[SciPy-user] scipy.gplt versus IPython.GnuplotRuntime
Eni Mustafaraj
eni at Mathematik.Uni-Marburg.de
Mon Aug 11 13:35:11 EDT 2003
I am interested in dynamically generating plot images for web-pages. I
looked first at Chaco, but its non-interactive functionalities are not
very well documented, and so I turned to scipy.gplt, having previously
worked with gnuplot and Gnuplot.py (from Sourceforge).
I found scipy.gplt very easy to work with, and it is fine to have a
direct output of PNG (exactly what I need), but the whole thing is
rather slow (see the test below).
Afterwards, reading through the Scipy-users archive I found out about
the IPython.GnuplotRuntime, tried it out, and it's great to see that it
handles some of the deficiencies of Gnuplot.py, and is so fast compared
to scipy.gplt.
I just tested the following two examples with "profile" (in the same
Windows box, with Python 2.2.3):
# Example 1
from scipy import gplt
import Numeric
def myPlot_1():
x = Numeric.arange(0,10,.1)
y = Numeric.sin(x)
gplt.plot(x,y, 'with linespoints lt 3 pt 6')
gplt.title('Plotting with gplt')
gplt.output('test_1.png', 'png color')
# Example 2
import Numeric
import IPython.GnuplotRuntime
def myPlot_3():
gp = IPython.GnuplotRuntime.gp
Data = IPython.GunplotRuntime.Data
x = Numeric.arange(0,10,.1)
y = Numeric.sin(x)
gp('set title "Plotting with IPython.GnuplotRuntime"')
gp.plot(Data(x,y,with='linespoints lt 3 pt 6'))
gp.hardcopy('test_3.ps', enhanced=1, color=1)
The results:
>>> profile.run('myPlot_1()')
>>> 306 function calls in 2.507 CPU seconds
>>> profile.run('myPlot_3()')
>>> IE
*** Your version of Gnuplot appears not to have mouse support.
82 function calls in 0.201 CPU seconds
So, I have a couple of questions:
1) Why is scipy.gplt so much slower than IPython.GnuplotRuntime? Well, I
see it is calling a lot more functions, but why should it be this way,
since the result is going to be the same in both examples (except that
one produces a PNG and the other a Postscript, but the slowness persists
even when no output file is requested).
2) How to suppress the gnuplot window for both packages? ( since only
the file ouptut is interesting)
3) Can IPython.GnuplotRuntime also output a PNG file? How?
Thanks for helping, and keep doing the wornderful job!
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