[SciPy-user] PSP python (was crashing python)

Victor Reijs genietdev0 at iol.ie
Sun Jul 31 17:46:03 EDT 2005

Hello Robert,

Robert Kern wrote:
> Numeric is a bit more complicated than other packages. For reasons that 
> I don't care to explain right now, instead of appending to sys.path, put 
> the following lines into
> C:\Program Files\...\Python Libraries\lib\sitecustomize.py

This file was not present, thus I made the sitecustomize.py file in this 
directory: "C:\Program Files\Jasc Software Inc\Paint Shop Pro 8\Python 
with the below content:

import site

This is my script in PSP8:
x0 = [1.3, 0.7, 0.8, 1.9, 1.2]
import sys
print sys.path
print x0
from scipy import *
print x0
from scipy.optimize import fmin
print x0

The error message I get is now:
"Executing RunScript
['', 'C:\\Program Files\\Jasc Software Inc\\Paint Shop Pro 8\\Python 
Libraries', 'C:\\Program Files\\Jasc Software Inc\\Paint Shop Pro 
8\\Python Libraries\\DLLs', 'C:\\Program Files\\Jasc Software Inc\\Paint 
Shop Pro 8\\Python Libraries\\lib', 'C:\\Program Files\\Jasc Software 
Inc\\Paint Shop Pro 8\\Python Libraries\\lib\\plat-win', 'C:\\Program 
Files\\Jasc Software Inc\\Paint Shop Pro 8\\Python 
Libraries\\lib\\lib-tk', '']
[1.3, 0.69999999999999996, 0.80000000000000004, 1.8999999999999999, 1.2]
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "C:\Documents and Settings\vreijs\My Documents\My PSP8 
Files\Scripts-Trusted\pickcolorb.PspScript", line 19, in ?
     from scipy import *
ImportError: No module named scipy"

All the best,


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