[SciPy-user] vectorize in scipy 0.3.2?

Francesc Alted falted at pytables.org
Thu Oct 21 07:45:33 EDT 2004

A Dijous 21 Octubre 2004 13:35, Nils Wagner va escriure:
> >>>>vec_addsubstract = vectorize(addsubtract)
> >>>>vec_addsubtract([0,3,6,9],[1,3,5,7])
> >>>>        
> >>>>
>                                ^^^^^^^^^^^
>                               s is missing

Oh, my bad!. Although strictly speaking this was indirectly caused by a
combination of a small glitch in Travis' SciPy tutorial (in page 5) and my
laziness that made me use and abuse the cut&paste ;)


Francesc Alted

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