[SciPy-user] problem with using scipy.io.mio on Windows

Herb Schilling Herbert.W.Schilling at grc.nasa.gov
Wed Jan 16 10:59:04 EST 2002


  I am using scipy.io.mio to read in binary PLOT3D files. Everything 
works fine when I run my code on an SGI but when I run it under 
Windows 98 I have problems.  ( I am using  Windows native, not-cygwin 
Python 2.1 ).

Here is the basic code I am using

import scipy.io.mio

# open the file
fileHandle = scipy.io.mio.fopen( filePath, 'r' , format = 'b' )

# read in the total number of blocks in this file
numberOfBlocks = fileHandle.fread( 1 , 'l' )

# Read in the size of each block
imaxes = []
jmaxes = []
for iBlock in range( numberOfBlocks ) :
   imax = fileHandle.fread( 1 , 'l' )
   jmax = fileHandle.fread( 1 , 'l' )
   imaxes.append( imax )
   jmaxes.append( jmax )

# Read in the X,Y coordinates of the points in the grids
for iBlock in range( numberOfBlocks ) :
   imax = imaxes[ iBlock ]
   jmax = jmaxes[ iBlock ]

# Note that we do want the transposed form
   xGrid = fileHandle.fread(  ( jmax, imax ) , 'f' , 'f' )
   yGrid = fileHandle.fread(  ( jmax, imax ) , 'f' , 'f' )

The number of blocks, and the size of each block is read in just 
fine. When I start to read the X,Y coordinates things go bad. In the 
case where the file has 5 blocks, I get the following errors and the 
values for the xGrid and yGrid are, as you would expect,  zeros after 
reading in the first xGrid.

numpyio: Warning: 30060 bytes requested, 12 bytes read.
numpyio: Warning: 30060 bytes requested, 0 bytes read.
numpyio: Warning: 11084 bytes requested, 0 bytes read.
numpyio: Warning: 11084 bytes requested, 0 bytes read.
numpyio: Warning: 36816 bytes requested, 0 bytes read.
numpyio: Warning: 36816 bytes requested, 0 bytes read.
numpyio: Warning: 34160 bytes requested, 0 bytes read.
numpyio: Warning: 34160 bytes requested, 0 bytes read.
numpyio: Warning: 34160 bytes requested, 0 bytes read.
numpyio: Warning: 34160 bytes requested, 0 bytes read.

I am using the same code and the same file on both the PC and the SGI 
and I can use "od" to see that there is more data to be read. Even 
fileHandle.size() returns  292604.

Why can't the rest of the bytes be read ? What's different under Windows?

Thanks in advance!

Herb Schilling
NASA Glenn Research Center
Cleveland, OH 44135
Herbert.W.Schilling at grc.nasa.gov

It is not enough to run, one must start in time. - teabag
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