[SciPy-user] scipy.test('fast') failed

Pearu Peterson pearu at cens.ioc.ee
Wed Oct 2 16:17:18 EDT 2002

On Wed, 2 Oct 2002, My VDI Freemail wrote:

> The result of scipy.test(1) is also an infinite loop.

Strange, here scipy.test(1) works fine:

>>> scipy.test(1)
No test suite found for  scipy.__cvs_version__
 creating test suite for: scipy.common
No test suite found for  scipy.helper


Ran 428 tests in 1.243s

<unittest.TextTestRunner instance at 0x93368b4>
>>> scipy.__version__ 

> Any suggestion ?

Once we had the same problem from weave tests. Since then weave has
changed quite a bit and may be you have old weave bits in your system.


1) Try to run scipy module tests separately to find out which module is
causing the infinite loop:

>>> scipy.linalg.test(1)
>>> scipy.stats.test(1)
>>> scipy.weave.test(1)

2) Remove all installed scipy modules and the scipy/build directory,
and rebuild scipy from a clean source tree.


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