[SciPy-user] matplotlib slow, biggles problem as well

David Grant david.grant at telus.net
Wed Sep 1 20:39:13 EDT 2004

I'm asking here because the biggles mailing are never busy and I know 
some peopel here use biggles.

I'm trying to get the latest biggles for Python 2.3 wto work on my 
Windows machine.  I downloaded the 3 requried *.dll's.  Where do I put 
them?  I tried c:\WINNT\system32, and I tried d:\python23\ and I tried 
d:\python23\DLLS but nothing works.  Please help anyone if you can, I'd 
like to get this working ASAP.

By the way, my problem is that I was using matplotlib, but when trying 
to plot a 300 point array, it chokes up.  I could downsample it, but why 
should I have to?  Mathematica doesn't have problems plotting arrays 
like this.  matpoltlib doesn't crash necessarily, just goes exremely 
slow.  I was using plot(V,'ro').  Maybe I need to configure some 
options?  Or maybe it's just an inherent problem with tk or gtk or 
whatever.  Is there another plotting program I could try which would 
work for sure?

David J. Grant

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