[SciPy-user] Building VTK from source

Stefan Mogck s.mogck at phys.rug.nl
Mon Dec 9 10:43:56 EST 2002

Hallo scipy users!

I'd like to install MayaVi under linux. For that I have to install VTK first. 
I have problems to get the Python bindings into VTK. I hope I configured 
cmake correctly to bind tk, tcl and python. After the configuration I started 
make and I got the following error message:

mk39:/home/stefan/pythonsource/VTK # make
cmake.depends is up-to-date
/home/stefan/pythonsource/VTK/Wrapping: building default_target
/usr/bin/cmake -S/home/stefan/pythonsource/VTK/Wrapping 
-O/home/stefan/pythonsource/VTK/Wrapping -H/home/stefan/pythonsource/VTK 
CMake Error: Invalid escape sequence \I
in argument 
make[3]: *** [cmake.depends] Error 255
make[2]: *** [default_target] Error 2
make[1]: *** [default_target_Wrapping] Error 2
make: *** [default_target] Error 2

Has anybody an idea what I have to modify. Probably in FindPythonLibs.cmake?
(I am using python2.2 under linux Suse 7.3)

Thanks, Stefan Mogck

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