[SciPy-user] Performance Python with Weave article updated

Francesc Alted falted at pytables.org
Thu Sep 23 03:20:17 EDT 2004

A Dimecres 22 Setembre 2004 19:48, Prabhu Ramachandran va escriure:
> This is not to take anything away from Pyrex.  I'm excited about it
> too.  Its just that there are certain areas where weave really fits
> well.

<caution mode>
I see. Well, in any case it's good to see many alternatives for creating
fast code that works well with Python and C libraries. For me (and maybe for
many programmers, specially people that just want to access the data and
metadata of Numeric/numarray objects), Pyrex is just great. But I recognize
that weave/SWIG and others have its own string points. 

[I've made extensions using only Pyrex, so my opinion is most probably quite
biased here]
</caution mode>

By the way, you can do with the code I've sent whatever you want, even
including it in a publicly accessible tar ball :)


Francesc Alted

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