[SciPy-user] installation on fedora core 4

Ryan Krauss ryanlists at gmail.com
Mon Oct 10 12:09:17 EDT 2005

Do I need to speficy a version of gcc other than 4.0?  Can I pass an
option like that to python setup.py install?

Has anyone out there built scipy from source with gcc 4.0?


On 10/10/05, Bill Dandreta <wjdandreta at att.net> wrote:
>  Ryan Krauss wrote:
>  I have recently installed fedora core 4. What is the easiest way to
> get scipy installed for python 2.4? I ran fedora core 3 for a while
> and had to go through a bit of pain to get scipy installed (building
> ATLAS from source and other things). Is there an easier way to get a
> fairly recent version? Can I add a repo to yum?
>  Don't be afraid to compile from source. blas and atlas take a long time
> especially on a slow machine, just let them run overnight.
>  I use Gentoo, not FC4 but this is what I installed for scipy.
>  gnuplot gnuplot-py
>  numeric fftw wxGTK wxpython
>  blas-atlas
>  lapack-atlas
>  atlas
>  scipy
>  matplotlib
>  I don't know if the exact order is important.
>  I had to 'turn off' LDFLAGS to get scipy to compile.
>  I had scipy 0.3.2 installed with Python 2.3.5. Gentoo just upgraded Python
> to 2.4.1. After the upgrade, I ran the python updater and it recompiled all
> my Python packages, including scipy. I've only used it once since then but
> it worked OK.
>  If you want to create binary packages (rpm,debian or slackware),
> checkinstall is a handy little program that monitors the
>  make install
>  process and creates a binary for you. Really great for uninstalling.
>  Bill
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