[SciPy-user] install location of the newcore header files

Travis Oliphant oliphant at ee.byu.edu
Mon Oct 10 17:35:12 EDT 2005

Robert Kern wrote:

>Gerard Vermeulen wrote:
>>I finally discovered where the header files get installed when reading CAPI.txt;
>>on the scip-dev list it is argued that the Python include directory is not a
>>standard place for headers.
>No one is arguing that it's not standard. I'm arguing that it's a *bad*
>place because frequently people can't install to it.
>>I understand that some people cannot write to the Python include directory,
>>but distutils can take care of that in principle, see
>Yes, that solves installing the headers to a new location. But people
>then have to modify every setup.py script for modules that use scipy
>headers to point to the new location.

So, why not have the get_headers_dir() function in scipy.distutils, but 
just install to the "standard" place by default and only install to the 
non-standard place if needed.   This seems like it would make everybody 


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