[SciPy-user] Matlab to scipy

Nils Wagner wagner.nils at vdi.de
Fri Oct 24 11:13:53 EDT 2003

On Fri, 24 Oct 2003, Nils Wagner wrote: 
> [y,i] = max(X) stores the indices of the maximum values in  
> vector i. If there are several identical maximum values, the  
> index of the first one found is returned.  
> So   
> y = MLab.max(abs(A[k:n,k:n]))  
> But, how can I evaluate i in scipy ?  
Try i?amax functions from linalg.fblas, For example, 
>>> A 
array([[ 3.,  4.,  1.], 
       [ 1.,  2.,  3.], 
       [-2., -1.,  0.]]) 
>>> i=map(linalg.fblas.idamax,transpose(A)) 
>>> y=map(lambda a,j:a[j],transpose(A),i) 
>>> y,i 
([3.0, 4.0, 3.0], [0, 0, 1]) 
while in Matlab: 
>> [y,i]=max(A)   
y = 
     3     4     3 
i = 
     1     1     2 
I have still some problems with the conversion. 
Maybe this is due to different indexing. 
I have enclosed the program. Hopefully someone 
will find the bug. 
Afaik, only partial pivoting is available in the 
current version of scipy. Might it be an idea 
to add complete pivoting ? 
Thank you again. 
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