[SciPy-user] config.h:1: error: parse error before '<<' tokenerror

Pearu Peterson pearu at scipy.org
Wed Oct 1 04:16:12 EDT 2003

On Wed, 1 Oct 2003, Nils Wagner wrote:

> Just another question. What is the meaning of
> ? scipy/_ft.cpp
> ? scipy/_kiva.cpp
> ? scipy/Lib/linalg/build
> ? scipy/Lib/linalg/cblas.pyf
> ? scipy/Lib/linalg/clapack.pyf
> ? scipy/Lib/linalg/fblas.pyf
> ? scipy/Lib/linalg/flapack.pyf
> ? scipy/Lib/xplt/pygist/Make.cfg
> ? scipy/scipy_core/scipy_base/mconf_lite.h
> ? scipy/scipy_core/scipy_base/mconf_lite.h
> Is it necessary to remove these files ?

No. But they all illustrate a bad habit to generate files under CVS tree. 
While *.pyf,*.cpp files are platform/compiler independent then other files 
are not. These other files must be removed whenever you switch a compiler 
or a platform but using the same CVS tree. Actually, also *.pyf files 
depend on the ATLAS version and may cause problems when switching ATLAS 
`?` indicates that those files are unknown to the CVS repository and this 
is a good thing.


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