname)s_data[] = {
-static char %(fname)s_types[] = {
-''' % locals())
-    if verbose:
-        print '------------------ start support_code -----------------'
-        print acc.getvalue()
-        print '------------------- end support_code ------------------'
-    return acc.getvalue()
-def code(f, signatures):
-    """ Return the code for weave.
-    """
-    nin = f.func_code.co_argcount
-    ntypes = len(signatures)
-    fname = f.__name__
-    fhash = func_hash(f)
-    res = '''
-**  function name: %(fname)s
-**  signatures: %(signatures)r
-**  fhash: %(fhash)s
-return_val = PyUFunc_FromFuncAndData(
-    %(fname)s_functions,
-    %(fname)s_data,
-    %(fname)s_types,
-    %(ntypes)i,      /* ntypes */
-    %(nin)i,         /* nin */
-    1,               /* nout */
-    PyUFunc_None,    /* identity */
-    "%(fname)s",     /* name */
-    "UFunc created by mkufunc", /* doc */
-    0);
-''' % locals()
-    if verbose:
-        print '---------------------- start code ---------------------'
-        print res
-        print '----------------------- end code ----------------------'
-    return res
-def genufunc(f, signatures):
-    """ Return the Ufunc Python object for given function and signatures.
-    """
-    if len(signatures) == 0:
-        raise ValueError("At least one signature needed")
-    signatures.sort(key=lambda sig: [numpy.dtype(typ).num for typ in sig])
-    cfuncs = [Cfunc(f, sig, n) for n, sig in enumerate(signatures)]
-    ufunc_info = weave.base_info.custom_info()
-    ufunc_info.add_header('"numpy/ufuncobject.h"')
-    return weave.inline(code(f, signatures),
-                        verbose=verbose,
-                        support_code=support_code(cfuncs),
-                        customize=ufunc_info)
-def mkufunc(arg0=[float]):
-    """ The actual API function, for use in decorator function.
-    """
-    class Compile(object):
-        def __init__(self, f):
-            nin = f.func_code.co_argcount
-            nout = 1
-            for i, sig in enumerate(signatures):
-                if isinstance(sig, tuple):
-                    pass
-                elif sig in typedict.keys():
-                    signatures[i] = (nin + nout) * (sig,)
-                else:
-                    raise TypeError("no match for %r" % sig)
-            for sig in signatures:
-                assert isinstance(sig, tuple)
-                if len(sig) != nin + nout:
-                    raise TypeError("signature %r does not match the "
-                                    "number of args of function %s" %
-                                    (sig, f.__name__))
-                for t in sig:
-                    if t not in typedict.keys():
-                        raise TypeError("no match for %r" % t)
-            self.ufunc = genufunc(f, signatures)
-        def __call__(self, *args):
-            return self.ufunc(*args)
-    if isinstance(arg0, FunctionType):
-        f = arg0
-        signatures = [float]
-        return Compile(f)
-    elif isinstance(arg0, list):
-        signatures = arg0
-        return Compile
-    elif arg0 in typedict.keys():
-        signatures = [arg0]
-        return Compile
-    else:
-        raise TypeError("first argument has to be a function, a type, or "
-                        "a list of signatures")
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    import doctest
-    doctest.testmod()

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