[SciPy-user] import failure using g77

Pearu Peterson pearu at cens.ioc.ee
Sat Oct 19 21:28:04 EDT 2002

On Sat, 19 Oct 2002, Jeffrey B. Layton wrote:

> I'm pretty sure I built everything correctly. Here are the symbols
> in liblapack.a:
> [laytonj at home3 G77]$ nm liblapack.a | grep -i sgetrf
>          U sgetrf_
> sgetrf.o:
>          U atl_f77wrap_sgetrf__


> It appears to be there (I think).

No, it is not there (U means undefined, see 'man nm'). I have

ATLAS-3.4.1/lib/Linux_PII$ nm liblapack.a | grep atl_f77wrap_sgetrf__
         U atl_f77wrap_sgetrf__
00000000 T atl_f77wrap_sgetrf__

atl_f77wrap_sgetrf__ appears in ATL_f77wrap_sgetrf.o


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