[SciPy-user] How do I install SciPy with windows Python 2.3

CL WU anewgene at hotpop.com
Fri Oct 10 17:09:30 EDT 2003

Hi, group,
        I am new to scipy.  I installed python 2.3 enthought 
distribution on my win2k, but I have some problems to make it work:

1.    scipy.test() failed on my machine with 2 errors. The error msg 
(truncated) is attached as scipy_testerr.txt.

2.    I install scipy for trying its weave, but weave.test() failed with 
even more errors (29). They are all the same exception for different 
function. I attached a typical err msg in weave_testerr.txt.
      Some notes about my system:
           a.  I installed enthought distribution over my original 
python 2.3 from python.org.
           b.  I have visual studio .net  v7.0 on my computer and I 
already put "C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~1.NET\Vc7\bin" (where "vcvars32.bat" 
locates)  into my "PATH".

3.    scipy.plt doesn't work and it always crashes python or hangs the 
whole system up with an "memory could not be read" error , although I 
"import gui_thread" before "from scipy.plt import *" already.

Would you point me out how to solve these problems? I hope those 
problems are obvious to you.




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