[SciPy-user] Matrix Arithmetic

Colin J. Williams cjw at sympatico.ca
Fri Jul 18 09:53:57 EDT 2003

Travis Oliphant wrote:

> Numeric has a very nice matrix object called Matrix.  This is why 
> Zhu's MatPy has received little attention from SciPy.
> I'm not sure if Numarray has this Matrix object or not, but I think it 
> should.
> Travis O.

Many thanks, I hadn't spotted this.  It is just what I had in mind for 
my example. 
I will abandon my endeavours with the example.

There is a bit more to Matrix.py than the Numpy.pdf let's on.

    The Matrix.py python module defines a class Matrix which is a
    subclass of UserArray. The only differences
    between Matrix instances and UserArray instances is that the *
    operator on Matrix performs a
    matrix multiplication, as opposed to element-wise multiplication,
    and that the power operator ** is disallowed
    for Matrix instances.

numarray appears to rely on array functions to perform matrix 
functions.  There is
no equivalent of Matrix.py in Numeric.

A rewrite for numarray might use the class property to provide for 
transpose, inverse etc.

Similarly, Matrix might become a sub-class of NumArray.

I would be glad to help with the transfer of Matrix to numarray.  Please 
let be know.

Colin W.

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