[SciPy-user] begging for binaries

Mathew Yeates myeates at jpl.nasa.gov
Wed Oct 12 20:06:34 EDT 2005

okay, I finally got everything installed. I think.

Now when I run scipy.test() I get a whole bunch of output followed by 
python crashing
Here are the 2 lines before the crash
(scipy.linalg.decomp.test_decomp.test_svdvals) ...
check_basic (scipy.io.array_import.test_array_import.test_numpyio) ...


Travis Oliphant wrote:

>Mathew Yeates wrote:
>>Would it be possible to post binaries for Windows using Python2.4??
>If you are talking about full scipy, then I think you've caught most 
>developers at a time when all energy is being spent porting full scipy 
>to newcore.  There will be binaries available when that is done.   In 
>the mean time,  perhaps you will get help if you describe what is not 
>going smoothly.
>I know there were/are issues with Python2.4 and distutils that create 
>some problems.
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