[SciPy-user] Re: scipy

eric jones eric at scipy.org
Fri Aug 24 13:03:24 EDT 2001

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Larry Whitley [mailto:ldwhitley at home.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2001 9:24 PM
> To: Travis N. Vaught
> Subject: Re: scipy
> Thanks, it looks like its working now.  Pretty neat.
> Two questions:  Is there somewhere I can read more about the graphing
> capabilities?  In addition to the scientific graphing I'm looking for
> business graphics; bar charts, stacked bar charts, etc.

Currently, not that I know of plt certainly doesn't, and gplt doesn't really
because gnuplot doesn't handle shading regions.  It does do "box plots"
are kind like bar charts, but there not very good for bar charts.

    >>> from scipy import gplt
    >>> gplt.plot((1,2,3)),'with boxes')

scipy.xplt for Unix might have some bar chart capabilities, but I haven't
checked.  There
are a few other options.  Biggles might do it,

Bar charts will eventually be part of the plt module, but there isn't a time
line for
there inclusion yet.

> Also, have you had any experience with cow among pcs?  If so, do they all
> need to be NTs of one flavor or another, or can W95/98/Me participate too?

cow will work on Windows, it just isn't as easy to work with.  The main
is that the machine_cluster.start() method doesn't work because rsh/ssh
and background processing in DOS shells are not easy to use, and I never
found the
magic incantations to get them all working right with cow.  The best thing
to do
would be to set it up as a service to circumvent this issue.

So to try it out, you have to start up the servers by hand.

Open a DOS Shell 1 and type:

    c:\> python c:\Python21\scipy\cow\sync_cluster.py server 10000

Open another shell and type:

    c:\> python c:\Python21\scipy\cow\sync_cluster.py server 10001

Then start up a python interpreter in a third shell.

ActivePython 2.1, build 210 ActiveState)
based on Python 2.1 (#15, Apr 23 2001, 18:00:35) [MSC 32 bit (Intel)] on
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import scipy.cow
>>> machines = (('eric_laptop',10000),('eric_laptop',10001))
>>> c = scipy.cow.machine_cluster(machines)
>>> c['a'] = 1
>>> c['a']
(1, 1)
>>> c['b'] = 2
>>> c['b']
(2, 2)
>>> import os
>>> c.apply(os.getpid)
(972, 2684)

Substitute your machine name or ip in for eric_laptop.  I just noticed that
'localhost' and '' don't work, so don't use these until the issue


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