[SciPy-user] RPM building trouble

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in
Tue Oct 5 13:52:21 EDT 2004

>>>>> "MR" == Michael Reimpell <M.Reimpell at tu-bs.de> writes:

    MR> from scipy import plt import gui_thread gui_thread.start()
    MR> plt.plot((1,2,3))

    >> Could you please restart Python and try the same commands once
    >> again (immediately after it fails).  It should work then.  If
    >> it does not, please let the list know.  Thanks.

    MR> It does not work even when I restart Python and try
    MR> again. Also, if I don't restart Python and try again, python
    MR> segfaults.
    MR> My problem seems to be related to the LANG shell variable:

I am not sure what we can do to fix the problem in this case.  I don't
really understand why changing the LANG environment should affect the
functioning of Python.  So if someone has a suggestion please let the
list know.


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