[SciPy-user] weave build errors

Pearu Peterson pearu at scipy.org
Wed Oct 29 03:11:33 EST 2003

On Tue, 28 Oct 2003, Christopher Fonnesbeck wrote:

> Running weave.test() results in the output below, where it seems to  
> have trouble finding most of the tests. 

This is because they haven't been implemented yet and the messages 
are meant as a reminder to developers.

> This is why I thought the  
> warning about not finding __init__.py in tests was important. I have  
> installed scipy_distutils, scipy_test and scipy_base; scipy_core and  
> the full scipy cause problems, seemingly related to gcc3.4, as  
> unrecognized symbols pop up.

No, relation to gcc3.4 is irrelevant here. Additional comments follow 

>  >>> weave.test()

Note that weave.test has also level and verbosity arguments. You
might try also weave.test(level=10,verbosity=2) that includes all
available weave tests to be run. The same applies to scipy and scipy_base 
(Btw, weave test test_scxx_object.test_object_print.check_failure causes a 
segfault, just you know that we know it ;)

>    Found 2 tests for weave.blitz_tools

weave.test found 2 level=1 tests for weave.blitz_tools.

>     !! No test file 'test_vtk_spec.py' found for <module  
> 'weave.vtk_spec' from '...te-packages/weave/vtk_spec.pyc'>

The test file tests/test_vtk_spec.py is not implemented.

>    Found 0 tests for weave.c_spec

No level=1 tests were found for weave.c_spec. However, there are higher 
level tests for this module.

>     !! FAILURE importing tests for  <module 'weave.wx_spec' from  
> '...ite-packages/weave/wx_spec.pyc'>
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.3/lib/python2.3/ 
> site-packages/weave/tests/test_wx_spec.py:17: ImportError: No module  
> named wxPython (in ?)

Module weave.wx_spec tests assume that wxPython is installed which is
obviously not the case in your system. You can ignore this failure.


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