[SciPy-user] gplt font question

Christopher Fonnesbeck chris at fonnesbeck.org
Mon Jul 7 11:47:55 EDT 2003

How do you make such a change from scipy? I would like to avoid having 
to open gnuplot to fine-tune the plots.

Thanks for your help,

On Monday, July 7, 2003, at 01:00 PM, scipy-user-request at scipy.net 

> Hi,
> within gnuplot you can for example use something like
> gnuplot> set term post enh port "Times-Roman" 20
> Terminal type set to 'postscript'
> Options are 'portrait enhanced monochrome blacktext \
>    dashed dashlength 1.0 linewidth 1.0 defaultplex \
>    "Times-Roman" 20'
> If this is not enough information please let me know
> and I will cook up a small example tomorrow.
> Arnd
Christopher J. Fonnesbeck (chris at fonnesbeck dot org)
GA Coop. Fish & Wildlife Research Unit, University of Georgia

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