[SciPy-user] build instructions are not available from scipy home page

Travis N. Vaught travis at vaught.net
Thu Aug 9 11:59:13 EDT 2001

Dr. Moritz,

Travis Oliphant is right, the current version of SciPy from CVS will
overwrite ("upgrade") an installed Numeric with Numeric 20.1.1.

We are currently discussing alternative strategies of packaging Numeric with
SciPy while still retaining the Numeric that may be already installed.

We hope to have a solution to the Numeric problem out and updated on the CVS
within the next day or so.

If you'd like to compile fftw on linux, the following commands *should* work
from the fftw directory...
(they haven't really been checked, though)

#These first three lines are necessary to build double-precision libraries

./configure --enable-threads
make install

#Now single precision libraries...

make clean
./configure --enable-threads --enable-float --enable-type-prefix
make install

Travis Vaught

<From Travis Oliphant>

If you want to build the interface to the fftw libraries you need to have
fftw libraries previously installed (or you can change the line in setup.py
to build_fftw=0)

We were having trouble making Numeric a subpackage of scipy so I think the
installation will currently upgrade your copy of Numeric as well.

-Travis Oliphant (the other Travis)
SciPy-user mailing list
SciPy-user at scipy.net

-----Original Message-----
From: scipy-user-admin at scipy.org [mailto:scipy-user-admin at scipy.org]On
Behalf Of Travis Oliphant
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2001 4:44 AM
To: scipy-user at scipy.org
Subject: Re: [SciPy-user] build instructions are not available from
scipy home page

> thanks a lot!
> However.
> this are only the instructions for Windows
> I tried it on linux and got
> stuck first with a problem of find Numerics source code
> which I fixed by copying the source distribution into the same directory
> and making a soft link
> from Numerical to Numeric-xxxxx
> now the required compilations bombed out with  trying to link to the
> libfftw-thread library
> I am also unsure whether any existing NumPy installation will be touched
> or  not.
> Thanks
> Moritz
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