[SciPy-user] Scipy Testing in an infinite loop

eric jones eric at enthought.com
Tue Sep 17 14:24:58 EDT 2002

Not sure what the issue is.  I did make a change last night to weave
concerning the location of testing.py, but it should cause failures, not
infinite loops do to an import error (I haven't moved the actual file

I remember seeing this a looong time ago.  I think it had something to
do with the test harness.  Seems like it "just started working" after
tinkering though, and I never found the real problem.  I'll spend some
time on that this afternoon and try to chase it down.  Also, weave has
had many changes in the last few days so that could also be of issue.

On testing.py's location.  After further consideration, I think it
should live in its own package as Travis O. suggests.  Pearu is right
that much of the scipy_distutils stuff could be folded back into
distutils and so that package might actually disappear.  I think its
total disappearance is unlikely, but scipy_testing still makes prtty
good sense. 

This is going to touch *a lot* of code.  I will be making the change


> -----Original Message-----
> From: scipy-user-admin at scipy.net [mailto:scipy-user-admin at scipy.net]
> Behalf Of Skip Montanaro
> Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2002 1:07 PM
> To: scipy-user at scipy.net
> Subject: Re: [SciPy-user] Scipy Testing in an infinite loop
>     Travis> SciPy testing currently runs in an infinite loop for me.
>     Travis> sure why.
>     ...
>     Travis> Is this happening to anyone else?
> I've been wondering why the build on the Sun took so looooong.  All
> time I thought it was the slow machine or lack of memory.
> Based on Pearu's response about weave problems, I wonder if something
> checked in hosed things.  (I did change the directory structure so
> multiple users on the same machine can build weave modules.)
> Skip
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