[Scipy-svn] r6339 - in trunk/scipy/ndimage: . src tests

scipy-svn at scipy.org scipy-svn at scipy.org
Sat Apr 24 16:59:32 EDT 2010

Author: stefan
Date: 2010-04-24 15:59:32 -0500 (Sat, 24 Apr 2010)
New Revision: 6339

Merge branch 'ndimage_measurements_rewrite' of http://broad.mit.edu/~thouis/scipy into measurements

Modified: trunk/scipy/ndimage/measurements.py
--- trunk/scipy/ndimage/measurements.py	2010-04-23 00:21:57 UTC (rev 6338)
+++ trunk/scipy/ndimage/measurements.py	2010-04-24 20:59:32 UTC (rev 6339)
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
 import _ni_support
 import _nd_image
 import morphology
+import time
 def label(input, structure = None, output = None):
@@ -180,7 +181,160 @@
         max_label = input.max()
     return _nd_image.find_objects(input, max_label)
-def sum(input, labels=None, index=None):
+def labeled_comprehension(input, labels, index, func, out_dtype, default, pass_positions=False):
+    '''Roughly equivalent to [func(input[labels == i]) for i in index].
+    Special cases:
+      - index a scalar: returns a single value
+      - index is None: returns func(inputs[labels > 0])
+    func will be called with linear indices as a second argument if
+    pass_positions is True.
+    '''
+    as_scalar = numpy.isscalar(index)
+    input = numpy.asarray(input)
+    if pass_positions:
+        positions = numpy.arange(input.size).reshape(input.shape)
+    if labels is None:
+        if index is not None:
+            raise ValueError, "index without defined labels"
+        if not pass_positions:
+            return func(input.ravel())
+        else:
+            return func(input.ravel(), positions.ravel())
+    try:
+        input, labels = numpy.broadcast_arrays(input, labels)
+    except ValueError:
+        raise ValueError, "input and labels must have the same shape (excepting dimensions with width 1)"
+    if index is None:
+        if not pass_positions:
+            return func(input[labels > 0])
+        else:
+            return func(input[labels > 0], positions[labels > 0])
+    index = numpy.atleast_1d(index)
+    if any(index.astype(labels.dtype).astype(index.dtype) != index):
+        raise ValueError, "Cannot convert index values from <%s> to <%s> (labels' type) without loss of precision"%(index.dtype, labels.dtype)
+    index = index.astype(labels.dtype)
+    # optimization: find min/max in index, and select those parts of labels, input, and positions
+    lo = index.min()
+    hi = index.max()
+    mask = (labels >= lo) & (labels <= hi)
+    # this also ravels the arrays
+    labels = labels[mask]
+    input = input[mask]
+    if pass_positions:
+        positions = positions[mask]
+    # sort everything by labels
+    label_order = labels.argsort()
+    labels = labels[label_order]
+    input = input[label_order]
+    if pass_positions:
+        positions = positions[label_order]
+    index_order = index.argsort()
+    sorted_index = index[index_order]
+    def do_map(inputs, output):
+        '''labels must be sorted'''
+        nlabels = labels.size
+        nidx = sorted_index.size
+        # Find boundaries for each stretch of constant labels
+        # This could be faster, but we already paid N log N to sort labels.
+        lo = numpy.searchsorted(labels, sorted_index, side='left')
+        hi = numpy.searchsorted(labels, sorted_index, side='right')
+        for i, l, h in zip(range(nidx), lo, hi):
+            if l == h:
+                continue
+            idx = sorted_index[i]
+            output[i] = func(*[inp[l:h] for inp in inputs])
+    temp = numpy.empty(index.shape, out_dtype)
+    temp[:] = default
+    if not pass_positions:
+        do_map([input], temp)
+    else:
+        do_map([input, positions], temp)
+    output = numpy.zeros(index.shape, out_dtype)
+    output[index_order] = temp
+    if as_scalar:
+        output = output[0]
+    return output
+def _stats(input, labels = None, index = None, do_sum2=False):
+    '''returns count, sum, and optionally sum^2 by label'''
+    def single_group(vals):
+        if do_sum2:
+            return vals.size, vals.sum(), (vals * vals.conjugate()).sum()
+        else:
+            return vals.size, vals.sum()
+    if labels is None:
+        return single_group(input)
+    # ensure input and labels match sizes
+    input, labels = numpy.broadcast_arrays(input, labels)
+    if index is None:
+        return single_group(input[labels > 0])
+    if numpy.isscalar(index):
+        return single_group(input[labels == index])
+    # remap labels to unique integers if necessary, or if the largest
+    # label is larger than the number of values.
+    if ((not numpy.issubdtype(labels.dtype, numpy.int)) or 
+        (labels.min() < 0) or (labels.max() > labels.size)):
+        unique_labels, new_labels = numpy.unique1d(labels, return_inverse=True)
+        counts = numpy.bincount(new_labels)
+        sums = numpy.bincount(new_labels, weights=input.ravel())
+        if do_sum2:
+            sums2 = numpy.bincount(new_labels, weights=(input * input.conjugate()).ravel())
+        idxs = numpy.searchsorted(unique_labels, index)
+        # make all of idxs valid
+        idxs[idxs >= unique_labels.size] = 0
+        found = (unique_labels[idxs] == index)
+    else:
+        # labels are an integer type, and there aren't too many, so
+        # call bincount directly.
+        counts = numpy.bincount(labels.ravel())
+        sums = numpy.bincount(labels.ravel(), weights=input.ravel())
+        if do_sum2:
+            sums2 = numpy.bincount(labels.ravel(), weights=(input * input.conjugate()).ravel())
+        # make sure all index values are valid
+        idxs = numpy.asanyarray(index, numpy.int).copy()
+        found = (idxs >= 0) & (idxs < counts.size)
+        idxs[~ found] = 0
+    counts = counts[idxs]
+    counts[~ found] = 0
+    sums = sums[idxs]
+    sums[~ found] = 0
+    if not do_sum2:
+        return (counts, sums)    
+    sums2 = sums2[idxs]
+    sums2[~ found] = 0
+    return (counts, sums, sums2)
+def sum(input, labels = None, index = None):
     """Calculate the sum of the values of the array.
@@ -201,248 +355,253 @@
     [1.0, 5.0]
-    input = numpy.asarray(input)
-    if numpy.iscomplexobj(input):
-        raise TypeError, 'Complex type not supported'
-    if labels is not None:
-        labels = numpy.asarray(labels)
-        labels = _broadcast(labels, input.shape)
+    count, sum = _stats(input, labels, index)
+    return sum
-        if labels.shape != input.shape:
-            raise RuntimeError, 'input and labels shape are not equal'
-    if index is not None:
-        T = getattr(index,'dtype',numpy.int32)
-        if T not in [numpy.int8, numpy.int16, numpy.int32,
-                     numpy.uint8, numpy.uint16, numpy.bool]:
-            raise ValueError("Invalid index type")
-        index = numpy.asarray(index,dtype=T)
-    return _nd_image.statistics(input, labels, index, 0)
+def mean(input, labels = None, index = None):
+    """Calculate the mean of the values of an array at labels.
+    Labels must be None or an array that can be broadcast to the input.
-def mean(input, labels = None, index = None):
-    """Calculate the mean of the values of the array.
-    The index parameter is a single label number or a sequence of
-    label numbers of the objects to be measured. If index is None, all
-    values are used where labels is larger than zero.
+    Index must be None, a single label or sequence of labels.  If
+    None, the mean for all values where label is greater than 0 is
+    calculated.
-    input = numpy.asarray(input)
-    if numpy.iscomplexobj(input):
-        raise TypeError, 'Complex type not supported'
-    if labels is not None:
-        labels = numpy.asarray(labels)
-        labels = _broadcast(labels, input.shape)
-        if labels.shape != input.shape:
-            raise RuntimeError, 'input and labels shape are not equal'
-    return _nd_image.statistics(input, labels, index, 1)
+    count, sum = _stats(input, labels, index)
+    return sum / numpy.asanyarray(count).astype(numpy.float)
 def variance(input, labels = None, index = None):
-    """Calculate the variance of the values of the array.
+    """Calculate the variance of the values of an array at labels.
-    The index parameter is a single label number or a sequence of
-    label numbers of the objects to be measured. If index is None, all
-    values are used where labels is larger than zero.
+    Labels must be None or an array of the same dimensions as the input.  
+    Index must be None, a single label or sequence of labels.  If
+    none, all values where label is greater than zero are used.
-    input = numpy.asarray(input)
-    if numpy.iscomplexobj(input):
-        raise TypeError, 'Complex type not supported'
-    if labels is not None:
-        labels = numpy.asarray(labels)
-        labels = _broadcast(labels, input.shape)
-        if labels.shape != input.shape:
-            raise RuntimeError, 'input and labels shape are not equal'
-    return _nd_image.statistics(input, labels, index, 2)
+    count, sum, sum2 = _stats(input, labels, index, do_sum2=True)
+    mean = sum / numpy.asanyarray(count).astype(numpy.float)
+    mean2 = sum2 / numpy.asanyarray(count).astype(numpy.float)
+    return mean2 - (mean * mean.conjugate())
 def standard_deviation(input, labels = None, index = None):
-    """Calculate the standard deviation of the values of the array.
+    """Calculate the standard deviation of the values of an array at labels.
-    The index parameter is a single label number or a sequence of
-    label numbers of the objects to be measured. If index is None, all
-    values are used where labels is larger than zero.
+    Labels must be None or an array of the same dimensions as the input.  
+    Index must be None, a single label or sequence of labels.  If
+    none, all values where label is greater than zero are used.
-    var = variance(input, labels, index)
-    if (isinstance(var, types.ListType)):
-        return [math.sqrt(x) for x in var]
-    else:
-        return math.sqrt(var)
+    return numpy.sqrt(variance(input, labels, index))
-def minimum(input, labels = None, index = None):
-    """Calculate the minimum of the values of the array.
+def _select(input, labels = None, index = None, find_min=False, find_max=False, find_min_positions=False, find_max_positions=False):
+    '''returns min, max, or both, plus positions if requested'''
-    The index parameter is a single label number or a sequence of
-    label numbers of the objects to be measured. If index is None, all
-    values are used where labels is larger than zero.
-    """
-    input = numpy.asarray(input)
-    if numpy.iscomplexobj(input):
-        raise TypeError, 'Complex type not supported'
-    if labels is not None:
-        labels = numpy.asarray(labels)
-        labels = _broadcast(labels, input.shape)
-        if labels.shape != input.shape:
-            raise RuntimeError, 'input and labels shape are not equal'
-    return _nd_image.statistics(input, labels, index, 3)
+    find_positions = find_min_positions or find_max_positions
+    positions = None
+    if find_positions:
+        positions = numpy.arange(input.size).reshape(input.shape)
+    def single_group(vals, positions):
+        result = []
+        if find_min:
+            result += [vals.min()]
+        if find_min_positions:
+            result += [positions[vals == vals.min()][0]]
+        if find_max:
+            result += [vals.max()]
+        if find_max_positions:
+            result += [positions[vals == vals.max()][0]]
+        return result
+    if labels is None:
+        return single_group(input, positions)
-def maximum(input, labels=None, index=None):
-    """Return the maximum input value.
+    # ensure input and labels match sizes
+    input, labels = numpy.broadcast_arrays(input, labels)
-    The index parameter is a single label number or a sequence of
-    label numbers of the objects to be measured. If index is None, all
-    values are used where labels is larger than zero.
+    if index is None:
+        mask = (labels > 0)
+        return single_group(input[mask], positions[mask] if find_positions else None)
-    """
-    input = numpy.asarray(input)
-    if numpy.iscomplexobj(input):
-        raise TypeError, 'Complex type not supported'
-    if labels is not None:
-        labels = numpy.asarray(labels)
-        labels = _broadcast(labels, input.shape)
+    if numpy.isscalar(index):
+        mask = (labels == index)
+        return single_group(input[mask], positions[mask] if find_positions else None)
-        if labels.shape != input.shape:
-            raise RuntimeError, 'input and labels shape are not equal'
-    return _nd_image.statistics(input, labels, index, 4)
+    order = input.ravel().argsort()
+    input = input.ravel()[order]
+    labels = labels.ravel()[order]
+    if find_positions:
+        positions = positions.ravel()[order]
+    # remap labels to unique integers if necessary, or if the largest
+    # label is larger than the number of values.
+    if ((not numpy.issubdtype(labels.dtype, numpy.int)) or 
+        (labels.min() < 0) or (labels.max() > labels.size)):
+        # remap labels, and indexes
+        unique_labels, labels = numpy.unique1d(labels, return_inverse=True)
+        idxs = numpy.searchsorted(unique_labels, index)
-def _index_to_position(index, shape):
-    """Convert a linear index to a position"""
-    if len(shape) > 0:
-        pos = []
-        stride = numpy.multiply.reduce(shape)
-        for size in shape:
-            stride = stride // size
-            pos.append(index // stride)
-            index -= pos[-1] * stride
-        return tuple(pos)
+        # make all of idxs valid
+        idxs[idxs >= unique_labels.size] = 0
+        found = (unique_labels[idxs] == index)
-        return 0
+        # labels are an integer type, and there aren't too many.
+        idxs = numpy.asanyarray(index, numpy.int).copy()
+        found = (idxs >= 0) & (idxs <= labels.max())
+    idxs[~ found] = labels.max() + 1
+    result = []
+    if find_min:
+        mins = numpy.zeros(labels.max() + 2, input.dtype)
+        mins[labels[::-1]] = input[::-1]
+        result += [mins[idxs]]
+    if find_min_positions:
+        minpos = numpy.zeros(labels.max() + 2)
+        minpos[labels[::-1]] = positions[::-1]
+        result += [minpos[idxs]]
+    if find_max:
+        maxs = numpy.zeros(labels.max() + 2, input.dtype)
+        maxs[labels] = input
+        result += [maxs[idxs]]
+    if find_max_positions:
+        maxpos = numpy.zeros(labels.max() + 2)
+        maxpos[labels] = positions
+        result += [maxpos[idxs]]
+    return result
+def minimum(input, labels = None, index = None):
+    """Calculate the minimum of the values of an array at labels.
+    Labels must be None or an array of the same dimensions as the input.  
+    Index must be None, a single label or sequence of labels.  If
+    none, all values where label is greater than zero are used.
+    """
+    return _select(input, labels, index, find_min=True)[0]
+def maximum(input, labels = None, index = None):
+    """Calculate the maximum of the values of an array at labels.
+    Labels must be None or an array of the same dimensions as the input.  
+    Index must be None, a single label or sequence of labels.  If
+    none, all values where label is greater than zero are used.
+    """
+    return _select(input, labels, index, find_max=True)[0]
 def minimum_position(input, labels = None, index = None):
-    """Find the position of the minimum of the values of the array.
+    """Find the positions of the minimums of the values of an array at labels.
-    The index parameter is a single label number or a sequence of
-    label numbers of the objects to be measured. If index is None, all
-    values are used where labels is larger than zero.
+    Labels must be None or an array of the same dimensions as the input.  
+    Index must be None, a single label or sequence of labels.  If
+    none, all values where label is greater than zero are used.
-    input = numpy.asarray(input)
-    if numpy.iscomplexobj(input):
-        raise TypeError, 'Complex type not supported'
-    if labels is not None:
-        labels = numpy.asarray(labels)
-        labels = _broadcast(labels, input.shape)
+    dims = numpy.array(numpy.asarray(input).shape)
+    # see numpy.unravel_index to understand this line.
+    dim_prod = numpy.cumprod([1] + list(dims[:0:-1]))[::-1]
-        if labels.shape != input.shape:
-            raise RuntimeError, 'input and labels shape are not equal'
-    pos = _nd_image.statistics(input, labels, index, 5)
-    if (isinstance(pos, types.ListType)):
-        return [_index_to_position(x, input.shape) for x in pos]
-    else:
-        return _index_to_position(pos, input.shape)
+    result = _select(input, labels, index, find_min_positions=True)[0]
+    if numpy.isscalar(result):
+        return tuple((result // dim_prod) % dims)
+    return [tuple(v) for v in (result.reshape(-1, 1) // dim_prod) % dims]
 def maximum_position(input, labels = None, index = None):
-    """Find the position of the maximum of the values of the array.
+    """Find the positions of the maximums of the values of an array at labels.
-    The index parameter is a single label number or a sequence of
-    label numbers of the objects to be measured. If index is None, all
-    values are used where labels is larger than zero.
+    Labels must be None or an array of the same dimensions as the input.  
+    Index must be None, a single label or sequence of labels.  If
+    none, all values where label is greater than zero are used.
-    input = numpy.asarray(input)
-    if numpy.iscomplexobj(input):
-        raise TypeError, 'Complex type not supported'
-    if labels is not None:
-        labels = numpy.asarray(labels)
-        labels = _broadcast(labels, input.shape)
+    dims = numpy.array(numpy.asarray(input).shape)
+    # see numpy.unravel_index to understand this line.
+    dim_prod = numpy.cumprod([1] + list(dims[:0:-1]))[::-1]
-        if labels.shape != input.shape:
-            raise RuntimeError, 'input and labels shape are not equal'
-    pos = _nd_image.statistics(input, labels, index, 6)
-    if (isinstance(pos, types.ListType)):
-        return [_index_to_position(x, input.shape) for x in pos]
-    else:
-        return _index_to_position(pos, input.shape)
+    result = _select(input, labels, index, find_max_positions=True)[0]
+    if numpy.isscalar(result):
+        return tuple((result // dim_prod) % dims)
+    return [tuple(v) for v in (result.reshape(-1, 1) // dim_prod) % dims]
 def extrema(input, labels = None, index = None):
-    """Calculate the minimum, the maximum and their positions of the
-       values of the array.
+    """Calculate the minimums and maximums of the values of an array
+    at labels, along with their positions.
-    The index parameter is a single label number or a sequence of
-    label numbers of the objects to be measured. If index is None, all
-    values are used where labels is larger than zero.
+    Labels must be None or an array of the same dimensions as the input.  
+    Index must be None, a single label or sequence of labels.  If
+    none, all values where label is greater than zero are used.
+    Returns: minimums, maximums, min_positions, max_positions
-    input = numpy.asarray(input)
-    if numpy.iscomplexobj(input):
-        raise TypeError, 'Complex type not supported'
-    if labels is not None:
-        labels = numpy.asarray(labels)
-        labels = _broadcast(labels, input.shape)
+    dims = numpy.array(numpy.asarray(input).shape)
+    # see numpy.unravel_index to understand this line.
+    dim_prod = numpy.cumprod([1] + list(dims[:0:-1]))[::-1]
-        if labels.shape != input.shape:
-            raise RuntimeError, 'input and labels shape are not equal'
+    minimums, min_positions, maximums, max_positions = _select(input, labels, index, 
+                                                               find_min=True, find_max=True, 
+                                                               find_min_positions=True, find_max_positions=True)
-    min, max, minp, maxp = _nd_image.statistics(input, labels, index, 7)
-    if (isinstance(minp, types.ListType)):
-        minp = [_index_to_position(x, input.shape) for x in minp]
-        maxp = [_index_to_position(x, input.shape) for x in maxp]
-    else:
-        minp = _index_to_position(minp, input.shape)
-        maxp = _index_to_position(maxp, input.shape)
-    return min, max, minp, maxp
+    if numpy.isscalar(minimums):
+        return minimums, maximums, tuple((min_positions // dim_prod) % dims), tuple((max_positions // dim_prod) % dims)
+    min_positions = [tuple(v) for v in (min_positions.reshape(-1, 1) // dim_prod) % dims]
+    max_positions = [tuple(v) for v in (max_positions.reshape(-1, 1) // dim_prod) % dims]
+    return minimums, maximums, min_positions, max_positions
 def center_of_mass(input, labels = None, index = None):
-    """Calculate the center of mass of of the array.
+    """Calculate the center of mass of the values of an array at labels.
-    The index parameter is a single label number or a sequence of
-    label numbers of the objects to be measured. If index is None, all
-    values are used where labels is larger than zero.
+    Labels must be None or an array of the same dimensions as the input.  
+    Index must be None, a single label or sequence of labels.  If
+    none, all values where label is greater than zero are used.
-    input = numpy.asarray(input)
-    if numpy.iscomplexobj(input):
-        raise TypeError, 'Complex type not supported'
-    if labels is not None:
-        labels = numpy.asarray(labels)
-        labels = _broadcast(labels, input.shape)
-        if labels.shape != input.shape:
-            raise RuntimeError, 'input and labels shape are not equal'
-    return _nd_image.center_of_mass(input, labels, index)
+    normalizer = sum(input, labels, index)
+    grids = numpy.ogrid[[slice(0, i) for i in input.shape]]
+    results = [sum(input * grids[dir].astype(float), labels, index) / normalizer for dir in range(input.ndim)]
+    if numpy.isscalar(results[0]):
+        return tuple(results)
+    return [tuple(v) for v in numpy.array(results).T]
 def histogram(input, min, max, bins, labels = None, index = None):
-    """Calculate a histogram of of the array.
+    """Calculate the histogram of the values of an array at labels.
-    The histogram is defined by its minimum and maximum value and the
+    Labels must be None or an array of the same dimensions as the input.  
+    The histograms are defined by the minimum and maximum values and the
     number of bins.
-    The index parameter is a single label number or a sequence of
-    label numbers of the objects to be measured. If index is None, all
-    values are used where labels is larger than zero.
+    Index must be None, a single label or sequence of labels.  If
+    none, all values where label is greater than zero are used.
-    input = numpy.asarray(input)
-    if numpy.iscomplexobj(input):
-        raise TypeError, 'Complex type not supported'
-    if labels is not None:
-        labels = numpy.asarray(labels)
-        labels = _broadcast(labels, input.shape)
+    _bins = numpy.linspace(min, max, bins + 1)
-        if labels.shape != input.shape:
-            raise RuntimeError, 'input and labels shape are not equal'
-    if bins < 1:
-        raise RuntimeError, 'number of bins must be >= 1'
-    if min >= max:
-        raise RuntimeError, 'min must be < max'
-    return _nd_image.histogram(input, min, max, bins, labels, index)
+    def _hist(vals):
+        return numpy.histogram(vals, _bins)[0]
+    return labeled_comprehension(input, labels, index, _hist, object, None, pass_positions=False)
 def watershed_ift(input, markers, structure = None, output = None):
     """Apply watershed from markers using a iterative forest transform
@@ -489,23 +648,3 @@
     output, return_value = _ni_support._get_output(output, input)
     _nd_image.watershed_ift(input, markers, structure, output)
     return return_value
-def _broadcast(arr, sshape):
-    """Return broadcast view of arr, else return None."""
-    ashape = arr.shape
-    return_value = numpy.zeros(sshape, arr.dtype)
-    # Just return arr if they have the same shape
-    if sshape == ashape:
-        return arr
-    srank = len(sshape)
-    arank = len(ashape)
-    aslices = []
-    sslices = []
-    for i in range(arank):
-        aslices.append(slice(0, ashape[i], 1))
-    for i in range(srank):
-        sslices.append(slice(0, sshape[i], 1))
-    return_value[sslices] = arr[aslices]
-    return return_value

Modified: trunk/scipy/ndimage/setup.py
--- trunk/scipy/ndimage/setup.py	2010-04-23 00:21:57 UTC (rev 6338)
+++ trunk/scipy/ndimage/setup.py	2010-04-24 20:59:32 UTC (rev 6339)
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
+        extra_compile_args=['-Wall'],

Modified: trunk/scipy/ndimage/src/nd_image.c
--- trunk/scipy/ndimage/src/nd_image.c	2010-04-23 00:21:57 UTC (rev 6338)
+++ trunk/scipy/ndimage/src/nd_image.c	2010-04-24 20:59:32 UTC (rev 6339)
@@ -731,399 +731,6 @@
     return PyErr_Occurred() ? NULL : Py_BuildValue("");
-static int _NI_GetIndices(PyObject* indices_object,
-                                                    maybelong** result_indices, maybelong* min_label,
-                                                    maybelong* max_label, maybelong* n_results)
-    maybelong *indices = NULL, n_indices, ii;
-    if (indices_object == Py_None) {
-        *min_label = -1;
-        *n_results = 1;
-    } else {
-        n_indices = NI_ObjectToLongSequenceAndLength(indices_object, &indices);
-        if (n_indices < 0)
-            goto exit;
-        if (n_indices < 1) {
-            PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "no correct indices provided");
-            goto exit;
-        } else {
-            *min_label = *max_label = indices[0];
-            if (*min_label < 0) {
-                PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError,
-                                                "negative indices not allowed");
-                goto exit;
-            }
-            for(ii = 1; ii < n_indices; ii++) {
-                if (indices[ii] < 0) {
-                    PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError,
-                                                    "negative indices not allowed");
-                    goto exit;
-                }
-                if (indices[ii] < *min_label)
-                    *min_label = indices[ii];
-                if (indices[ii] > *max_label)
-                    *max_label = indices[ii];
-            }
-            *result_indices = (maybelong*)malloc((*max_label - *min_label + 1) *
-                                                                                     sizeof(maybelong));
-            if (!*result_indices) {
-                PyErr_NoMemory();
-                goto exit;
-            }
-            for(ii = 0; ii < *max_label - *min_label + 1; ii++)
-                (*result_indices)[ii] = -1;
-            *n_results = 0;
-            for(ii = 0; ii < n_indices; ii++) {
-                if ((*result_indices)[indices[ii] - *min_label] >= 0) {
-                    PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "duplicate index");
-                    goto exit;
-                }
-                (*result_indices)[indices[ii] - *min_label] = ii;
-                ++(*n_results);
-            }
-        }
-    }
- exit:
-    if (indices)
-        free(indices);
-    return PyErr_Occurred() == NULL;
-PyObject* _NI_BuildMeasurementResultArrayObject(maybelong n_results,
-                                                                                                PyArrayObject** values)
-    PyObject *result = NULL;
-    if (n_results > 1) {
-        result = PyList_New(n_results);
-        if (result) {
-            maybelong ii;
-            for(ii = 0; ii < n_results; ii++) {
-                PyList_SET_ITEM(result, ii, (PyObject*)values[ii]);
-                Py_XINCREF(values[ii]);
-            }
-        }
-    } else {
-        result = (PyObject*)values[0];
-        Py_XINCREF(values[0]);
-    }
-    return result;
-PyObject* _NI_BuildMeasurementResultDouble(maybelong n_results,
-                                                                                     double* values)
-    PyObject *result = NULL;
-    if (n_results > 1) {
-        result = PyList_New(n_results);
-        if (result) {
-            int ii;
-            for(ii = 0; ii < n_results; ii++) {
-                PyObject* val = PyFloat_FromDouble(values[ii]);
-                if (!val) {
-                    Py_XDECREF(result);
-                    return NULL;
-                }
-                PyList_SET_ITEM(result, ii, val);
-            }
-        }
-    } else {
-        result = Py_BuildValue("d", values[0]);
-    }
-    return result;
-PyObject* _NI_BuildMeasurementResultDoubleTuple(maybelong n_results,
-                                                                                        int tuple_size, double* values)
-    PyObject *result = NULL;
-    maybelong ii;
-    int jj;
-    if (n_results > 1) {
-        result = PyList_New(n_results);
-        if (result) {
-            for(ii = 0; ii < n_results; ii++) {
-                PyObject* val = PyTuple_New(tuple_size);
-                if (!val) {
-                    Py_XDECREF(result);
-                    return NULL;
-                }
-                for(jj = 0; jj < tuple_size; jj++) {
-                    maybelong idx = jj + ii * tuple_size;
-                    PyTuple_SetItem(val, jj, PyFloat_FromDouble(values[idx]));
-                    if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
-                        Py_XDECREF(result);
-                        return NULL;
-                    }
-                }
-                PyList_SET_ITEM(result, ii, val);
-            }
-        }
-    } else {
-        result = PyTuple_New(tuple_size);
-        if (result) {
-            for(ii = 0; ii < tuple_size; ii++) {
-                PyTuple_SetItem(result, ii, PyFloat_FromDouble(values[ii]));
-                if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
-                    Py_XDECREF(result);
-                    return NULL;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return result;
-PyObject* _NI_BuildMeasurementResultInt(maybelong n_results,
-                                                                                maybelong* values)
-    PyObject *result = NULL;
-    if (n_results > 1) {
-        result = PyList_New(n_results);
-        if (result) {
-            maybelong ii;
-            for(ii = 0; ii < n_results; ii++) {
-                PyObject* val = PyInt_FromLong(values[ii]);
-                if (!val) {
-                    Py_XDECREF(result);
-                    return NULL;
-                }
-                PyList_SET_ITEM(result, ii, val);
-            }
-        }
-    } else {
-        result = Py_BuildValue("l", values[0]);
-    }
-    return result;
-static PyObject *Py_Statistics(PyObject *obj, PyObject *args)
-    PyArrayObject *input = NULL, *labels = NULL;
-    PyObject *indices_object, *result = NULL;
-    PyObject *res1 = NULL, *res2 = NULL, *res3 = NULL, *res4 = NULL;
-    double *dresult1 = NULL, *dresult2 = NULL;
-    maybelong *lresult1 = NULL, *lresult2 = NULL;
-    maybelong min_label, max_label, *result_indices = NULL, n_results, ii;
-    int type;
-    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O&O&Oi", NI_ObjectToInputArray, &input,
-                    NI_ObjectToOptionalInputArray, &labels, &indices_object, &type))
-        goto exit;
-    if (!_NI_GetIndices(indices_object, &result_indices, &min_label,
-                                            &max_label, &n_results))
-        goto exit;
-    if (type >= 0 && type <= 7) {
-        dresult1 = (double*)malloc(n_results * sizeof(double));
-        if (!dresult1) {
-            PyErr_NoMemory();
-            goto exit;
-        }
-    }
-    if (type == 2 || type == 7) {
-        dresult2 = (double*)malloc(n_results * sizeof(double));
-        if (!dresult2) {
-            PyErr_NoMemory();
-            goto exit;
-        }
-    }
-    if (type == 1 || type == 2 || (type >= 5 && type <= 7)) {
-        lresult1 = (maybelong*)malloc(n_results * sizeof(maybelong));
-        if (!lresult1) {
-            PyErr_NoMemory();
-            goto exit;
-        }
-    }
-    if (type == 7) {
-        lresult2 = (maybelong*)malloc(n_results * sizeof(maybelong));
-        if (!lresult2) {
-            PyErr_NoMemory();
-            goto exit;
-        }
-    }
-    switch(type) {
-    case 0:
-        if (!NI_Statistics(input, labels, min_label, max_label, result_indices,
-                                    n_results, dresult1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL))
-            goto exit;
-        result = _NI_BuildMeasurementResultDouble(n_results, dresult1);
-        break;
-    case 1:
-        if (!NI_Statistics(input, labels, min_label, max_label, result_indices,
-                            n_results, dresult1, lresult1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL))
-            goto exit;
-        for(ii = 0; ii < n_results; ii++)
-            dresult1[ii] = lresult1[ii] > 0 ? dresult1[ii] / lresult1[ii] : 0.0;
-        result = _NI_BuildMeasurementResultDouble(n_results, dresult1);
-        break;
-    case 2:
-        if (!NI_Statistics(input, labels, min_label, max_label, result_indices,
-                    n_results, dresult1, lresult1, dresult2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL))
-            goto exit;
-        result = _NI_BuildMeasurementResultDouble(n_results, dresult2);
-        break;
-    case 3:
-        if (!NI_Statistics(input, labels, min_label, max_label, result_indices,
-                                    n_results, NULL, NULL, NULL, dresult1, NULL, NULL, NULL))
-            goto exit;
-        result = _NI_BuildMeasurementResultDouble(n_results, dresult1);
-        break;
-    case 4:
-        if (!NI_Statistics(input, labels, min_label, max_label, result_indices,
-                                    n_results, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, dresult1, NULL, NULL))
-            goto exit;
-        result = _NI_BuildMeasurementResultDouble(n_results, dresult1);
-        break;
-    case 5:
-        if (!NI_Statistics(input, labels, min_label, max_label, result_indices,
-                            n_results, NULL, NULL, NULL, dresult1, NULL, lresult1, NULL))
-            goto exit;
-        result = _NI_BuildMeasurementResultInt(n_results, lresult1);
-        break;
-    case 6:
-        if (!NI_Statistics(input, labels, min_label, max_label, result_indices,
-                            n_results, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, dresult1, NULL, lresult1))
-            goto exit;
-        result = _NI_BuildMeasurementResultInt(n_results, lresult1);
-        break;
-    case 7:
-        if (!NI_Statistics(input, labels, min_label, max_label, result_indices,
-                                             n_results, NULL, NULL, NULL, dresult1, dresult2,
-                                             lresult1, lresult2))
-            goto exit;
-        res1 = _NI_BuildMeasurementResultDouble(n_results, dresult1);
-        res2 = _NI_BuildMeasurementResultDouble(n_results, dresult2);
-        res3 = _NI_BuildMeasurementResultInt(n_results, lresult1);
-        res4 = _NI_BuildMeasurementResultInt(n_results, lresult2);
-        if (!res1 || !res2 || !res3 || !res4)
-            goto exit;
-        result = Py_BuildValue("OOOO", res1, res2, res3, res4);
-        break;
-    default:
-        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "operation not supported");
-        goto exit;
-    }
- exit:
-    Py_XDECREF(input);
-    Py_XDECREF(labels);
-    if (result_indices)
-        free(result_indices);
-    if (dresult1)
-        free(dresult1);
-    if (dresult2)
-        free(dresult2);
-    if (lresult1)
-        free(lresult1);
-    if (lresult2)
-        free(lresult2);
-    return result;
-static PyObject *Py_CenterOfMass(PyObject *obj, PyObject *args)
-    PyArrayObject *input = NULL, *labels = NULL;
-    PyObject *indices_object, *result = NULL;
-    double *center_of_mass = NULL;
-    maybelong min_label, max_label, *result_indices = NULL, n_results;
-    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O&O&O", NI_ObjectToInputArray, &input,
-                                    NI_ObjectToOptionalInputArray, &labels, &indices_object))
-        goto exit;
-    if (!_NI_GetIndices(indices_object, &result_indices, &min_label,
-                                            &max_label, &n_results))
-        goto exit;
-    center_of_mass = (double*)malloc(input->nd * n_results *
-                                                                     sizeof(double));
-    if (!center_of_mass) {
-        PyErr_NoMemory();
-        goto exit;
-    }
-    if (!NI_CenterOfMass(input, labels, min_label, max_label,
-                                             result_indices, n_results, center_of_mass))
-        goto exit;
-    result = _NI_BuildMeasurementResultDoubleTuple(n_results, input->nd,
-                                                                                                 center_of_mass);
- exit:
-    Py_XDECREF(input);
-    Py_XDECREF(labels);
-    if (result_indices)
-        free(result_indices);
-    if (center_of_mass)
-        free(center_of_mass);
-    return result;
-static PyObject *Py_Histogram(PyObject *obj, PyObject *args)
-    PyArrayObject *input = NULL, *labels = NULL, **histograms = NULL;
-    PyObject *indices_object, *result = NULL;
-    maybelong min_label, max_label, *result_indices = NULL, n_results;
-    maybelong jj, nbins;
-    long nbins_in;
-    double min, max;
-    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O&ddlO&O", NI_ObjectToInputArray, &input,
-                                                &min, &max, &nbins_in, NI_ObjectToOptionalInputArray,
-                                                &labels, &indices_object))
-        goto exit;
-    nbins = nbins_in;
-    if (!_NI_GetIndices(indices_object, &result_indices, &min_label,
-                                            &max_label, &n_results))
-        goto exit;
-    /* Set all pointers to NULL, so that freeing the memory */
-    /* doesn't cause problems. */
-    histograms = (PyArrayObject**)calloc(input->nd * n_results,
-                                                                             sizeof(PyArrayObject*));
-    if (!histograms) {
-        PyErr_NoMemory();
-        goto exit;
-    }
-    for(jj = 0; jj < n_results; jj++) {
-        histograms[jj] = NA_NewArray(NULL, tInt32, 1, &nbins);
-        if (!histograms[jj]) {
-            PyErr_NoMemory();
-            goto exit;
-        }
-    }
-    if (!NI_Histogram(input, labels, min_label, max_label, result_indices,
-                                        n_results, histograms, min, max, nbins))
-        goto exit;
-    result = _NI_BuildMeasurementResultArrayObject(n_results, histograms);
- exit:
-    Py_XDECREF(input);
-    Py_XDECREF(labels);
-    if (result_indices)
-        free(result_indices);
-    if (histograms) {
-        for(jj = 0; jj < n_results; jj++) {
-            Py_XDECREF(histograms[jj]);
-        }
-        free(histograms);
-    }
-    return result;
 static PyObject *Py_DistanceTransformBruteForce(PyObject *obj,
                                                                                                 PyObject *args)
@@ -1293,12 +900,6 @@
     {"watershed_ift",         (PyCFunction)Py_WatershedIFT,
-    {"statistics",            (PyCFunction)Py_Statistics,
-    {"center_of_mass",        (PyCFunction)Py_CenterOfMass,
-    {"histogram",             (PyCFunction)Py_Histogram,
     {"distance_transform_bf", (PyCFunction)Py_DistanceTransformBruteForce,
     {"distance_transform_op", (PyCFunction)Py_DistanceTransformOnePass,

Modified: trunk/scipy/ndimage/tests/test_ndimage.py
--- trunk/scipy/ndimage/tests/test_ndimage.py	2010-04-23 00:21:57 UTC (rev 6338)
+++ trunk/scipy/ndimage/tests/test_ndimage.py	2010-04-24 20:59:32 UTC (rev 6339)
@@ -48,6 +48,8 @@
         a = numpy.asarray(a, numpy.complex128)
         b = numpy.asarray(b, numpy.complex128)
         t = ((a.real - b.real)**2).sum() + ((a.imag - b.imag)**2).sum()
+    if (a.dtype == numpy.object or b.dtype == numpy.object):
+        t = sum([diff(c,d)**2 for c,d in zip(a,b)])
         a = numpy.asarray(a)
         a = a.astype(numpy.float64)
@@ -2777,15 +2779,8 @@
             input = numpy.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]], type)
             output = ndimage.sum(input, labels = labels,
                                             index = [4, 8, 2])
-            self.failUnless(output == [4.0, 0.0, 5.0])
+            self.failUnless(numpy.all(output == [4.0, 0.0, 5.0]))
-    def test_sum13(self):
-        "sum 13"
-        input = numpy.array([1,2,3,4])
-        labels = numpy.array([0,0,0,0])
-        index = numpy.array([0],numpy.uint64)
-        self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError,ndimage.sum,input,labels,index)
     def test_mean01(self):
         "mean 1"
         labels = numpy.array([1, 0], bool)
@@ -2817,7 +2812,8 @@
             input = numpy.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]], type)
             output = ndimage.mean(input, labels = labels,
                                             index = [4, 8, 2])
-            self.failUnless(output == [4.0, 0.0, 2.5])
+            self.failUnless(numpy.all(output[[0,2]] == [4.0, 2.5]) and
+                            numpy.isnan(output[1]))
     def test_minimum01(self):
         "minimum 1"
@@ -2850,7 +2846,7 @@
             input = numpy.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]], type)
             output = ndimage.minimum(input, labels = labels,
                                                index = [2, 3, 8])
-            self.failUnless(output == [2.0, 4.0, 0.0])
+            self.failUnless(numpy.all(output == [2.0, 4.0, 0.0]))
     def test_maximum01(self):
         "maximum 1"
@@ -2883,7 +2879,7 @@
             input = numpy.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]], type)
             output = ndimage.maximum(input, labels = labels,
                                                index = [2, 3, 8])
-            self.failUnless(output == [3.0, 4.0, 0.0])
+            self.failUnless(numpy.all(output == [3.0, 4.0, 0.0]))
     def test_maximum05(self):
         "Ticket #501"
@@ -2895,7 +2891,7 @@
         for type in self.types:
             input = numpy.array([], type)
             output = ndimage.variance(input)
-            self.failUnless(float(output) == 0.0)
+            self.failUnless(numpy.isnan(output))
     def test_variance02(self):
         "variance 2"
@@ -2909,13 +2905,13 @@
         for type in self.types:
             input = numpy.array([1, 3], type)
             output = ndimage.variance(input)
-            self.failUnless(output == 2.0)
+            self.failUnless(output == 1.0)
     def test_variance04(self):
         "variance 4"
         input = numpy.array([1, 0], bool)
         output = ndimage.variance(input)
-        self.failUnless(output == 0.5)
+        self.failUnless(output == 0.25)
     def test_variance05(self):
         "variance 5"
@@ -2923,7 +2919,7 @@
         for type in self.types:
             input = numpy.array([1, 3, 8], type)
             output = ndimage.variance(input, labels, 2)
-            self.failUnless(output == 2.0)
+            self.failUnless(output == 1.0)
     def test_variance06(self):
         "variance 6"
@@ -2931,14 +2927,14 @@
         for type in self.types:
             input = numpy.array([1, 3, 8, 10, 8], type)
             output = ndimage.variance(input, labels, [2, 3, 4])
-            self.failUnless(output == [2.0, 2.0, 0.0])
+            self.failUnless(numpy.all(output == [1.0, 1.0, 0.0]))
     def test_standard_deviation01(self):
         "standard deviation 1"
         for type in self.types:
             input = numpy.array([], type)
             output = ndimage.standard_deviation(input)
-            self.failUnless(float(output) == 0.0)
+            self.failUnless(numpy.isnan(output))
     def test_standard_deviation02(self):
         "standard deviation 2"
@@ -2952,13 +2948,13 @@
         for type in self.types:
             input = numpy.array([1, 3], type)
             output = ndimage.standard_deviation(input)
-            self.failUnless(output == math.sqrt(2.0))
+            self.failUnless(output == math.sqrt(1.0))
     def test_standard_deviation04(self):
         "standard deviation 4"
         input = numpy.array([1, 0], bool)
         output = ndimage.standard_deviation(input)
-        self.failUnless(output == math.sqrt(0.5))
+        self.failUnless(output == 0.5)
     def test_standard_deviation05(self):
         "standard deviation 5"
@@ -2966,7 +2962,7 @@
         for type in self.types:
             input = numpy.array([1, 3, 8], type)
             output = ndimage.standard_deviation(input, labels, 2)
-            self.failUnless(output == math.sqrt(2.0))
+            self.failUnless(output == 1.0)
     def test_standard_deviation06(self):
         "standard deviation 6"
@@ -2975,8 +2971,7 @@
             input = numpy.array([1, 3, 8, 10, 8], type)
             output = ndimage.standard_deviation(input, labels,
                                                           [2, 3, 4])
-            self.failUnless(output == [math.sqrt(2.0), math.sqrt(2.0),
-                                       0.0])
+            self.failUnless(all(output == [1.0, 1.0, 0.0]))
     def test_minimum_position01(self):
         "minimum position 1"
@@ -3041,7 +3036,7 @@
                                     [1, 5, 1, 1]], type)
             output = ndimage.minimum_position(input, labels,
                                                         [2, 3])
-            self.failUnless(output == [(0, 1), (1, 2)])
+            self.failUnless(output[0] == (0, 1) and output[1] == (1, 2))
     def test_maximum_position01(self):
         "maximum position 1"
@@ -3098,7 +3093,7 @@
                                     [1, 5, 1, 1]], type)
             output = ndimage.maximum_position(input, labels,
                                                         [1, 2])
-            self.failUnless(output == [(0, 0), (1, 1)])
+            self.failUnless(output[0] == (0, 0) and output[1] == (1, 1))
     def test_extrema01(self):
         "extrema 1"
@@ -3148,8 +3143,10 @@
                                         labels = labels, index = [2, 3, 8])
             output5 = ndimage.maximum_position(input,
                                         labels = labels, index = [2, 3, 8])
-            self.failUnless(output1 == (output2, output3, output4,
-                                        output5))
+            self.failUnless(numpy.all(output1[0] == output2))
+            self.failUnless(numpy.all(output1[1] == output3))
+            self.failUnless(numpy.all(output1[2]  == output4))
+            self.failUnless(numpy.all(output1[3]  == output5))
     def test_extrema04(self):
         "extrema 4"
@@ -3165,8 +3162,10 @@
                                                          [1, 2])
             output5 = ndimage.maximum_position(input, labels,
                                                          [1, 2])
-            self.failUnless(output1 == (output2, output3, output4,
-                                        output5))
+            self.failUnless(numpy.all(output1[0] == output2))
+            self.failUnless(numpy.all(output1[1] == output3))
+            self.failUnless(numpy.all(output1[2] == output4))
+            self.failUnless(numpy.all(output1[3] == output5))
     def test_center_of_mass01(self):
         "center of mass 1"
@@ -3260,7 +3259,7 @@
     def test_histogram02(self):
         "histogram 2"
         labels = [1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2]
-        true = [0, 2, 0, 1, 0]
+        true = [0, 2, 0, 1, 1]
         input = numpy.array([1, 1, 3, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3])
         output = ndimage.histogram(input, 0, 4, 5, labels, 1)
         e = diff(true, output)
@@ -3269,7 +3268,7 @@
     def test_histogram03(self):
         "histogram 3"
         labels = [1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2]
-        true1 = [0, 1, 0, 1, 0]
+        true1 = [0, 1, 0, 1, 1]
         true2 = [0, 0, 0, 3, 0]
         input = numpy.array([1, 1, 3, 4, 3, 5, 3, 3])
         output = ndimage.histogram(input, 0, 4, 5, labels, (1,2))

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