[SciPy-user] New to scipy and having problems getting started

Travis Oliphant oliphant at ee.byu.edu
Thu Oct 17 16:17:59 EDT 2002

> I'm running Active Python 2.1.1, wxPython, Numeric 20.2.0, and gnuplot.  All
> were installed some time ago and work fine.  I installed
> SciPy-0.2.0_alpha_144.4373.win32-py2.1.exe with no error messages.  When I
> try to get into scipy and run the test program, however, I get the following
> traceback.  Is there something else I need to do to configure scipy?
> John M.

I'm not sure what version of Numeric, SciPy was built with, but this looks
like SciPy was compiled against a different version of Numeric then you
have installed.   Try installing Numeric 22.0

-Travis O.

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