[SciPy-user] atlas troubles during install (yes I know, I am not the first one)

Kasper Souren Kasper.Souren at ircam.fr
Fri Jan 17 07:59:03 EST 2003

On Thursday 16 January 2003 20:08, Pearu Peterson wrote:
> How did you specify the location of atlas libraries?


I used site.cfg. I also tried the ATLAS variable, but obviously I didn't 
specify the right directory.

> Currently I can think of only one situation where the above behaviour
> could be possible: if the location of atlas libraries was specified
> using relative path. If this was so in your case, then try using absolute
> path in ATLAS environment variable.
> In case you didn't use ATLAS environment variable, then try
>  ATLAS=/u/formes/share/lib/i686-Linux-2.4.9-13/atlas python setup.py build

And this works!

Here was the relevant part of site.cfg:

library_dirs = /u/formes/share/lib/i686-Linux-2.4.9-13/:/usr/lib
include_dirs = /u/formes/share/include/:/usr/include

library_dirs = /u/formes/share/lib/i686-Linux-2.4.9-13/atlas/
include_dirs = /u/formes/share/include/ATLAS/

I had also tried several variations, but without success.

After the compilation succeeded I still got the 'no fastumath error', which 
was fixed by running setup_scipy_base.py.

Thank you very much!
Kasper Souren
PhD student, IRCAM Analysis/Synthesis team
email: Kasper.Souren at ircam.fr | phone: +33-1-4478 4875 | Fax: +33-1-4478 1540

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