[SciPy-user] MatPy or SciPy

Gary Ruben gazzar at email.com
Wed Nov 17 19:50:39 EST 2004

Hi Jaap,
It really depends on what you're doing with Matlab.
It also sounds like the new wiki page is your best starting point:
My suggested starting point would be to just install and read the documentation of both the Numeric and numarray packages. I'd start with Numeric but, as you learn more, you may find that numarray is a better fit for your applications. It would be better to get familiar with what you can do with Numeric first since it's higher quality documentation will get you familiar with Python quicker than struggling with working out SciPy. It sounds like you're mainly dealing with matrices and you may find all the functionality is already available in Numeric.
Scipy extends this basic functionality enormously, but it goes beyond just dealing with matrices. Definitely have a browse through the SciPy documentation, but it might be better to do this after having browsed the Numeric documentation.
Also, have a look at the other packages mentioned in the "Science---basic tools" section of the wiki page.
I'd also suggest looking at the matlab interface to the matplotlib package, which may provide you with some familiar-looking functionality:

Gary R.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Leguijt, Jaap J SIEP-EPT-RES" <Jaap.Leguijt at shell.com>
To: scipy-user at scipy.net
Subject: [SciPy-user] MatPy or SciPy
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2004 23:33:09 +0100

> Hello,
> Recently I started looking at python. As a Matlab user I wondered whether python is a good or better alternative to Matlab as a prototyping tool. On of the things I like about python is the fact that it is open and it has a very nice object model. I found a package called "MatPy" that seems to cover, in python, the functionality of Matlab. I tried to install MatPy and that was not easy. It needed additional packages and the most difficult to get properly installed was cephes. After some time I managed to install MatPy but then I found out that it failed many of its standard tests. The BioSimGrid organisation has a nice reference manual that list the packages needed to install MatPy. In this manual I found a reference to SciPy and to me it seems to offer more functionality than MatPy. I don't have a full overview yet of the functionality offered by the various packages but is it correct to assume that SciPy covers the functionality of Matpy. If this is true, I can give up my struggle with Matpy, which seems to be an inactive project anyhow.
> Regards,
> Jaap Leguijt
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