[Scipy-svn] r5168 - trunk/scipy/cluster
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Sat Nov 22 13:38:56 EST 2008
Author: damian.eads
Date: 2008-11-22 12:38:52 -0600 (Sat, 22 Nov 2008)
New Revision: 5168
RSTifying more hierarchy docs.
Modified: trunk/scipy/cluster/hierarchy.py
--- trunk/scipy/cluster/hierarchy.py 2008-11-22 16:10:16 UTC (rev 5167)
+++ trunk/scipy/cluster/hierarchy.py 2008-11-22 18:38:52 UTC (rev 5168)
@@ -1470,7 +1470,6 @@
a linkage matrix.
- Z : ndarray
The hierarchical clustering encoded as a matrix. See
``linkage`` for more information.
@@ -2287,7 +2286,7 @@
return ( ((uiva + uivb) / 2), uwa+uwb, h, max_dist)
def is_isomorphic(T1, T2):
- """
+ r"""
Determines if two different cluster assignments ``T1`` and
``T2`` are equivalent.
@@ -2302,7 +2301,6 @@
- b : boolean
Whether the flat cluster assignments ``T1`` and ``T2`` are
@@ -2336,17 +2334,24 @@
return True
def maxdists(Z):
- """
+ r"""
MD = maxdists(Z)
- MD is a (n-1)-sized numpy array of doubles; MD[i] represents the
- maximum distance between any cluster (including singletons) below
- and including the node with index i. More specifically,
- MD[i] = Z[Q(i)-n, 2].max() where Q(i) is the set of all node indices
- below and including node i.
+ Returns the maximum distance between any cluster for each
+ non-singleton cluster.
- Note that when Z[:,2] is monotonic, Z[:,2] and MD should not differ.
- See linkage for more information on this issue.
+ :Arguments:
+ - Z : ndarray
+ The hierarchical clustering encoded as a matrix. See
+ ``linkage`` for more information.
+ :Returns:
+ - MD : ndarray
+ A ``(n-1)`` sized numpy array of doubles; ``MD[i]`` represents
+ the maximum distance between any cluster (including
+ singletons) below and including the node with index i. More
+ specifically, ``MD[i] = Z[Q(i)-n, 2].max()`` where ``Q(i)`` is the
+ set of all node indices below and including node i.
Z = np.asarray(Z, order='c')
is_valid_linkage(Z, throw=True, name='Z')
@@ -2358,13 +2363,21 @@
return MD
def maxinconsts(Z, R):
- """
- MI = maxinconsts(Z, R)
+ r"""
+ Returns the maximum inconsistency coefficient for each
+ non-singleton cluster and its descendents.
- Calculates the maximum inconsistency coefficient for each node
- and its descendents. Z is a valid linkage matrix and R is a valid
- inconsistency matrix. MI is a monotonic (n-1)-sized numpy array of
- doubles.
+ :Arguments:
+ - Z : ndarray
+ The hierarchical clustering encoded as a matrix. See
+ ``linkage`` for more information.
+ - R : ndarray
+ The inconsistency matrix.
+ :Returns:
+ - MI : ndarray
+ A monotonic ``(n-1)``-sized numpy array of doubles.
Z = np.asarray(Z, order='c')
R = np.asarray(R, order='c')
@@ -2378,13 +2391,29 @@
return MI
def maxRstat(Z, R, i):
- """
- MR = maxRstat(Z, R, i)
+ r"""
+ Returns the maximum statistic for each non-singleton cluster and
+ its descendents.
- Calculates the maximum statistic for the i'th column of the
- inconsistency matrix R for each non-singleton cluster node. MR[j]
- is the maximum over R[Q(j)-n, i] where Q(j) the set of all node ids
- corresponding to nodes below and including j.
+ :Arguments:
+ - Z : ndarray
+ The hierarchical clustering encoded as a matrix. See
+ ``linkage`` for more information.
+ - R : ndarray
+ The inconsistency matrix.
+ - i : int
+ The column of ``R`` to use as the statistic.
+ :Returns:
+ - MR : ndarray
+ Calculates the maximum statistic for the i'th column of the
+ inconsistency matrix ``R`` for each non-singleton cluster
+ node. ``MR[j]`` is the maximum over ``R[Q(j)-n, i]`` where
+ ``Q(j)`` the set of all node ids corresponding to nodes below
+ and including ``j``.
Z = np.asarray(Z, order='c')
R = np.asarray(R, order='c')
@@ -2402,26 +2431,58 @@
return MR
def leaders(Z, T):
- """
+ r"""
(L, M) = leaders(Z, T):
- For each flat cluster j of the k flat clusters represented in the
- n-sized flat cluster assignment vector T, this function finds the
- lowest cluster node i in the linkage tree Z such that:
+ Returns the root nodes in a hierarchical clustering corresponding
+ to a cut defined by a flat cluster assignment vector ``T``. See
+ the ``fcluster`` function for more information on the format of ``T``.
- * leaf descendents belong only to flat cluster j (i.e. T[p]==j
- for all p in S(i) where S(i) is the set of leaf ids of leaf
- nodes descendent with cluster node i)
+ For each flat cluster :math:`j` of the :math:`k` flat clusters
+ represented in the n-sized flat cluster assignment vector ``T``,
+ this function finds the lowest cluster node :math:`i` in the linkage
+ tree Z such that:
- * there does not exist a leaf that is not descendent with i
- that also belongs to cluster j (i.e. T[q]!=j for all q not in S(i)).
- If this condition is violated, T is not a valid cluster assignment
- vector, and an exception will be thrown.
+ * leaf descendents belong only to flat cluster j
+ (i.e. ``T[p]==j`` for all :math:`p` in :math:`S(i)` where
+ :math:`S(i)` is the set of leaf ids of leaf nodes descendent
+ with cluster node :math:`i`)
- Two k-sized numpy vectors are returned, L and M. L[j]=i is the linkage
- cluster node id that is the leader of flat cluster with id M[j]. If
- i < n, i corresponds to an original observation, otherwise it
- corresponds to a non-singleton cluster.
+ * there does not exist a leaf that is not descendent with
+ :math:`i` that also belongs to cluster :math:`j`
+ (i.e. ``T[q]!=j`` for all :math:`q` not in :math:`S(i)`). If
+ this condition is violated, ``T`` is not a valid cluster
+ assignment vector, and an exception will be thrown.
+ :Arguments:
+ - Z : ndarray
+ The hierarchical clustering encoded as a matrix. See
+ ``linkage`` for more information.
+ - T : ndarray
+ The flat cluster assignment vector.
+ :Returns: (L, M)
+ - L : ndarray
+ The leader linkage node id's stored as a k-element 1D
+ array where :math:`k` is the number of flat clusters found
+ in ``T``.
+ ``L[j]=i`` is the linkage cluster node id that is the
+ leader of flat cluster with id M[j]. If ``i < n``, ``i``
+ corresponds to an original observation, otherwise it
+ corresponds to a non-singleton cluster.
+ For example: if ``L[3]=2`` and ``M[3]=8``, the flat cluster with
+ id 8's leader is linkage node 2.
+ - M : ndarray
+ The leader linkage node id's stored as a k-element 1D
+ array where :math:`k` is the number of flat clusters found
+ in ``T``. This allows the set of flat cluster ids to be
+ any arbitrary set of :math:`k` integers.
Z = np.asarray(Z, order='c')
T = np.asarray(T, order='c')
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