[SciPy-user] Compiling Scipy-0.2.0_alpha_105.3699 on Debian Woody

Neilen nmarais at hertz.ee.sun.ac.za
Thu Sep 5 14:11:24 EDT 2002

Hi all.

I'm trying to compile scipy on my Debian Woody box.  I downloaded the
Scipy-0.2.0_alpha_105.3699 tarball, extracted into /usr/local, and read
INSTALL.txt.  Then I downloaded ATLAS 3.4.1, and made the complete
lapack library, as specified in
http://math-atlas.sourceforge.net/errata.html#completelp, using the
/usr/lib/liblapack.a file from the lapack-dev debian package.

I then specified  export BLAS=/usr/lib/sse/atlas/, and export
ATLAS=/usr/local/src/ATLAS/lib/Linux_PIIISSE1/ on the command line,
before executing 

python setup.py build

This chugged away for a while, with some warnings, then

python setup.py install

was executed.  

However, when I then try to test the scipy module, I get

brick at stoomtrein:/disk1/usr/local/src/blas-1.0$ python -i
Python 2.1.3 (#1, Apr 20 2002, 10:14:34) 
[GCC 2.95.4 20011002 (Debian prerelease)] on linux2
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import scipy
/usr/lib/python2.1/site-packages/scipy/linalg/clapack.so: undefined
symbol: clapack_sgesv

scipy.test() does still seem to work, and gives:

Ran 546 tests in 7.547s

<unittest.TextTestRunner instance at 0x8537154>

Is this acceptable?  What am I not getting, and how may I fix it up?

"The only good morning," Stallman growled, "is a dead one." 
	--Richard Stallman, as quoted in http://www.crackmonkey.org/travel.html

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