[SciPy-user] Installing onto Python 2.2.1 (windows)

John J. Lee jjl at pobox.com
Mon May 6 11:01:38 EDT 2002

On Mon, 6 May 2002, Francis Burton wrote:
> My problem is that when I run SciPy-0.1.win32-py2.1.exe
> the "Select python installation to use" box is blank.
> Is that because this version was meant to be installed
> with python2.1?

Generally, python extensions (in C, Fortran, or whatever) only work with
the Python version for which they were compiled.  Or at least, they're
only supposed to work for that version (though they do sometimes work
across versions if you're prepared to ignore the warnings).  I guess the
installer is a generic distutils one, so the reason the box is there is
that for pure-Python packages this would be useful.

> I read a message in the archive where someone suggested
> getting 0.2 from CVS. I'm not sure how to do this - it
> all looks rather complicated and I would much prefer to
> run a single Windows executable! :-) Is there a copy of
> SciPy-0.2.win32-py2.2.exe available somewhere?

Will be released soon, apparently.  It's easy to download a CVS version
though, you just follow the generic instructions -- no need to understand
CVS.  Certainly better to use 0.2 ATM, unless you have trouble installing


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