[SciPy-user] Install issues with lapack

Pearu Peterson pearu at cens.ioc.ee
Sat Oct 19 17:29:54 EDT 2002

On Sat, 19 Oct 2002, Stephen Boulet wrote:

> Hmm, "make lib" makes lapack_LINUX.a and tmglib_LINUX.a but doesn't make 
> blas_LINUX.a. I wonder why not ...

First, blas_LINUX.a nor tmglib_LINUX.a are not required for Scipy.
So, minimal command for building LAPACK would be
  make lapacklib
Second, the answer to your question can be probably found in

I just commited to CVS instructions how to build ATLAS+LAPACK
libraries for SciPy. Do 'cvs update' and see INSTALL.txt.


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