[SciPy-user] Least Squares error message.
steve schmerler
elcorto at gmx.net
Tue Apr 5 11:25:15 EDT 2005
What do you mean? It is rather a status message telling you why
termination occured.
If I try Travis's example I also get
In [10]: reload mytest
-------> reload(mytest)
(array([-10.33422249, 32.88295995, 3.7880052 ]), 'Both actual and
predicted relative reductions in the sum of squares\n are at most
My default values are:
leastsq(func, x0, args=(), Dfun=None, full_output=0, col_deriv=0,
ftol=1.49012e-008, xtol=1.49012e-008, gtol=0.0, maxfev=0, epsfcn=0.0,
factor=100, diag=None)
The 0.0000 is in fact 'ftol' = 1.49012e-008 (in my opinion).
Andrea Riciputi wrote:
> I see, but what I can't understand is the meaning of the error message.
> By the way, if I try the example given at page 16 of "SciPy Tutorial"
> (by Travis), I get the same error message.
> Any other hint?
> TIA,
> Andrea.
> On 5 Apr 2005, at 15:58, steve schmerler wrote:
>> Hi
>> Well it looks as if the algorithm met one of its termination criterias
>> ('ftol', at least mpfit (see earlier posts for mpfit) gives exactly
>> the same message).
>> Maybe you should post your code part which calls leastsq.
>> Cheers,
>> Steve
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