[SciPy-user] ScanMail Message: To Recipient virus found and action taken.

Administrator at scipy.com Administrator at scipy.com
Sun Jan 12 16:35:33 EST 2003

ScanMail for Microsoft Exchange has detected virus-infected attachment(s).

Sender = scipy-user-request at scipy.net
Recipient(s) = scipy-user at scipy.net
Subject = SciPy-user digest, Vol 1 #288 - 1 msg
Scanning Time = 01/12/2003 22:35:31
Engine/Pattern = 6.510-1002/437

Action on virus found:
The message body contains WORM_SOBIG.A virus. ScanMail has deleted the message body.

Advarsen til mottaker. ScanMail har funnet et virus.

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