[Scipy-svn] r7076 - in branches/0.9.x: doc/release scipy/signal scipy/signal/tests

scipy-svn at scipy.org scipy-svn at scipy.org
Sun Jan 23 02:20:40 EST 2011

Author: rgommers
Date: 2011-01-23 01:20:40 -0600 (Sun, 23 Jan 2011)
New Revision: 7076

DEP: Remove old behavior of correlate/convolve.

(backport of r7075)

Modified: branches/0.9.x/doc/release/0.9.0-notes.rst
--- branches/0.9.x/doc/release/0.9.0-notes.rst	2011-01-23 07:18:07 UTC (rev 7075)
+++ branches/0.9.x/doc/release/0.9.0-notes.rst	2011-01-23 07:20:40 UTC (rev 7076)
@@ -107,6 +107,16 @@
 were added.
+Improved statistical tests (``scipy.stats``)
+A new function ``scipy.stats.fisher_exact`` was added, that provides Fisher's
+exact test for 2x2 contingency tables.
+The function ``scipy.stats.kendalltau`` was rewritten to make it much faster
+(O(n log(n)) vs O(n^2)).
 Deprecated features
@@ -124,16 +134,6 @@
 - ``vackar`` (renamed to ``diagbroyden``)
-Improved statistical tests (``scipy.stats``)
-A new function ``scipy.stats.fisher_exact`` was added, that provides Fisher's
-exact test for 2x2 contingency tables.
-The function ``scipy.stats.kendalltau`` was rewritten to make it much faster
-(O(n log(n)) vs O(n^2)).
 Removed features
@@ -147,6 +147,18 @@
 functionality is still available by specifying ``mode='economic'``.
+Old correlate/convolve behavior (in ``scipy.signal``)
+The old behavior for ``scipy.signal.convolve``, ``scipy.signal.convolve2d``,
+``scipy.signal.correlate`` and ``scipy.signal.correlate2d`` was deprecated in
+0.8.0 and has now been removed.  Convolve and correlate used to swap their
+arguments if the second argument has dimensions larger than the first one, and
+the mode was relative to the input with the largest dimension. The current
+behavior is to never swap the inputs, which is what most people expect, and is
+how correlation is usually defined.

Modified: branches/0.9.x/scipy/signal/signaltools.py
--- branches/0.9.x/scipy/signal/signaltools.py	2011-01-23 07:18:07 UTC (rev 7075)
+++ branches/0.9.x/scipy/signal/signaltools.py	2011-01-23 07:20:40 UTC (rev 7076)
@@ -22,18 +22,6 @@
 _boundarydict = {'fill':0, 'pad':0, 'wrap':2, 'circular':2, 'symm':1,
                  'symmetric':1, 'reflect':4}
-Current default behavior of convolve and correlate functions is deprecated.
-Convolve and corelate currently swap their arguments if the second argument
-has dimensions larger than the first one, and the mode is relative to the input
-with the largest dimension. The new behavior is to never swap the inputs, which
-is what most people expects, and is how correlation is usually defined.
-You can control the behavior with the old_behavior flag - the flag will
-disappear in scipy 0.9.0, and the functions will then implement the new
-behavior only."""
 def _valfrommode(mode):
         val = _modedict[mode]
@@ -55,7 +43,7 @@
     return val
-def correlate(in1, in2, mode='full', old_behavior=True):
+def correlate(in1, in2, mode='full'):
     Cross-correlate two N-dimensional arrays.
@@ -76,12 +64,6 @@
               with respect to the 'full' output.
             - 'full': the output is the full discrete linear cross-correlation
               of the inputs. (Default)
-    old_behavior: bool
-        If True (default), the old behavior of correlate is implemented:
-            - if in1.size < in2.size, in1 and in2 are swapped (correlate(in1,
-              in2) == correlate(in2, in1))
-            - For complex inputs, the conjugate is not taken for in2
-        If False, the new, conventional definition of correlate is implemented.
@@ -99,15 +81,6 @@
     val = _valfrommode(mode)
-    if old_behavior:
-        warnings.warn(DeprecationWarning(_SWAP_INPUTS_DEPRECATION_MSG))
-        if np.iscomplexobj(in2):
-            in2 = in2.conjugate()
-        if in1.size < in2.size:
-            swp = in2
-            in2 = in1
-            in1 = swp
     if mode == 'valid':
         ps = [i - j + 1 for i, j in zip(in1.shape, in2.shape)]
         out = np.empty(ps, in1.dtype)
@@ -177,7 +150,7 @@
         return _centered(ret,abs(s2-s1)+1)
-def convolve(in1, in2, mode='full', old_behavior=True):
+def convolve(in1, in2, mode='full'):
     Convolve two N-dimensional arrays.
@@ -219,26 +192,16 @@
     slice_obj = [slice(None,None,-1)]*len(kernel.shape)
-    if old_behavior:
-        warnings.warn(DeprecationWarning(_SWAP_INPUTS_DEPRECATION_MSG))
-        if (product(kernel.shape,axis=0) > product(volume.shape,axis=0)):
-            temp = kernel
-            kernel = volume
-            volume = temp
-            del temp
-        return correlate(volume, kernel[slice_obj], mode, old_behavior=True)
+    if mode == 'valid':
+        for d1, d2 in zip(volume.shape, kernel.shape):
+            if not d1 >= d2:
+                raise ValueError(
+                    "in1 should have at least as many items as in2 in " \
+                    "every dimension for valid mode.")
+    if np.iscomplexobj(kernel):
+        return correlate(volume, kernel[slice_obj].conj(), mode)
-        if mode == 'valid':
-            for d1, d2 in zip(volume.shape, kernel.shape):
-                if not d1 >= d2:
-                    raise ValueError(
-                        "in1 should have at least as many items as in2 in " \
-                        "every dimension for valid mode.")
-        if np.iscomplexobj(kernel):
-            return correlate(volume, kernel[slice_obj].conj(), mode, old_behavior=False)
-        else:
-            return correlate(volume, kernel[slice_obj], mode, old_behavior=False)
+        return correlate(volume, kernel[slice_obj], mode)
 def order_filter(a, domain, rank):
@@ -376,10 +339,10 @@
     mysize = asarray(mysize);
     # Estimate the local mean
-    lMean = correlate(im,ones(mysize), 'same', old_behavior=False) / product(mysize,axis=0)
+    lMean = correlate(im,ones(mysize), 'same') / product(mysize,axis=0)
     # Estimate the local variance
-    lVar = correlate(im**2,ones(mysize), 'same', old_behavior=False) / product(mysize,axis=0) - lMean**2
+    lVar = correlate(im**2,ones(mysize), 'same') / product(mysize,axis=0) - lMean**2
     # Estimate the noise power if needed.
     if noise==None:
@@ -393,7 +356,7 @@
     return out
-def convolve2d(in1, in2, mode='full', boundary='fill', fillvalue=0, old_behavior=True):
+def convolve2d(in1, in2, mode='full', boundary='fill', fillvalue=0):
     """Convolve two 2-dimensional arrays.
     Convolve `in1` and `in2` with output size determined by mode and boundary
@@ -432,30 +395,19 @@
         convolution of `in1` with `in2`.
-    if old_behavior:
-        warnings.warn(DeprecationWarning(_SWAP_INPUTS_DEPRECATION_MSG))
+    if mode == 'valid':
+        for d1, d2 in zip(np.shape(in1), np.shape(in2)):
+            if not d1 >= d2:
+                raise ValueError(
+                    "in1 should have at least as many items as in2 in " \
+                    "every dimension for valid mode.")
-    if old_behavior:
-        warnings.warn(DeprecationWarning(_SWAP_INPUTS_DEPRECATION_MSG))
-        if (product(np.shape(in2),axis=0) > product(np.shape(in1),axis=0)):
-            temp = in1
-            in1 = in2
-            in2 = temp
-            del temp
-    else:
-        if mode == 'valid':
-            for d1, d2 in zip(np.shape(in1), np.shape(in2)):
-                if not d1 >= d2:
-                    raise ValueError(
-                        "in1 should have at least as many items as in2 in " \
-                        "every dimension for valid mode.")
     val = _valfrommode(mode)
     bval = _bvalfromboundary(boundary)
     return sigtools._convolve2d(in1,in2,1,val,bval,fillvalue)
-def correlate2d(in1, in2, mode='full', boundary='fill', fillvalue=0, old_behavior=True):
+def correlate2d(in1, in2, mode='full', boundary='fill', fillvalue=0):
     """Cross-correlate two 2-dimensional arrays.
     Cross correlate in1 and in2 with output size determined by mode and
@@ -494,8 +446,6 @@
         cross-correlation of `in1` with `in2`.
-    if old_behavior:
-        warnings.warn(DeprecationWarning(_SWAP_INPUTS_DEPRECATION_MSG))
     val = _valfrommode(mode)
     bval = _bvalfromboundary(boundary)

Modified: branches/0.9.x/scipy/signal/sigtoolsmodule.c
--- branches/0.9.x/scipy/signal/sigtoolsmodule.c	2011-01-23 07:18:07 UTC (rev 7075)
+++ branches/0.9.x/scipy/signal/sigtoolsmodule.c	2011-01-23 07:20:40 UTC (rev 7076)
@@ -1045,8 +1045,6 @@
     n1 = PyArray_Size((PyObject *)ain1);
     n2 = PyArray_Size((PyObject *)ain2);
-    /* Swap if first argument is not the largest */
-    if (n1 < n2) { aout = ain1; ain1 = ain2; ain2 = aout; aout = NULL; }
     aout_dimens = malloc(ain1->nd*sizeof(intp));
     switch(mode & OUTSIZE_MASK) {
     case VALID:

Modified: branches/0.9.x/scipy/signal/tests/test_signaltools.py
--- branches/0.9.x/scipy/signal/tests/test_signaltools.py	2011-01-23 07:18:07 UTC (rev 7075)
+++ branches/0.9.x/scipy/signal/tests/test_signaltools.py	2011-01-23 07:20:40 UTC (rev 7076)
@@ -17,25 +17,25 @@
     def test_basic(self):
         a = [3,4,5,6,5,4]
         b = [1,2,3]
-        c = convolve(a,b, old_behavior=self.old_behavior)
+        c = convolve(a,b)
     def test_complex(self):
         x = array([1+1j, 2+1j, 3+1j])
         y = array([1+1j, 2+1j])
-        z = convolve(x, y,old_behavior=self.old_behavior)
+        z = convolve(x, y)
         assert_array_equal(z, array([2j, 2+6j, 5+8j, 5+5j]))
     def test_zero_order(self):
         a = 1289
         b = 4567
-        c = convolve(a,b,old_behavior=self.old_behavior)
+        c = convolve(a,b)
     def test_2d_arrays(self):
         a = [[1,2,3],[3,4,5]]
         b = [[2,3,4],[4,5,6]]
-        c = convolve(a,b,old_behavior=self.old_behavior)
+        c = convolve(a,b)
         d = array(  [[2 ,7 ,16,17,12],\
@@ -44,57 +44,24 @@
     def test_valid_mode(self):
         a = [1,2,3,6,5,3]
         b = [2,3,4,5,3,4,2,2,1]
-        c = convolve(a,b,'valid',old_behavior=self.old_behavior)
+        c = convolve(a,b,'valid')
-class OldTestConvolve(_TestConvolve):
-    old_behavior = True
-    @dec.deprecated()
-    def test_basic(self):
-        _TestConvolve.test_basic(self)
-    @dec.deprecated()
-    def test_complex(self):
-        _TestConvolve.test_complex(self)
-    @dec.deprecated()
-    def test_2d_arrays(self):
-        _TestConvolve.test_2d_arrays(self)
-    @dec.deprecated()
-    def test_same_mode(self):
-        _TestConvolve.test_same_mode(self)
-    @dec.deprecated()
-    def test_valid_mode(self):
-        a = [1,2,3,6,5,3]
-        b = [2,3,4,5,3,4,2,2,1]
-        c = convolve(a,b,'valid',old_behavior=self.old_behavior)
-        assert_array_equal(c,array([70,78,73,65]))
-    @dec.deprecated()
-    def test_same_mode(self):
-        a = [1,2,3,3,1,2]
-        b = [1,4,3,4,5,6,7,4,3,2,1,1,3]
-        c = convolve(a,b,'same',old_behavior=self.old_behavior)
-        d = array([14,25,35,43,57,61,63,57,45,36,25,20,17])
-        assert_array_equal(c,d)
 class TestConvolve(_TestConvolve):
-    old_behavior = False
     def test_valid_mode(self):
         # 'valid' mode if b.size > a.size does not make sense with the new
         # behavior
         a = [1,2,3,6,5,3]
         b = [2,3,4,5,3,4,2,2,1]
         def _test():
-            convolve(a,b,'valid',old_behavior=self.old_behavior)
+            convolve(a,b,'valid')
         self.assertRaises(ValueError, _test)
     def test_same_mode(self):
         a = [1,2,3,3,1,2]
         b = [1,4,3,4,5,6,7,4,3,2,1,1,3]
-        c = convolve(a,b,'same',old_behavior=self.old_behavior)
+        c = convolve(a,b,'same')
         d = array([57,61,63,57,45,36])
@@ -105,13 +72,13 @@
         d = array(  [[2 ,7 ,16,17,12],\
-        e = convolve2d(a,b,old_behavior=self.old_behavior)
+        e = convolve2d(a,b)
     def test_valid_mode(self):
         e = [[2,3,4,5,6,7,8],[4,5,6,7,8,9,10]]
         f = [[1,2,3],[3,4,5]]
-        g = convolve2d(e,f,'valid',old_behavior=self.old_behavior)
+        g = convolve2d(e,f,'valid')
         h = array([[62,80,98,116,134]])
@@ -119,7 +86,7 @@
         a = [[1,2,3],[3,4,5]]
         b = [[2,3,4],[4,5,6]]
         fillval = 1
-        c = convolve2d(a,b,'full','fill',fillval,old_behavior=self.old_behavior)
+        c = convolve2d(a,b,'full','fill',fillval)
         d = array([[24,26,31,34,32],\
@@ -128,7 +95,7 @@
     def test_wrap_boundary(self):
         a = [[1,2,3],[3,4,5]]
         b = [[2,3,4],[4,5,6]]
-        c = convolve2d(a,b,'full','wrap',old_behavior=self.old_behavior)
+        c = convolve2d(a,b,'full','wrap')
         d = array([[80,80,74,80,80],\
@@ -137,60 +104,18 @@
     def test_sym_boundary(self):
         a = [[1,2,3],[3,4,5]]
         b = [[2,3,4],[4,5,6]]
-        c = convolve2d(a,b,'full','symm',old_behavior=self.old_behavior)
+        c = convolve2d(a,b,'full','symm')
         d = array([[34,30,44, 62, 66],\
                    [52,48,62, 80, 84],\
-class OldTestConvolve2d(_TestConvolve2d):
-    old_behavior = True
-    @dec.deprecated()
-    def test_2d_arrays(self):
-        _TestConvolve2d.test_2d_arrays(self)
-    @dec.deprecated()
-    def test_same_mode(self):
-        e = [[1,2,3],[3,4,5]]
-        f = [[2,3,4,5,6,7,8],[4,5,6,7,8,9,10]]
-        g = convolve2d(e,f,'same',old_behavior=self.old_behavior)
-        h = array([[ 7,16,22,28, 34, 40, 37],\
-                   [30,62,80,98,116,134,114]])
-        assert_array_equal(g,h)
-    @dec.deprecated()
-    def test_valid_mode(self):
-        _TestConvolve2d.test_valid_mode(self)
-    @dec.deprecated()
-    def test_fillvalue(self):
-        _TestConvolve2d.test_fillvalue(self)
-    @dec.deprecated()
-    def test_wrap_boundary(self):
-        _TestConvolve2d.test_wrap_boundary(self)
-    @dec.deprecated()
-    def test_sym_boundary(self):
-        _TestConvolve2d.test_sym_boundary(self)
-    @dec.deprecated()
-    def test_valid_mode2(self):
-        # Test when in2.size > in1.size: old behavior is to do so that
-        # convolve2d(in2, in1) == convolve2d(in1, in2)
-        e = [[1,2,3],[3,4,5]]
-        f = [[2,3,4,5,6,7,8],[4,5,6,7,8,9,10]]
-        g = convolve2d(e,f,'valid',old_behavior=self.old_behavior)
-        h = array([[62,80,98,116,134]])
-        assert_array_equal(g,h)
 #class TestConvolve2d(_TestConvolve2d):
-#    old_behavior = False
 #    def test_same_mode(self):
 #        e = [[1,2,3],[3,4,5]]
 #        f = [[2,3,4,5,6,7,8],[4,5,6,7,8,9,10]]
-#        g = convolve2d(e,f,'same',old_behavior=self.old_behavior)
+#        g = convolve2d(e,f,'same')
 #        h = array([[80,98,116],\
 #                   [70,82,94]])
 #        assert_array_equal(g,h)
@@ -200,7 +125,7 @@
 #        e = [[1,2,3],[3,4,5]]
 #        f = [[2,3,4,5,6,7,8],[4,5,6,7,8,9,10]]
 #        def _test():
-#            convolve2d(e,f,'valid',old_behavior=self.old_behavior)
+#            convolve2d(e,f,'valid')
 #        self.assertRaises(ValueError, _test)
 class TestFFTConvolve(TestCase):
@@ -468,46 +393,22 @@
     def test_rank1_valid(self):
         a, b, y_r = self._setup_rank1()
-        y = correlate(a, b, 'valid', old_behavior=False)
+        y = correlate(a, b, 'valid')
         assert_array_almost_equal(y, y_r[1:4])
         self.assertTrue(y.dtype == self.dt)
     def test_rank1_same(self):
         a, b, y_r = self._setup_rank1()
-        y = correlate(a, b, 'same', old_behavior=False)
+        y = correlate(a, b, 'same')
         assert_array_almost_equal(y, y_r[:-1])
         self.assertTrue(y.dtype == self.dt)
     def test_rank1_full(self):
         a, b, y_r = self._setup_rank1()
-        y = correlate(a, b, 'full', old_behavior=False)
+        y = correlate(a, b, 'full')
         assert_array_almost_equal(y, y_r)
         self.assertTrue(y.dtype == self.dt)
-    @dec.deprecated()
-    def test_rank1_valid_old(self):
-        # This test assume a.size > b.size
-        a, b, y_r = self._setup_rank1()
-        y = correlate(b, a, 'valid')
-        assert_array_almost_equal(y, y_r[1:4])
-        self.assertTrue(y.dtype == self.dt)
-    @dec.deprecated()
-    def test_rank1_same_old(self):
-        # This test assume a.size > b.size
-        a, b, y_r = self._setup_rank1()
-        y = correlate(b, a, 'same')
-        assert_array_almost_equal(y, y_r[:-1])
-        self.assertTrue(y.dtype == self.dt)
-    @dec.deprecated()
-    def test_rank1_full_old(self):
-        # This test assume a.size > b.size
-        a, b, y_r = self._setup_rank1()
-        y = correlate(b, a, 'full')
-        assert_array_almost_equal(y, y_r)
-        self.assertTrue(y.dtype == self.dt)
     def _setup_rank3(self):
         a = np.linspace(0, 39, 40).reshape((2, 4, 5), order='F').astype(self.dt)
         b = np.linspace(0, 23, 24).reshape((2, 3, 4), order='F').astype(self.dt)
@@ -538,44 +439,23 @@
     def test_rank3_valid(self):
         a, b, y_r = self._setup_rank3()
-        y = correlate(a, b, "valid", old_behavior=False)
+        y = correlate(a, b, "valid")
         assert_array_almost_equal(y, y_r[1:2,2:4,3:5])
         self.assertTrue(y.dtype == self.dt)
     def test_rank3_same(self):
         a, b, y_r = self._setup_rank3()
-        y = correlate(a, b, "same", old_behavior=False)
+        y = correlate(a, b, "same")
         assert_array_almost_equal(y, y_r[0:-1,1:-1,1:-2])
         self.assertTrue(y.dtype == self.dt)
     def test_rank3_all(self):
         a, b, y_r = self._setup_rank3()
-        y = correlate(a, b, old_behavior=False)
+        y = correlate(a, b)
         assert_array_almost_equal(y, y_r)
         self.assertTrue(y.dtype == self.dt)
-    @dec.deprecated()
-    def test_rank3_valid_old(self):
-        a, b, y_r = self._setup_rank3()
-        y = correlate(b, a, "valid")
-        assert_array_almost_equal(y, y_r[1:2,2:4,3:5])
-        self.assertTrue(y.dtype == self.dt)
-    @dec.deprecated()
-    def test_rank3_same_old(self):
-        a, b, y_r = self._setup_rank3()
-        y = correlate(b, a, "same")
-        assert_array_almost_equal(y, y_r[0:-1,1:-1,1:-2])
-        self.assertTrue(y.dtype == self.dt)
-    @dec.deprecated()
-    def test_rank3_all_old(self):
-        a, b, y_r = self._setup_rank3()
-        y = correlate(b, a)
-        assert_array_almost_equal(y, y_r)
-        self.assertTrue(y.dtype == self.dt)
 def _get_testcorrelate_class(datatype, base):
     class TestCorrelateX(base):
         dt = datatype
@@ -593,7 +473,7 @@
     # The numpy data type to use.
     dt = None
     # The decimal precision to be used for comparing results.
     # This value will be passed as the 'decimal' keyword argument of
     # assert_array_almost_equal().
@@ -606,27 +486,27 @@
         b = np.random.randn(8).astype(self.dt)
         b += 1j * np.random.randn(8).astype(self.dt)
-        y_r = (correlate(a.real, b.real, mode=mode, old_behavior=False) +
-               correlate(a.imag, b.imag, mode=mode, old_behavior=False)).astype(self.dt)
-        y_r += 1j * (-correlate(a.real, b.imag, mode=mode, old_behavior=False) +
-                correlate(a.imag, b.real, mode=mode, old_behavior=False))
+        y_r = (correlate(a.real, b.real, mode=mode) +
+               correlate(a.imag, b.imag, mode=mode)).astype(self.dt)
+        y_r += 1j * (-correlate(a.real, b.imag, mode=mode) +
+                correlate(a.imag, b.real, mode=mode))
         return a, b, y_r
     def test_rank1_valid(self):
         a, b, y_r = self._setup_rank1('valid')
-        y = correlate(a, b, 'valid', old_behavior=False)
+        y = correlate(a, b, 'valid')
         assert_array_almost_equal(y, y_r, decimal=self.decimal)
         self.assertTrue(y.dtype == self.dt)
     def test_rank1_same(self):
         a, b, y_r = self._setup_rank1('same')
-        y = correlate(a, b, 'same', old_behavior=False)
+        y = correlate(a, b, 'same')
         assert_array_almost_equal(y, y_r, decimal=self.decimal)
         self.assertTrue(y.dtype == self.dt)
     def test_rank1_full(self):
         a, b, y_r = self._setup_rank1('full')
-        y = correlate(a, b, 'full', old_behavior=False)
+        y = correlate(a, b, 'full')
         assert_array_almost_equal(y, y_r, decimal=self.decimal)
         self.assertTrue(y.dtype == self.dt)
@@ -636,53 +516,15 @@
         b = np.random.randn(8, 6, 4).astype(self.dt)
         b += 1j * np.random.randn(8, 6, 4).astype(self.dt)
-        y_r = (correlate(a.real, b.real, old_behavior=False)
-                + correlate(a.imag, b.imag, old_behavior=False)).astype(self.dt)
-        y_r += 1j * (-correlate(a.real, b.imag, old_behavior=False) +
-                correlate(a.imag, b.real, old_behavior=False))
+        y_r = (correlate(a.real, b.real)
+                + correlate(a.imag, b.imag)).astype(self.dt)
+        y_r += 1j * (-correlate(a.real, b.imag) + correlate(a.imag, b.real))
-        y = correlate(a, b, 'full', old_behavior=False)
+        y = correlate(a, b, 'full')
         assert_array_almost_equal(y, y_r, decimal=self.decimal-1)
         self.assertTrue(y.dtype == self.dt)
-    @dec.deprecated()
-    def test_rank1_valid_old(self):
-        a, b, y_r = self._setup_rank1('valid')
-        y = correlate(b, a.conj(), 'valid')
-        assert_array_almost_equal(y, y_r, decimal=self.decimal)
-        self.assertTrue(y.dtype == self.dt)
-    @dec.deprecated()
-    def test_rank1_same_old(self):
-        a, b, y_r = self._setup_rank1('same')
-        y = correlate(b, a.conj(), 'same')
-        assert_array_almost_equal(y, y_r, decimal=self.decimal)
-        self.assertTrue(y.dtype == self.dt)
-    @dec.deprecated()
-    def test_rank1_full_old(self):
-        a, b, y_r = self._setup_rank1('full')
-        y = correlate(b, a.conj(), 'full')
-        assert_array_almost_equal(y, y_r, decimal=self.decimal)
-        self.assertTrue(y.dtype == self.dt)
-    @dec.deprecated()
-    def test_rank3_old(self):
-        a = np.random.randn(10, 8, 6).astype(self.dt)
-        a += 1j * np.random.randn(10, 8, 6).astype(self.dt)
-        b = np.random.randn(8, 6, 4).astype(self.dt)
-        b += 1j * np.random.randn(8, 6, 4).astype(self.dt)
-        y_r = (correlate(a.real, b.real, old_behavior=False)
-                + correlate(a.imag, b.imag, old_behavior=False)).astype(self.dt)
-        y_r += 1j * (-correlate(a.real, b.imag, old_behavior=False) +
-                correlate(a.imag, b.real, old_behavior=False))
-        y = correlate(b, a.conj(), 'full')
-        assert_array_almost_equal(y, y_r, decimal=self.decimal-1)
-        self.assertTrue(y.dtype == self.dt)
 # Create three classes, one for each complex data type. The actual class
 # name will be TestCorrelateComplex###, where ### is the number of bits.
 for datatype in [np.csingle, np.cdouble, np.clongdouble]:

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