[SciPy-user] dynamic and interactive 2D ?

baecker at physik.tu-dresden.de baecker at physik.tu-dresden.de
Sun Jan 19 04:58:50 EST 2003


I am wondering if there is a package which allows
for dynamic representation of data + mouse events ?
  For example I would like to plot
  iterates of an initial point for a 2 dimensional map until
  the user selects via mouse a new initial point.
  This may lead to several thousands of points to be plotted
  dynamically in a graphics window. (Storing them is not necessary.)
  Would you recommend direct coding with a tkinter canvas?

Any pointers are welcome!!

((Background Info: we are presently considering
to use Python+Numeric+scipy together with some good graphics
add-on for a course on computational physics next summer term.
One crucial aspect for the choice of programming language/system
is dynamic display of data + interactive aspects via mouse ...
Currently PVWave comes closest to this, but I really
don't like the language (+cost) and I'd rather
very much prefer python ..))

Many thanks,


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