[SciPy-user] random number
Razafindrakoto Jean Claude
JeanClaude.Razafindrakoto at axa-cessions.com
Tue Jun 29 06:10:21 EDT 2004
When running the example, I didn't get any errors. I'm running Pythonwin
with Python 2.3.2 and scipy 0.3
>>> from scipy.stats.rand import *
>>> x=uniform(0,1e38)[0]
>>> x
>>> uniform(0,1e38)[0]
But if you change the seed, e.g
>>> uniform(0,1e38)[1]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<interactive input>", line 1, in ?
IndexError: index out of bounds
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|-----Message d'origine-----
|De : Steve Schmerler [mailto:elcorto at gmx.net]
|Envoyé : mardi 29 juin 2004 11:50
|À : SciPy Users List
|Objet : Re: RE : [SciPy-user] random number
|> Don't see the point !!
|> Tried the code below, don't get errors !!
|Code below ?
|What I ment:
| from scipy.stats.rand import *
| uniform(0,1e38)[0]
|gives a float rn (e.g. 5.9437827355745297e+037) but
| uniform(0,1e38)[0]
| 1.#INF
|(on win32, PythonWin, Python 2.3.4, scipy 0.3x). It seems that 'uniform'
|can't handle maximum values beyond 1e38.
|> ______________________________________________________________
|> Re-ARMS
|> Reinsurance - Actuarial and Risk Management Services
|> 109 rue La Boétie
|> 75008 Paris
|> Tel. : +33 1 56 43 78 54
|> Fax. : +33 1 56 43 78 70
|> E-mail : jeanclaude.razafindrakoto at axa-cessions.com
|> _______________________________________________________________
|> |-----Message d'origine-----
|> |De : Steve Schmerler [mailto:elcorto at gmx.net]
|> |Envoyé : mardi 29 juin 2004 00:47
|> |À : SciPy Users List
|> |Objet : [SciPy-user] random number
|> |
|> |Hi
|> |
|> |I'm looking for a random number generator wich generates (uniformly
|> |distributed) rn's from 0 to 1e200.
|> |
|> | scipy.stats.rand.uniform(0,1e38)[0]
|> |
|> |gives a rn, but
|> |
|> | scipy.stats.rand.uniform(0,1e38)[0]
|> |
|> |gives
|> |
|> | 1.#INF
|> |
|> |!?
|> |
|> |Any hint is much appreciated. Thanx!
|> |
|> |bye
|> |
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