[SciPy-user] Release of SciPy Core 0.4 (Beta)

Darren Dale dd55 at cornell.edu
Tue Oct 4 10:30:29 EDT 2005

I had trouble compiling the release candidate, it was not locating my external 
LAPACK, BLAS and ATLAS libraries. It turned out that site.cfg and 
sample_site.cfg are not present in the distutils directory of the release 
candidate. I copied site.cfg over from my SciPy-0.3.2 build and then 
compilation was successful. It might be useful to note in the README.


On Tuesday 04 October 2005 8:13 am, Robert Kern wrote:
> Steven H. Rogers wrote:
> > Ucommenting the blas_info=0 line allowed scipy_core to build and
> > install. "import scipy" and "from scipy import *" seem to work, but
> > scipy_core function names are not recognized.
> Could you show some code that fails and the error that results? Are you
> sure that you don't have an older version of scipy installed?
> > Also, README is an empty file.  Is this expected?
> Yes, we haven't gotten around to writing one, yet.

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